VoTracer Refinement

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Refinement Top

Refinement of segmented regions

With this tool, you can modify the segmented region by painting each slice one by one.
User interface is same as the segmentation Slice-by-Slice.

作業内容は,領域分割1) Slice-by-Sliceとほぼ同じです.


  1. Start this mode by clicking Menu > ModeSwitch > "Segmentation Slice-by-Slice".
  2. Select target region ID.
  3. Refinement by this tool (see below)
  4. Finish and seve the refinement by pressing Finish button in tool dialog.

User Interface

Show planner cross sections by using checkboxes in Rendering Parameter Dialog (top-right).
Paint Tool(by Paint button in the dialog).
Shift+L-Drag Paint foreground region
Shift+R-Drag Paint background region

Lasso Tool(by Lasso button in the dialog)
Shift+ L-Drag draw closed FOREground boundary curve.
Shift+ R-Drag draw closed BACKground boundary curve.

Space key tempolary turn off the foreground visualization on the cross section.
Tool dialog of Slice-by-Slice refinement.

Paint tool and Lasso tool are available.