Drug Discovery Structural Biology
Platform UnitPreparation, Interaction analysis,
and Structural Analysis of Target Proteins

Structural analysis for rational exploration and optimization of drug candidates

As part of the activities of the RIKEN Program for Drug Discovery and Medical Technology (DMP), our unit prepares protein samples for various purposes and performs interaction analysis of drug candidates with their target proteins using physicochemical methods along with structural analysis of their complexes to optimize antibody drug candidates and small molecules. Our activities as experts of protein science and structural biology are indispensable for rational drug development promoted by DMP.

  • Preparation of recombinant proteins such as antigens and chimeric antibodies
  • Preparation of target proteins to evaluate candidate compounds and their structural analysis
  • Interaction analysis by physicochemical methods for optimization of candidate compounds
  • Structural analysis of complexes for rational drug development

Click on the following image to enlarge

Drug discovery protein analysis flow diagram 1

Click on the following image to enlarge

Drug discovery protein analysis flow diagram 2

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