- 2012/12/17
- Annual Meeting 2012 (FIRST project & QC)was held during Dec. 12 to 15 at The University of Tokyo. Host: FIRST Program "Quantum Information Processing Project" Co-host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2012/12/17
- The 8th KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held on Dec. 15 at the University of Tokyo. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2012/09/04
- The 13th Interdisciplinary workshop "Studying many-body physics through classical and quantum coding theory"was held on Sep.3 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus./dl>
- 2012/06/25
- The 7th KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held during June 21 to 22 in Kyoto. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum
- 2012/06/07
- The 12th Interdisciplinary workshop 「磁気相転移と量子シミュレーション」was held on Jun.6 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2011/12/19
- The 6th KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held on December 15 in Kyoto. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2011/12/19
- Annual Meeting 2011 (FIRST project & Q.C.) was held during December 13 to 16 in Kyoto. Host: FIRST Program "Quantum Information Processing Project" Co-host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2011/11/14
- The 11th Interdisciplinary workshop 「ダイヤモンド・超伝導 ハイブリッド系の量子状態制御」was held on Nov.11 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2011/10/14
- The 10th Interdisciplinary workshop "Al+ Optical Clocks for
Fundamental Physics and Geodesy"was held on Oct.13 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus. Speaker: Prof.
Dr. Chin-wen Chou (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))
- 2011/08/02
- The 9th Interdisciplinary workshop"Diamond spin Qubits: from quantum science to sensing applications"was held on Aug.01 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus. Speaker: Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup(Stuttgart University)
- 2011/08/19
- The 8th Interdisciplinary workshop「冷却原子集団を用いたとその量子情報要素技術への応用」was held on Aug.18 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2011/07/01
- The 5th KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held during June 29 to 30 in Kyoto. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2011/04/23
- The 7th Interdisciplinary workshop"New Experimental Techniques in Quantum Measurement"was held on Apr.22 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2011/04/13
- The 6th Interdisciplinary workshop「超伝導磁束で捕捉する原子・原子で見る超伝導磁束」was held on Apr.12 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2011/03/24
- The 5th Interdisciplinary Workshop"Quantum optics in various physical system"
was held on March 22 through to 23, 2011 in Kyoto.
- 2011/02/24
- The 4th Interdisciplinary workshop"Surface Code Quantum Error Correction"was held on Feb.23 and 24 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2011/01/28
- The 3rd Interdisciplinary workshop"Quantum transport in biological systems","Sending a photon backwards in time"
was held on Jan. 28 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2011/01/18
- The 2nd Interdisciplinary workshop「Quantum estimation theory, the Basics and the future」was held on Jan. 28 at Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus.
- 2010/12/13
- The 4th KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held on December 9 in Atami. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2010/12/13
- Annual Meeting 2010 (FIRST project & Q.C.) was held during December 8 to 11 in Atami. Host: FIRST Program "Quantum Information Processing Project" Co-host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2010/10/25
- The 1st Workshop"Development of Microwave System for Quantum Information"
was held on October 25 at NEC Green Innovation Research Labs. in Tsukuba.
- 2010/08/05
- The 3rd KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held on August 5 in Kyoto. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2010/04/06
- 2010 International Symposium on Physics of Quantum Technology hosted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) was held from April 6 to 9.
- 2010/03/15
- The 2nd KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held on March 11 in Kyoto. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum Cybernetics"
- 2009/10/23
- The 1st KAKENHI Quantum cybernetics General Meeting was held during October 21 to 22 in Atami. Host: MEXT Kakenhi "Quantum