Waste reduction
Waste is sorted and disposed of properly
while recycling is encouraged at all levels.
■ General/industrial waste

General waste is disposed of following the local regulations.
As a general rule, general waste is sorted by category and disposed of according to the local government regulation wherever we operate. Where there is no waste separation system run by a local authority, we have begun to employ outsourced disposal specialists. All RIKEN campuses are putting maximum effort into recycling to conform to local circumstances, and in some areas they are cooperating with the local authority’s recycling scheme.
■ Laboratory waste

A wide variety of laboratory waste is disposed of by specialists.
Research activities produce a wide variety of waste. This is sorted according to categories such as toxicity and hazardousness, and handled by specialists licensed by the local governments.
■ Radioactive waste disposed

Strict guidelines are followed for the storage of radioactive waste.
Radioactive waste generated through research is sorted according to its type, and kept in hermetically-sealed containers such as metal vessels. While in storage, the containers are checked for damage and degradation while radiation contamination is constantly measured, making sure there is no contamination. The containers are then handled by specialists licensed by the state for safe disposal.
Waste containing PCB is stored appropriately following legal requirements.

Specially built storage for waste containing PCB
Waste containing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) is kept according to the Act on Special Measures concerning Promotion of the Proper Treatment of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Waste and the storage data are reported to the national register via local governments. It is kept in specially built containers with strict preventive measures for accidents, such as leakage and splash.