Environment management system

RIKEN continues to improve its environmental management practices.

PDCA Cycle/3R

RIKEN is committed to improving its environment management system using the PDCA Cycle. The Environment Committee (previously a part of the Integrated Safety Committee) sets out yearly priorities and objectives (Plan). These are applied in each facility and office through initiatives such as the development of green technology, reduction of waste and emissions including CO2, green purchasing and promotion of eco-awareness (Do). These initiatives are then assessed by the Environment Committee (Check), and results this assessment, where necessary, result in corrective measures reflected in the following year’s priorities (Act).
 Recently we have also been promoting 3R(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)activities with the objective of conserving resources and reducing waste. In particular, in the restructuring of laboratories, great efforts have been invested toward reusing waste items such as unneeded lab equipment and discarded reagents.

<Examples of 3R>

Copier paper (printing on both sides), paper-less initiative
Lab equipment, discarded reagents
Green purchasing, installation of water recycling system