What we have achieved

Maintaining air quality

RIKEN is committed to maintaining air
quality through regular monitoring of pollutants emitted from our facilities.

RIKEN is striving to reduce the volume of emission,
not just the concentration of pollutants.

RIKEN manages and controls airborne pollutants according to the national and local government requirements. By measuring the level of emissions, such as smoke and NOx concentration, and controlling the operation of pollutant emitters, RIKEN strives to reduce air pollution. At Wako Institute, NOx emitted from the gas turbine is continuously monitored and annual comprehensive monitoring is conducted. Boiler emissions are measured twice a year, in March and July, and equipment is operated taking these measurements into account.

FY 2008 Air pollutant concentration (Measurement results, Wako site)
FY 2008 Air pollutant concentration
Note) Both Smoke and NOx concentrations measured at oxygen concentration of 5%.