RIKEN Symposium -- International Workshop On
Liouville & Matrix      Liouville & Matrix マトーヴリッュィクとリルス      Liouville & Matrix


     Liouville & Matrix Liitrll&e Maouvix      リューヴィル理論と行列模型      リューヴィルとマトリックス
Sat 11th - Sun 12th June 2005
At Okochi Hall, RIKEN, Japan          JAPANESE - ENGLISH

Time Table
Sat 11th June 2005 -- mainly Matrix Day
    13:00 -- 14:00
     I. Kostov (Saclay, France)
       "Nonperturbative aspects in noncritical string theory 
        based on the matrix model approach"
        [Presentation file - PDF]

    14:30 -- 15:30
     T. Kuroki (RIKEN, Japan)
       "Nonperturbative effect 
        in noncritical string theory and T-duality"
        [Presentation file - PDF]

    16:00 -- 17:00
     N. Ishibashi (U. Tsukuba, Japan)
       "An exact bosonization rule for $c=1$ noncritical string theory"
        [Presentation file - JPEG][zip]
Sun 12th June 2005 -- mainly Liouville Day
    10:30 -- 11:30 
       E.T. Akhmedov (ITEP, Russia)
       "Feynmann Diagrams and Simplicial String Theory"
        [Presentation file - GIF][zip]

    13:30 -- 14:30
     Y. Ishimoto (RIKEN, Japan)
       "Logarithmic CFT and 2D Minimal Gravity"
        [Presentation file - PDF]

    15:00 -- 16:00
     Al. Zamolodchikov (U. Montpellier II, France)
       "Moduli Integral and Ground Ring in 2D Minimal Gravity"
        [Presentation file - PDF]

    16:30 -- 17:30
     Y. Nakayama (U. Tokyo, Japan)
       "From Liouville to SL(2,R) WZNW"
        [Presentation file - PDF]

last updated by Y.Ishimoto on 19 July 2005.