RIKEN organizes lectures for the general
public in order to communicate its research results.

Lectures and talks by top experts in the medical establishment
RIKEN organizes annual ‘Science Lectures’ in order to explain and share its research findings with the general public.
The FY 2008 lecture, entitled ‘Human Society and Science – Scientific Investigation into Health’, was held at the Marunouchi Building in Tokyo. Three RIKEN researchers, including Dr.Yoshimi Benno, head of Microbe Division of RIKEN BioResource Center, and guest speaker Dr. Masato Kasuga, head of the International Medical Center of Japan, gave talks on cutting-edge research results in the medical world. Included in discussions at the lecture were the latest insights into obesity, an increasingly-common condition in Japan which can lead to diabetes and metabolic syndrome. An audience of nearly five hundred members of the general public attended the lectures and listened to the speakers with keen interest.
For those who could not make it to the lectures, videos are being made available from RIKEN’s website in line with RIKEN’s commitment to disseminate research results to the widest possible audience.