Basic format of the report
RIKEN Environmental Report 2009 consists of the full WEB version and a summary leaflet version
[Compliance to guideline]
The report is, in principle, created in compliance with the ‘Environmental Report Guideline, 2007’ published by the Ministry of the Environment in June 2007, under the “Law Concerning the Promotion of Business Activities with Environmental Consideration by Specified Corporations, etc, by Facilitating Access to Environmental Information, and Other Measures”.
[Period covered]
FY 2008 (1st April 2008 – 31st March 2009)
[Publication date]
September 2009
All the RIKEN institutes including local facilities are covered. The environment-related data, which vary by institute, were analyzed based on the information that was available.
[Further details on compilation]
- The report also aims to encourage RIKEN, as an organization, to recognize its own environmental impact, promote environmental measures and raise the awareness of its staff regarding the environment.
- The report also includes information regarding RIKEN, the only comprehensive research organization in the field of natural science in Japan, on its research activities and results relating to environmental measures. It is hoped that the readers of this report might deepen their understanding of science and technology.
- The same report format is intended to be used in future versions. The data of fiscal years prior to FY 2008 may not be complete, but we strove to be as accurate as possible.
Enquiries about the Environmental Report
Please send us any enquiries and comments you may have about the RIKEN Environmental Report to:
- General Affairs Division, General Affairs Section RIKEN
2-1, Hirosawa, Wako-city, Saitama-ken, 351-0198
Request to complete questionnaire on Environmental Report 2009
We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to answer our questionnaire on our Environmental Report 2009. Your valuable comments will be reflected in our future report. Please download the questionnaire (Word format), fill it and send it back by email, fax or post. Thank you.
Questionnaire on Environmental Report 2009 (Word format, 56 KB)