小野 教夫 (おの たかお)

1987 | 弘前大学理学部生物学科卒業 |
1989 | 弘前大学大学院理学研究科修士課程修了 |
1995 | 北海道大学大学院理学研究科動物学専攻博士後期課程修了(博士(理学)取得) |
1995-96 | 北海道立衛生学院臨床検査技師科 非常勤講師 |
1996-2002 | 愛知県心身障害者コロニー発達障害研究所遺伝学部 研究員 |
2002-04 | 米国コールド・スプリング・ハーバー研究所 訪問研究員 |
2004-06 | 愛知県心身障害者コロニー発達障害研究所遺伝学部 遺伝性疾患研究室主任 愛知県立看護大学看護学科 非常勤講師(兼任) |
2007-08 | 理化学研究所 先任研究員 |
2008-現在 | 理化学研究所 専任研究員 |
2008 | 第3回アジア染色体コロキウム実行委員 |
2008-10 | 特定領域研究「染色体サイクルのネットワーク」公募研究班員 |
2009 | 第60回染色体学会年会実行委員 |
2016 | 第67回染色体学会年会実行委員 |
2017 | 第68回染色体学会年会プログラム担当委員 |
2000 | 日本先天異常学会ポスター発表優秀賞 |
2005 | 染色体学会・学会賞 |
1988- | 染色体学会(2007- 評議員、Chromosome Science 編集委員) |
2004- | 日本人類遺伝学会 |
2005- | 日本分子生物学会 |
- Fukuda, K., T. Shimi, C. Shimura, T. Ono, T. Suzuki, K. Onoue, S. Okayama, H. Miura, I. Hiratani, K. Ikeda, Y. Okada, N. Dohmae, S. Yonemura, A. Inoue, H. Kimura and Y. Shinkai. (2023). Epigenetic plasticity safeguards heterochromatin configuration in mammals. Nucleic Acids Res. 51:gkad387.
PMID: 37178005 - Takagi, M., T. Ono, T. Natsume, C. Sakamoto, M. Nakao, N. Saitoh, M. T. Kanemaki, T. Hirano and N. Imamoto. (2018). Ki-67 and condensins support the integrity of mitotic chromosomes through distinct mechanisms. J Cell Sci. 131: jcs212092 doi: 10.1242.
PMID: 29487178 - Ono, T., C. Sakamoto, M. Nakao, N. Saitoh and T. Hirano. (2017). Condensin II plays an essential role in reversible assembly of mitotic chromosomes in situ. Mol Biol Cell. 28:2875-2886.
PMID: 28835373 - Ono, T., D. Yamashita and T. Hirano. (2013). Condensin II initiates sister chromatid resolution during S phase. J Cell Biol. 200:429-441.
PMID: 23401001 - Shiheido, H., Y. Naito, H. Kimura, H. Genma, H. Takashima, T. Ono, T. Hirano, W. Du, T. Yamada, N. Doi, S. Iijima, Y. Hattori and H. Yanagawa. (2012). An anilinoquinazoline derivative inhibits tumor growth through interaction with hCAP-G2, a subunit of condensin II. PLoS One. 7:e44889.
PMID: 23028663 - Yamashita, D., K. Shintomi, T. Ono, I. Gavvovidis, D. Schindler, H. Neitzel, M. Trimborn and T. Hirano. (2011). MCPH1 regulates chromosome condensation and shaping as a composite modulator of condensin II. J Cell Biol. 194:841-854.
PMID: 21911480 - Kamamoto, M., J. Machida, H. Miyachi, T. Ono, A. Nakayama, K. Shimozato and Y. Tokita. (2010). A novel mutation in the C-terminal region of RUNX2/CBFA1 distal to the DNA-binding runt domain in a Japanese patient with cleidocranial dysplasia. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 40:434-437.
PMID: 21115325 - Yamada, K., D. Fukushi, T. Ono, Y. Kondo, R. Kimura, N. Nomura, K.J. Kosaki, Y. Yamada, S. Mizuno and N. Wakamatsu. (2010). Characterization of a de novo balanced t(4;20)(q33;q12) translocation in a patient with mental retardation. Am J Med Genet A. 152A:3057-3067.
