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Feb 6 (Thu) 13:00-, Room 331, 3F Main Research Building
Mr. Manabu Sato (Univ. of Tokyo)
"Three-dimensional spinless Euler insulators with rotational symmetry"
Feb 17 (Mon) 13:30-, 4階会議室(435, 437), 研究本館
Prof. Yuan-Ming Lu (University of Tokyo & Ohio State University)
"Bilayer construction of phases and phase transitions in open quantum systems"
Feb 25 (Tue) 13:30-, 4階会議室(435, 437), 研究本館
Prof. Igor Herbut (University of Tokyo & Simon Fraser University)
"SO(8) unified theory of two-dimensional interacting Dirac fermions"
Feb 27 (Thu) 13:00-, Room 331, 3F Main Research Building
Prof. Christopher Mudry (Paul Scherrer Institute)
"Incommensurate gapless ferromagnetism connecting competing symmetry-enriched deconfined quantum phase transitions"