- 1月18日 (月)
- Dr. Yin-Chen He (Max-Planck-Institute PKS)
"Spin liquids on kagome lattice and symmetry protected topological phase"
- 2月1日 (月)
- Dr. Adrian Bouhon (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University)
"Dirac lines in the superconducting hyper-honeycomb lattice"
- 2月26日(金)
- Dr. Temo Vekua (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Leibniz University of Hannover)
"Spontaneous increase of magnetic flux and chiral-current reversal in bosonic ladders: Swimming against the tide"
- 2月29日 (月)
- Dr. Pablo Burset (Nagoya University)
"Manipulation of the induced pair potential in topological insulator-superconductor hybrid junctions "
- 4月7日 (木)
- Prof. Trinanjan Datta (Dept. of Chemistry and Physics, Augusta Univ.)
"Magnetic frustration and lattice anisotropy effects on indirect RIXS spectra of Heisenberg magnets"
- 4月7日 (木)
- Prof. Raymond Bishop (School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester)
"Highly Frustrated Spin-Lattice Models of Magnetism and Their Quantum Phase Transitions:
A Microscopic Treatment via the Coupled Cluster Method"
- 7月1日 (金)
- Prof. Alexey Kovalev (Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience)
"Spin and energy currents in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions"
- 8月1日 (月)
- Dr. Hidemaro Suwa (University of Tokyo)
"Quantum Monte Carlo Analysis of Linearly Dispersing Spinons at Deconfined Quantum-Critical Point"