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Chapter 5:
Exploiting Temporal Coherence in Photon Density Estimation


In this chapter, we introduce a novel framework for efficient global illumination computation in dynamic environments. We propose a combination of energy- and perception-based error metrics which efficiently guide lighting computation. Using these metrics, the spatiotemporal coherence in lighting distribution can be better exploited and accurate lighting computation can be obtained without degrading the animation quality as perceived by human observers. As a result, a perceptually-homogeneous quality of indirect lighting reconstruction across the spatial and temporal domains is obtained.


Scene: ROOM

Spatial filtering: off
On average the same number of photons per frame was used. In the case of 845,000 the same number of photons collected in the spatial domain was used as in the case of perception-guided approach for the temporal domain.


Spatial filtering: on
On average the same number of photons per frame was used.