サッチン・シャー (Sachin Shah)

Email: s.shah at riken.jp
Research Interests
My research area is bionanosciences, multidisciplinary field of assembles at the interface of chemistry, material sciences and biotechnology. The goal is to develop a multifunctional bionano material that allows the fabrication of a range of materials and devices. Such bionano devices are expected to find applications in nanoelectronics, drug delivery and tissue imagine.
Currently, I am focusing on engineering of a 22kDa ring protein, with an average external and internal diameter of 15 nm and 7 nm, respectively. Genetic engineering techniques make it possible to form tubular structures. These ring protein and tubes, serve as templates for the direct deposition, assembly, and pattering of inorganic nanoparticles. This is a new approach to the template-directed synthesis of inorganic-bio ring structures and nanotubes.
My other interest of work is to develop new nano drug delivery vehicles particularly as anti cancer drug carriers This is one of the most important applications of bionanotechnology: to build nanostructures that can be used to specifically deliver drugs to cancer targets. A proper understanding of the encapsulation behavior of drug molecules into nanomaterials is vital for the development of nanoscale drug delivery vehicles. My concern is to utilize plant virus nanoparticles that naturally have the desired size to be ideal nanotemplate for drug delivery vehicles.