List of Competitive Fundings Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Detection and control of Majorana particles in vortex cores of topological superconductors. Research Representative,Total amount:16,600,000 yen Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research B (KAKENHI) (number:19H01843)(FY2019~FY2021) Research for real-space valley states in spin-valley coupled transition metal dichalcogenides. Research Representative,Total amount:3,900,000 yen Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists B (KAKENHI) (number:16K17730) (FY2016~FY2017) Visualization of relation between one-dimensional charge order and superconductivity in iron-based superconductors Research Representative,Total amount:4,290,000 yen Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists B (KAKENHI) (number:24740242) (FY2012~FY2014) Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) Dection and control Majorana particles in topological superconductors. Research Representative,Total amount:40,000,000 yen JST PREST (number:19195404) (FY2019~FY2022)