Drug Discovery Chemical Bank UnitScreening of Natural Compounds
Supporting Lead Drug Compound Screening by the Natural Product-based Chemical
In drug discovery research, a chemical library is an indispensable tool to provide research
materials to analyze their effects on the regulation of cellular functions. Drug Discovery
Chemical Bank Unit takes over the role of a chemical bank in the RIKEN program for Drug
Discovery and Medical Technology Platforms (DMP). We store compounds synthesized or purchased
during exploration and structure optimization of drugs and supply them for validation of
biological activity, toxicity, or safety. Moreover, we are enriching the chemical library by
cooperating with research groups of the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Sciences.
Information on our chemical library can be found in the online chemical compound database “NPEdia”
(http://www.cbrg.riken.jp/npedia/?LANG=en) accessible by everybody.
Through these technical platforms, we support the identification of novel lead compounds and
optimization of chemical structures to promote drug discovery research. We also provide
secondary metabolites isolated from actinomycetes and fungi as a screening source for drug
discovery. We promote drug discovery research through developing technological platforms by
enriching the chemical library and screening lead compounds.
Enrichment of the chemical bank “NPDepo” and chemical database “NPEdia”
In the Drug Discovery Chemical Bank Unit, we have constructed a chemical library consisting of a
variety of natural products, such as the secondary metabolites isolated from actinomycetes,
fungi, and plants. RIKEN Natural Products Depository (NPDepo) has collected and stored more than
130,000 compounds to date, with approximately 59,000 compounds available for research purpose.
The detailed information of compounds, such as name, identity, structure, origin, and
bioactivity, are registered in the molecular database “NPEdia,” and it is open to everybody. In
“NPEdia,” we can search for compounds with the terms mentioned above as query, and/or with
substructures. We can also supply some of the chemicals to researchers who wish to use them for
drug discovery purposes.
We are going to expand the number of compounds stored in “NPDepo” and increase the number of
distributable compounds. We will also include more information in the chemical database