VoTracer Visualization

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This page explains volume visualization functions of VoTracer.

Volume Rendering

Technical terms.
Volume : 3D images.
Transfer function : A function maps voxel features (e.g. color or gradient magnitude) to transparency for volume rendering. Carefully tuned transfer function may provide nice volume rendering results.
(日本語では伝達関数 : 画素の「色や微分値」を「透明度」に変換する関数.これをうまく指定すると綺麗なレンダリング結果が得られる.)

Transparency of voxel is modified by specifying transfer functions.
VoTracer provies three visualization modes with different transfer functions.
vis1) Vis Intensity
vis2) Vis Intensity - Gradient
vis3) Vis 2D Transfer Function

Also,segmentation mask data is visualized by the following mode.
vis4) Vis Mask
vis1) Vis Intensity
vis2) Vis Intensity - Gradient
L-dragging in the panel: modify the function
ini button :initialize function
0 button :make function zero

vis3) Vis 2D Transfer Function
L-double-click in pane : add/remove CP (red)
L-dragging at CP: move CP
Wheeling on CP :modify the size of CP
ini button:initialize function
0 button:make function zero
*CP : Control Point

Shift + L-dragging in Main Window: add ruler to measure distance br>

Vis1) Vis Intensity

This visualization mode provides a transfer function that maps voxel value to transparency [0,1].

For grayscale image, a function f() can be modified and transparency of a voxel (I) is defined as;
transparency α = f( I )

For color image, three functions fr() fg() and fr() can be modified and transparency of a voxel (R,G,B) is defined as
transparency α = max( fr( R ), fg( G ), fb( B ))

Vis2) Vis Intensity Grad

This visualization mode provides a transfer function that considers intensity and gradient magnitude.

A function f() for intensity I and function g() for gradient magnitude G can be modified,and transparency is defined as
transparency α = f(I) * g(G).

VoTracer computes the gradient magnitude by sobel filter with 5x5x5 kernel.
This transfer function supports to visualize boundaries of ROI.

Vis3) Vis 2D Transfer Function

This visualization mode provides a 2D transfer function that considers intensity and gradient magnitude.
See Multidimensional transfer functions for interactive volume renderingfor detail.

2D transfer function f(I, G) can be modified, where I and G are voxel intensity and gradient magnitude respectively, and transparency is defined as transparency α = f(I,G)
VoTracer computes the gradient magnitude by sobel filter with a 5x5x5 kernel.

Vis4) Vis Mask

This mode is for checking the mask image that is generated by segmentation tools.
Transparency and color of each region (ID = 0~255) can be modified. You can also turn on polygon mesh rendering for each region and can reconstruct a polygon mesh with a different resolution.

L-click at a cell (ID=0-255) : Select region ID
-> modify transparency of the selected region
-> On/Off mesh rendering of the selected region
-> reconstruct mesh model of the seleted region

R-click at a cell (ID=0-255) : modify the color of the cell
L-double click at a cell (ID=0-255) : show Mask Region Edit Dialog
-> move / delete the selected region or apply morphological operation

Double click in any cell to show this dialog. You can modify the selected region.

Marge : Marge the selected region to other region. Target region ID selection Dlg appears.
Move : Move the selected region to other region.Target region ID selection Dlg appears.
Delete : Delete the selected region .
Erosion: Apply erosion operation .
Dilate(侵食あり): Apply dilation where neighboring (contacting) regions may be modified.
Dilate(侵食無し): Apply dilation where neighboring (contacting) regions are never modified.
Num of Disconnected: Conunt the number of isolated regions of the selected region
Divide Disconnected: Divide the isolated regions of the selected region.

Click UpdateMesh button in Mask ID DLG to show this dialog.
You can reconstruct a triangle mesh.

Sampling Resolution : Resolution of Marching Cubes. 1:fine-5:coarse.
Laplacian Smoothing : the number of Laplacian Smoothing.the bigger the smoother.
Laplacian Preserve Smoothing : the number of laplacian magnitude preserving smoothing.