Social Collaboration
Academia for Future Technology
: Basic Research on Mottronics
- We construct a system for collaboration with industries in order to make use of the knowledge born in FIRST project for practical application. Here, young and capable researchers in industry sectors are invited to work on basic physics of correlated electron system with application view point. Also aimed at is that these people are trained under the guidance of world-leading researchers so that they will be granted PhD degrees and play a crucial role of directing research and development in industries.
- This effort is directed by Mottronics group (led by Professor M. Kawasaki) and carried out in entire Tokura-FIRST project.

UT-RIKEN Joint Laboratory for Emergent-Matter Science
: Emergent properties of strong correlation
- Six up-and-coming researchers are appointed as associate or assistant professors for the Univ. Tokyo-RIKEN Joint laboratory, which is placed in Hongo Campus of University of Tokyo. All the members can fully exploit the facilities/materials established/developed by the FIRST activity as well as the close collaboration with the FIRST researchers to perform the cutting-edge research in the field of quantum science on strong correlation. On one hand, they are also in charge of education for the Univ. Tokyo students at Department of Applied Physics as potential leaders in the academia in the future.
- Quantum-Phase Electronics Center (QPEC):
“Division of UT-RIKEN Cooperation” = UT-RIKEN Joint Laboratory for Emergent-Matter Science

Strong correlation quantum theory forum
: Principles of Dissipationless electronics
- We will form a center of excellence in the field of theoretical physics or a hub in the world-wide network of theorists, strengthening the network of many collaborators all over the world. Major activities of the forum include (1) promotion of the collaboration with several institutes that locate overseas, (2) organizing long-term workshop with long-term stay of distinguished researchers, and providing young researchers within Japan with opportunities for active interactions, (3) organizing topical meetings in which particular theoretical issues are intensively discussed. We will form an executive committee that includes outside members, determining programs and invited researchers. We will encourage researchers within Japan, as well as world-leading theory groups all over the world, for participation/stay in the forum, and contribute to further development of this scientific field in which Japan has some advantage. Nagaosa group is in charge of this forum, mainly at RIKEN Wako institute.
QS2C Theory Forum
[ Invited Researchers ]
Senior Visiting Scientist- Professor Maxim V. Mostovoy : Senior Visiting Scientist
(2010.8.1- , a member of Strong-Correlation Theory Research Team, CERG )
Centere for Theoretical Physics, Univ. of Groningen - Professor Branislav K. Nikolic : Senior Visiting Scientist
(2010.7.30- , a member of Strong-Correlation Theory Research Team, CERG )
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Univ. of Delaware
web site : [ Symposium and Conference ]
- Topical Meeting of QS2C Theory Forum ( 2010.9.1 - 2010.9.2 )
website :
- Opening Symposium of QS2C Theory Forum ( 2010.9.27 - 2010.9.30 )
website :
- RIKEN–APW–APCTP Joint Workshop
“Recent trends in condensed matter physics” ( 2012.1.14 - 2012.1.16 )
website :
- QS2C Theory Forum: International Symposium on
“Strongly Correlated Quantum Science” ( 2013.1.26 - 2013.1.29 )
website :