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"Two-dimensional magnetic interactions and magnetism of high-density charges in a polymer transistor"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 133301 (01 April 2013)
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"Magnetoelectric resonances and predicted microwave diode effect of the skyrmion crystal in a multiferroic chiral-lattice magnet"
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"Topological phase in a two-dimensional metallic heavy-fermion system"
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"Field-induced Mott Transition in Kagome Lattice Hubbard Model"
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"Proximity effects in a topological-insulator/Mott-insulator heterostructure"
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"Carrier multiplication and separation in systems with strong electron interaction: Photoinduced dynamics of a junction solar cell"
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"Extremely high electron mobility in a phonon-glass semimetal"
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"Charge order in Kondo lattice systems"
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"Successive Phase Transitions and Ferroelectric Domain State in Supramolecular Ferroelectric Phenazine-Chloranilic Acid"
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"Superconductivity in CuxIrTe2 driven by interlayer hybridization"
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"Rashba spin-orbit interaction in a MgxZn1-xO/ZnO two-dimensional electron gas studied by electrically detected electron spin resonance"
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"Optimal Tc for electron-doped cuprate realized under high pressure"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 063705 (15 May 2013)
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"Electronic structure of hole-doped delafossite oxides CuCr1-xMgxO2"
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"Study of local disorder in LiMn (Cr,Ni)O2 compounds by extended x-ray absorption fine structure measurements"
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"Anomalous Dressing of Dirac Fermions in the Topological Surface State of Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, and Cu-Doped Bi2Se3"
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"Renormalization group study of electromagnetic interaction in multi-Dirac-node systems "
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"A spin-selective Kondo insulator"
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"Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of liquid water"
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"Atomistic geometry and bonding characteristics at the Sr2FeTaO6/SrTiO3 interface"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 221602 (03 June 2013)
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"Spontaneous B-site order and metallic ferrimagnetism in LaSrVMoO6 grown by pulsed laser deposition"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 222406 (05 June 2013)
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"Charge-cluster glass in an organic conductor"
Nature Physics 9, 419–422 (09 June 2013)
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"Spin-state responses to light impurity substitution in low-spin perovskite LaCoO3"
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"Effects of Disorder on Superfluidity in the Attractive Hubbard Model"
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"Fabrication of stretchable MoS2 thin-film transistors using elastic ion-gel gate dielectrics "
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 103, 023505 (08 July 2013)
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"Spin-Orbital Superstructure in Strained Ferrimagnetic Perovskite Cobalt Oxide"
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"Crystal chirality and skyrmion helicity in MnSi and (Fe, Co)Si as determined by transmission electron microscopy"
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"Fabrication and Raman scattering study of epitaxial VO2 films on MgF2 (001) substrates”,"
Applied Physics Letters 103, 021604 (12 July 2013)
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"Terahertz Magnetoelectric Resonance Enhanced by Mutual Coupling of Electromagnons"
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"Spin-Triplet Superconductivity Induced by Longitudinal Ferromagnetic Fluctuations in UCoGe: Theoretical Aspect"
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"Density functional theory for superconductors with particle-hole asymmetric electronic structure"
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"Magnetophotocurrent in BiTeI with Rashba spin-split bands"
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"Magnetic domain growth in a ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate: Effects of current"
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"Charge separation of charge-transfer excitons in donor-acceptor polymer solar cells"
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"Observation and simulation of microdroplet shapes on surface-energy-patterned substrates: Contact line engineering for printed electronics"
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"Zeeman-type spin splitting controlled by an electric field"
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"Observation of the Magnetic Skyrmion Lattice in a MnSi Nanowire byLorentz TEM"
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"Development of Density-Functional Theory for a Plasmon-Assisted Superconducting State: Application to Lithium Under High Pressures"
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"Role of Oxygen Holes in LixCoO2 Revealed by Soft X-ray Spectroscopy"
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"Dopant-dependence on charge-orbital order in impurity doped layered manganites"
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"Nonempirical study of superconductivity in alkali-doped fullerides based on density functional theory for superconductors"
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Nature Communications 4, 2379 (23 August 2013)
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"Microwave magnetoelectric effect via skyrmion resonance modes in a helimagnetic multiferroic"
Nature Communications 4, 2391 (30 August 2013)
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"Towards control of the size and helicity of skyrmions in helimagnetic alloys by spin–orbit coupling"
Nature Nanotechnology 8, 723–728 (08 September 2013)
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"Current-induced skyrmion dynamics in constricted geometries"
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"Atomic-scale structure and electronic property of the La2FeCrO6/SrTiO3 interface "
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"Ce electronic states in Nd0.45-xCexSr0.55MnO3 probed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and photoemission"
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"Edge states in silicene nanodisks"
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"Topological Phase Transition without Gap Closing"
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"Resistive Switching Artificially Induced in a Dielectric/Ferroelectric Composite Diode"
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"Infrared-sensitive electrochromic device based on VO2"
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"Landau Level Spectroscopy of Dirac Electrons in a Polar Semiconductor with Giant Rashba Spin Splitting"
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"Fluctuation-induced and symmetry-prohibited metastabilities in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates"
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"Reentrant topological transitions with Majorana end states in 1D superconductors by lattice modulation"
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"Large modulation of zero-dimensional electronic states in quantum dots by electric-double-layer gating"
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"Electromagnetic and thermal responses in topological matter: Topological terms, quantum anomalies and D-branes "
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"Multi-color light-emitting transistors composed of organic single crystals"
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"Two-dimensional p -wave superconducting states with magnetic moments on a conventional s -wave superconductor"
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"Spectroscopic studies on the electronic and magnetic states of Co-doped perovskite manganite Pr0.8Ca0.2Mn1-yCoyO3 thin films"
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"Topological properties and dynamics of magnetic skyrmions"
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"Multiple helimagnetic phases and topological Hall effect in epitaxial thin filmsof pristine and Co-doped SrFeO3"
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"Polarization Switching Ability Dependent on Multidomain Topologyin a Uniaxial Organic Ferroelectric"
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"Insulator-to-superconductor transition upon electron doping in a BiS2-based superconductor Sr1-xLaxFBiS2"
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"Theoretical modeling and properties of class DIII topological superconductors "
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