RIKEN’s Environmental policy


‘Understand and respect the world of nature’

At RIKEN, the foremost natural science research institution in Japan, our objective is to return to society the fruits of our research to the greatest extent possible.
 Through our research to understand the workings of nature, we shall help create a civilization that is sustainable into the future, harboring a deep respect for the natural world and striving to preserve the environment of our beautiful planet, the Earth.

〔Action guidelines for Environmental Conservation〕

We consider the environment to be of upmost importance in the daily management of our activities at RIKEN. To carry out our environmental policies, we will engage in environmental conservation voluntarily and on a continual basis through the heightened awareness of all employees and with the cooperation of colleagues engaged in scientific research.

  • We will actively engage in research efforts to reduce the burden on the environment and contribute to solving environmental problems, and work to achieve advanced research results befitting of a comprehensive research institution in the natural sciences.
  • We will actively engage in promoting eco-friendly actions, such as efficient use of energy, appropriate management of chemical substances, and reduction of waste.
  • We will actively publicize our research on projects which contribute to the reduction of the environmental burden and offer solutions to environmental problems, and we will engage in dialogue with the general public on environmental issues.
  • For RIKEN to take a unified approach to reduce our environmental impact, and to devise effective policies for this purpose, we will make environmental education available to our employees and others.