PMID: 21086493 - Machida, J., T.M. Felix, J.C. Murray, K. Yoshiura, M. Tanemura, M. Kamamoto, K. Shimozato, S. Sonta and T. Ono. (2009). Searching for genes for cleft lip and/or palate based on breakpoint analysis of a balanced translocation t(9;17)(q32;q12). Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 46:532-540.
PMID: 19929093 - Ono, T., Y. Fang, D.L. Spector and T. Hirano. (2004). Spatial and temporal regulation of condensins I and II in mitotic chromosome assembly in human cells. Mol Biol Cell. 15:3296-3308.
PMID: 15146063 - Ono, T., A. Losada, M. Hirano, M.P. Myers, A.F. Neuwald and T. Hirano T. (2003). Differential contributions of condensin I and condensin II to mitotic chromosome architecture in vertebrate cells. Cell. 115:109-121.
PMID: 14532007 - Wakamatsu, N., Y. Yamada, K. Yamada, T. Ono, N. Nomura, H. Taniguchi, H. Kitoh, N. Mutoh, T. Yamanaka, K. Mushiake, K. Kato, S. Sonta and M. Nagaya. (2001). Mutations in SIP1, encoding Smad interacting protein-1, cause a form of Hirschsprung disease. Nat Genet. 27:369-370.
PMID: 11279515 - Ono, T., Y. Kondoh, N. Kagiyama, S. Sonta and M.C. Yoshida. (2001). Genomic organization and chromosomal distribution of rat ID elements. Genes Genet Syst. 76:213-220.
PMID: 11732629 - Ono, T. and S. Sonta. (2001). Chromosome map of cosmid clones constructed with Chinese hamster genomic DNA. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 95:97-102.
PMID: 11978978 - Rogatcheva, M.B., T. Ono, S. Sonta, S. Oda and P.M. Borodin. (2000). Robertsonian metacentrics of the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus, Insectivora, Soricidae) lose the telomeric sequences in the centromeric area. Genes Genet Syst. 75:155-158.
PMID: 10984840 - Ono, T., S. Hirano, S. Yonezawa, S. Aono, M. Osaki, S. Masaki, S. Yamashita, T. Tsukasaki, A. Oohira A, S.T. Suzuki and S. Sonta. (2000). Comparative mapping of seven genes in mouse, rat and Chinese hamster chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 89:209-213.
PMID: 10965124 - Aono, S., H. Keino, T. Ono, Y. Yasuda, Y. Tokita, F. Matsui, M. Taniguchi, S. Sonta and A. Oohira. (2000). Genomic Organization and Expression Pattern of Mouse Neuroglycan C in the Cerebellar Development. J Biol Chem. 275:337-342.
PMID: 10617623 - Hirano, S., T. Ono, Q. Yan, X. Wang, S. Sonta and S.T. Suzuki. (1999). Protocadherin 2C: a new member of the protocadherin 2 subfamily expressed in a redundant manner with OL-protocadherin in the developing brain. Biochem Biophys Res Comm. 260:641-645.
PMID: 10403819 - Sumiyama, K., K. Washio-Watanabe, T. Ono, M.C. Yoshida, T. Hayakawa and S. Ueda. (1998). Human class III POU genes, POU3F1 and POU3F3, map to chromosome 1p34.1 and 3p14.2. Mamm Genome. 9:180-181.
PMID: 9457692 - Okamoto, T., T. Ono, M. Hori, J.P. Jang, T. Tetsuka, T. Kawabe and S. Sonta. (1998). Assignment of the IkBβgene NFKBIB to human chromosome band 19q13.1 by in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 82:105-106.
PMID: 9763672 - Yasuda, Y., Y. Tokita, S. Aono, S., F. Matsui, T. Ono, S. Sonta, E. Watanabe, Y. Nakanishi and Oohira, A. (1998). Cloning and chromosomal mapping of the human gene of neuroglycan C (NGC), a neural transmembrane chondrotin sulfate proteoglycan with an EGF module. Neurosci Res. 32:313-322.
