Dr. Yoshinori Tokura elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
On December 11, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, a prestigious body which selects recipients of the Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry,
elected Dr. Yoshinori Tokura, Director of the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), into its membership.
With this, Tokura became one of 175 non Swedish people from around the world to have been accepted into the ranks of the Academy, which was founded in 1739.
Tokura is head of CEMS, an institute in RIKEN dedicated to discovering more efficient technologies that will enable us to produce energy without putting a burden on the environment,
as well as decrease our energy consumption. They are achieving this by combining advanced research in physics, chemistry and electronics in order to produce new technology
such as highly efficient energy conversion devices and low-consumption electronics.
Yoshinori Tokura (Core Researcher), Director of RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS),
has been selected to receive a new honorary doctorate at the Uppsala University Faculty of Science and Technology.
On October 24, Dr. Yoshinori Tokura, Director of RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) have been selected to receive new honorary doctorates at the Uppsala University Faculty
of Science and Technology. The awarding ceremony will be held on January 24.
Outline of this prize:
Yoshinori Tokura, a professor at Tokyo University and research director at RIKEN, is one of the world's ten most-cited physicists over the last 30 years.
His research targets a broad field in physics, chemistry, and materials research, including high-temperature superconducting materials and strongly correlated electron systems
with spintronic and multiferroic properties.
Dr. Hiroki Wadati received 2013 NIMS Conference Poster Presentation Award.
Dr. Hiroki Wadati (Lecturer of Quantum-Phase Electronics Center (QPEC), The Univ. of Tokyo) gave a poster presentation in
2013 NIMS Conference and received 2013 NIMS Conference Poster Presentation Award.
Title: “Phase competitions in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3/La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 superlattices”
Japan Academy Prize and Imperial Prize awarded to Professor Yoshinori Tokura
The 103rd Japan Academy Prize and the Imperial Prize awarded to Professor Yoshinori Tokura for his pioneering work on “strongly correlated electron materials”.
(Selected on March 12, 2013)
The award ceremony was held on June 17 at the Japan Academy, Ueno, Tokyo.
FY 2012 Awards and honors: 10 (*includes 2 awards in FY 2011.)
Mar. 18, 2013
Professor Naoto Nagaosa won the “Beller Lectureship Award”
Sub-theme Leader Professor Naoto Nagaosa(Univ. of Tokyo / Group Director of RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science)won the “Beller Lectureship Award”.
“Dynamics of skyrmions under electric current”
Current-driven motion of the skyrmions and skyrmion crystal is attracting intense attention because of the very small critical current density, but the microscopic mechanism of
their motion is not yet explored. In this talk, I will present a numerical simulation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation and an analytic theory, which reveals a
remarkably robust and universal current-velocity relation of the skyrmion motion driven by the spin transfer torque unaffected by either impurities or nonadiabatic effect in
sharp contrast to the case of domain wall or spin helix. This is due to the peculiar dynamics of skyrmions characterized by inherent absence of the intrinsic pinning and
flexible shape-deformation of skyrmions so as to avoid pinning centers. The effect of the constricted geometry will be also discussed. This work has been done in
collaboration with J. Iwasaki and M. Mochizuki.
About the “Beller Lectureship Award”:
The Beller Lectureship was endowed by Esther Hoffman Beller for the purpose of bringing distinguished physicists from abroad as invited speakers at APS meetings.
APS units and committees that organize sessions at the APS March and April Meetings are invited each fall to submit nominations for the Beller Lectureship.
Feb. 21, 2013
Dr. Atsushi Tsurumaki-Fukuchi won “The 33th Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award”.
Dr. Hiroki Wadati won the 17th JSSRR (Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research) scientific awards
Dr. Hiroki Wadati ( Department of Applied Physics and Quantum-Phase Electronics Center (QPEC), the Univ. of Tokyo) wins
the 17th JSSRR (Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research) scientific awards.
Title:“Resonant soft x-ray scattering studies of thin films of transition-metal oxides”
Professor Harold Y. Hwang has been nominated for the “APS Fellowship”.
Professor Harold Y. Hwang (Riken ASI CERG Team Leader / Professor of Stanford University) has been nominated for the “APS Fellowship” as an APS Fellow of year 2011 by Division of Materials Physics, American Physical Society.
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the materials physics of correlated electron materials through the prudent use of doping, artificial interfaces, dimensional confinement, and electronic reconstruction.
The “52th Fujihara Award” awarded to Professor Yoshinori Tokura.
The “52th Fujihara Award” awarded to Professor Yoshinori Tokura (Core Researcher of Quantum Science on Strong Correlation / Professor of The University of Tokyo)
Theme: “Innovation of Gigantic Magneto-electronic Responses in Condensed Matters”
The ceremony for the Award was held on June 17, 2011, at Gakushikaikan in Kanda, Tokyo.
The Fujihara Foundation of Science: http://www.fujizai.or.jp/e_gaiyo.htm
July 1, 2011
The “Honda Frontier Award” awarded to Professor Masashi Kawasaki.
The “8th Honda Frontier Award” awarded to Professor Masashi Kawasaki
(Riken ASI CERG Team Leader / Professor of Quantum-Phase Electronics Center School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo) by Honda Memorial Foundation Board.
Theme: “Control of the Development of new optoelectronic functional oxide interfaces at atomic level ”
Honda Memorial Foundation Board:http: http://hondakinenkai.or.jp/(Japanese)
The ceremony for the Award will be held in July 1, 2011 at Gakushikaikan in Kanda, Tokyo.
FY 2010 Awards and honors: 2
Apr. 28, 2010
The “Ichimura Academic Award” awarded to Professor Masashi Kawasaki.
The “Ichimura Academic Award” awarded to Professor Masashi Kawasaki (Riken ASI CERG Team Leader / Professor of Tohoku University)
by the New Development Foundation.
Theme: “Development of atomically controlled ZnO hetero-junction and new optoelectronics”
The “14th Superconductivity Science and Technology Award” awarded to
Professor Masashi Kawasaki and Professor Yoshihiro Iwasa.
The “14th Superconductivity Science and Technology Award” awarded to Professor Masashi Kawasaki (Riken ASI CERG Team Leader / Prof. of Tohoku University) and Professor Yoshihiro Iwasa (Riken ASI CERG Team Leader / Prof. of University of Tokyo) by the Society of Non-Traditional Technologies.
Theme: “Discovery of field effect induced superconductivity”
The Society of Non-Traditional Technology : Forum of Superconductivity Science and Technology
“14th Superconductivity Science and Technology Award” :http://www.sntt.or.jp/~fsst/shou14.html