Interdisciplinary Internships are a type of short-term training program aimed at enhancing collaboration within this field of research, supported by the Quantum Cybernetics Project. Young researchers in quantum cybernetics, including students and postdoctoral fellows, are accepted to work in laboratories in this field for a limited time period. Applications should be made through the relevant research group leader.
2012/04~2013/03 (2 weeks) Osaka University Institute for Electronic Science,
At Osaka University, Department of Mathematics, Prof. Akio Fujiwara's Lab.
2012/04~2013/03 (2 weeks) Osaka University Institute for Electronic Science,
At Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science, Prof. Yoshihige
Suzuki & Norikazu Mizuochi's Lab.
2012/04~2014/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Quantum Nanoelectronics Research
Center, MC2:
At University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering, Prof. Seigo Tarucha's
2013/01/01~02/03 Osaka City University Graduate School of Science, DC1:
At Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Chemical Physics, Prof. Deniella Goldfarb Lab., Israel
2012/11/04~11/03 University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Department of Physics, Prof. Marco Affronte's Lab., DC2:
At Osaka City University Graduate School of Science
2010/11/01~11/30 Osaka City University Graduate School of Science, DC3:
At Kyoto University Graduate School of Science, Division of Physics and Astronomy, Prof. Yoshiro Takahashi's Lab.
2010/11/15~12/15 Osaka City University Graduate School of Science, Postdoctoral
At Kyoto University Graduate School of Science, Division of Physics and Astronomy, Prof. Yoshiro Takahashi's Lab.
2011/02/01~03/18 Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science, DC2:
At RIKEN, Macroscopic Quantum Coherence Lab. Dr. Tsai's team
2012/02/27~03/26 Osaka City University Graduate School of Science, Postgraduate:
At RIKEN, Macroscopic Quantum Coherence Lab. Dr. Tsai's team
2012/02/27~03/26 Keio University Graduate School od Science and Technology,
At RIKEN, Macroscopic Quantum Coherence Lab. Dr. Tsai's team