PMID: 9950058 - Ono, T. and M.C. Yoshida. (1997). Differences in the chromosomal distribution of telomeric (TTAGGG)n sequences in two species of the vespertilionid bats. Chrom Res. 5:203-212.
PMID: 9246415 - Ono, T., T. Kawabe, S. Sonta and T. Okamoto. (1997). Assignment of MARK3 alias KP78 to human chromosome band 14q32.3 by in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 79: 101-102.
PMID: 9533022 - Yang, J.P., T. Ono, S. Sonta, T. Kawabe and T. Okamoto. (1997). Assignment of p53 binding protein (TP53BP2) to human chromosome band 1q42.1 by in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 78:61-62.
PMID: 9345910 - Ono, T., R. Fukumoto, Y. Kondoh and M.C. Yoshida. (1995). Deletion of the Wilson's disease gene in hereditary hepatitis LEC rats. Jpn J Genet. 70:25-33.
PMID: 7772379 - Kondoh, Y., T. Ono, N. Kagiyama, M. Fujita, M. Momiyama, S.H. Hori and M.C. Yoshida. (1995). Simultaneous visualization of Q-bands and FISH signals using a novel fluorochrome. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 71:96-98.
PMID: 7606937 - Ono, T., S. Takada and M.C. Yoshida. (1994). The WD gene for Wilson's disease links to the hepatitis of LEC rats. Jpn J Cancer Res. 85: 771-774.
PMID: 7928621 - Ono, T. and M.C. Yoshida. (1993). Chromosomal assignment of retinoblastoma 1 gene (RB1) to mouse14D3 and rat 15q12 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Jpn J Genet. 8:617-621.
PMID: 8031579 - Chiba, H., N. Sawada, T. Ono, S. Ishii and M. Mori. (1993). Establishment and characterization of a Simian Virus 40-immortalized osteoblastic cell line from normal human bone. Jpn J Cancer Res. 84:290-297.
PMID: 8387478 - Sone, H., M. Maeda, M. Gotoh, K. Wakabayashi, T. Ono, M.C. Yoshida, N. Takeichi, M. Mori, S. Hirohashi, T. Sugimura and M. Nagao (1992). Genetic linkage between copper accumulation and hepatitis/hepatoma development in LEC rats. Mol Carcinog. 5: 199-204.
PMID: 1316758 - Ono, T., S. Abe and M.C. Yoshida (1991). Hereditary low level of plasma ceruloplasmin in LEC rats associated with spontaneous development of hepatitis and liver cancer. Jpn J Cancer Res. 82:486-489.
PMID: 1905693
- 小野教夫、西出賢次、平野達也(2013)分裂期を超えたコンデンシンIIの多彩な役割. 実験医学 31:2586-2591.
- 小野教夫(2008)染色体の形作りとコンデンシンの役割. 生体の科学(増大特集 現代医学・生物学の仮設・学説2008) 59:354-355.
- 小野教夫、木村礼子、山田憲一郎、若松延昭(2007)見えない染色体異常:染色体構築と分配機構の異常による先天性疾患. 実験医学(増刊号「染色体サイクル」) 25:776-781.
- 小野教夫、平野達也(2005)染色体の構築と分離におけるコンデンシンの役割. 実験医学(増刊号「細胞周期の最前線」) 23:1353-1358.
- 小野教夫、Losada A.、平野美智子、Myers M.P.、 Neuwald A.F.、 平野達也(2004)染色体構築における二つのコンデンシン複合体の役割. 実験医学 22:381-384.
- 小野教夫、Losada A.、平野美智子、Myers M.P.、 Neuwald A.F.、 平野達也(2004)染色体の形作り:コンデンシンII の発見とその意義. 細胞工学 23:62-63.
- 吉田廸弘、小野教夫、増田隆一(1994)肝炎ラットLECの遺伝子の検索. アニテックス 6:128-130.
- 小野教夫、押田龍夫、吉田廸弘(1993)ラジオアイソトープを用いたin situ hybridization. 組織培養 19:3-7.