Quantum Science on Strong Correlation


icon_Awards and honorsAwards and honors

FY 2010

FY 2011

FY 2012

FY 2013


FY 2012 Awards and honors: 10 (*includes 2 awards in FY 2011.)

Mar. 18, 2013
Professor Naoto Nagaosa won the “Beller Lectureship Award”

  • Sub-theme Leader Professor Naoto Nagaosa(Univ. of Tokyo / Group Director of RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science)won the “Beller Lectureship Award”.
  • “Dynamics of skyrmions under electric current”
    Current-driven motion of the skyrmions and skyrmion crystal is attracting intense attention because of the very small critical current density, but the microscopic mechanism of their motion is not yet explored. In this talk, I will present a numerical simulation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation and an analytic theory, which reveals a remarkably robust and universal current-velocity relation of the skyrmion motion driven by the spin transfer torque unaffected by either impurities or nonadiabatic effect in sharp contrast to the case of domain wall or spin helix. This is due to the peculiar dynamics of skyrmions characterized by inherent absence of the intrinsic pinning and flexible shape-deformation of skyrmions so as to avoid pinning centers. The effect of the constricted geometry will be also discussed. This work has been done in collaboration with J. Iwasaki and M. Mochizuki.
  • About the “Beller Lectureship Award”:
    The Beller Lectureship was endowed by Esther Hoffman Beller for the purpose of bringing distinguished physicists from abroad as invited speakers at APS meetings. APS units and committees that organize sessions at the APS March and April Meetings are invited each fall to submit nominations for the Beller Lectureship.
Feb. 21, 2013
Dr. Atsushi Tsurumaki-Fukuchi won “The 33th Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award”.

Jan. 13, 2013
Dr. Hiroki Wadati won the 17th JSSRR (Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research) scientific awards

Dr. Atsushi Tsukazaki won “The 7th Condensed-Matter Science Prize”.

Sept. 18, 2012
Mr. Yuya Matsubara won “the Poster Award Physics Prize” in “Noyori Summer School 2012”

July 9, 2012
The “2012 IUPAP Magnetism Award and Néel Medal” awarded to
Professor Yoshinori Tokura.

May 15, 2012
于秀珍、永長直人 教授、金澤直也、十倉好紀 教授、小野瀬佳文 准教授、

Apr. 17 ,2012
“The Young Scientists' Prize” awarded to Dr. Ryotaro Arita by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
