What we have achieved

Management of chemicals

For the safety of our staff as well as for the local citizens, RIKEN is committed to the proper management of chemical substances essential for research.

Chemical substances are properly managed at RIKEN facilities.

Chemical substances used for research are controlled by laws and regulations, according to their characteristics, toxicity and hazardousness. Proper use and management is practiced through rigorous documentation and training. Consideration is given to the environment, as chemicals are kept in specialized storage facilities which prevent leakage and splash, with special attention given to volatile substances that are kept in the storage facilities adjacent to disposal facilities. Wako Institute has developed and introduced its own Chemical Substance Manage and Search System that manages the flow of substances, such as test reagents, from purchase to disposal in an integrated way. Other RIKEN institutes and laboratories will follow suit with great attention given to efficient management of chemical substances.

Under PRTR regulations, we continue to identify, manage and improve the handling of chemicals.

Wako Institute is the only facility in RIKEN that deals with an amount of chemical substance needing be reported under PRTR regulations. In FY 2008, acetonitrile, chloroform and methylene chloride were reported. Other RIKEN locations manage chemical substances properly according to the regulations and guidelines set out by the local governments and continue to improve in-house control methods.

Substances under PRTR (Wako)
FY Chemical substance Released(kg) Transferred(kg)
Airborne Sewage To external sites
2004 Chloroform 45 0.3 2,600
Methylene chloride 120 0.3 1,700
2005 Chloroform 99 0.2 2,000
Methylene chloride 130 0.2 1,500
2006 Chloroform 83.7 0.1 1,659
2007 Acetonitrile 45 0 940
Chloroform 74 0.5 910
Methylene chloride 11 0.2 690
2008 Acetonitrile 48 0 1,500
Chloroform 190 0.4 2,700
Methylene chloride 71 0.2 1,900