FY 2011
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"Hydrogen-Bonding Molecular Chains for High-Temperature Ferroelectricity"
Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 2098–2103 (04 April 2011)
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"Orbital-Independent Superconducting Gaps in Iron Pnictides"
Science 332, 564-567 (07 April 2011)
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"Photo-induced insulator-metal transition of a spin-electron coupled system"
EPL, 94, 27003 (13 April 2011)
- * N. Kanazawa, Y. Onose, T. Arima, D. Okuyama, K. Ohoyama, S. Wakimoto, K. Kakurai, S. Ishiwata, and Y. Tokura
"Large Topological Hall Effect in a Short-Period Helimagnet MnGe"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 156603 (15 April 2011)
- * Kentaro Nomura and Naoto Nagaosa
"Surface-quantized anomalous Hall current and the magnetoelectric effect in magnetically disordered topological insulators"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 166802 (18 April 2011)
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"First-principles calculation of transition-metal impurities in LaFeAsO"
Phys. Rev. B 83, 144512 (19 April 2011)
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"Magnetic-Field Induced Competition of Two Multiferroic Orders in a Triangular-Lattice Helimagnet MnI2"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 167206 (22 April 2011)
- * M. Uchida, K. Oishi, M. Matsuo, W. Koshibae, Y. Onose, M. Mori, J. Fujioka, S. Miyasaka, S. Maekawa, and Y. Tokura
"Thermoelectric response in the incoherent transport region near Mott transition: The case study of La1-xSrxVO3"
Phys. Rev. B 83, 165127 (25 April 2011)
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"Spin-Driven Ferroelectricity and Magneto-Electric Effects in Frustrated Magnetic Systems"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, (No.5) 052001 (1)- (14) (10 May 2011)
- * Youwen Long, Yoshio Kaneko, Shintaro Ishiwata, Yasujiro Taguchi and Yoshinori Tokura
"Synthesis of cubic SrCoO3 single crystal and its anisotropic magnetic and transport properties"
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 245601 (01 June 2011)
- * T. Sudayama, Y. Wakisaka, T. Mizokawa, H. Wadati, G. A. Sawatzky, D. G. Hawthorn, T. Z. Regier, K. Oka, M. Azuma, and Y. Shimakawa
"Co-O-O-Co superexchange pathways enhanced by small charge-transfer energy in multiferroic BiCoO3"
Phys. Rev. B 83, 235105 (03 June 2011)
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"Effects of conduction electron correlation on heavy-fermion systems"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 80, 064710 /1-8 (10 June 2011)
- * T. Yokoyama, Y. Tanaka and N. Nagaosa
"Anomalous Meissner Effect in a Normal-Metal–Superconductor Junction with a Spin-Active Interface"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 246601 (13 June 2011)
- * R. Shimano, Y. Ikebe, K. S. Takahashi, M. Kawasaki, N. Nagaosa and Y. Tokura
"Terahertz Faraday rotation induced by an anomalous Hall effect in the itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3"
EPL, 95, 17002 (14 June 2011)
- * Y. Krockenberger, J. S. Lee, D. Okuyama, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, M. Kawasaki, and Y. Tokura
"Garnet superlattice as a transparent above-room-temperature polar magnet"
Phys. Rev. B 83, 214414 (14 June 2011)
- * K. Ishizaka, M. S. Bahramy, H. Murakawa, M. Sakano, T. Shimojima, T. Sonobe, K. Koizumi. Shin, H. Miyahara, A. Kimura, K. Miyamoto, T. Okuda, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, R. Arita, N. Nagaosa, K. Kobayashi, Y. Murakami, R. Kumai, Y. Kaneko, Y. Onose, & Y. Tokura
"Giant Rashba-type spin splitting in bulk BiTeI"
Nature Materials 10, 521–526 (19 June 2011)
- * Y. Yamasaki, D. Okuyama, M. Nakamura, T. Arima, M. Kawasaki, Y. Tokura, T. Kimura, Y. Wakabayashi
"Interfacial Structure of Manganite Superlattice"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, (No.7) 073601 (1)- (4) (27 June 2011)
- * Yasuhiro Tada, Norio Kawakami and Satoshi Fujimoto
"Upper critical field in superconductors near ferromagneticquantum critical points: UCoGe"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, SA006/1-3 (2011) (11 July 2011)
- * Tsuneya Yoshida and Norio Kawakami
"Antiferromagnetic instability of an extended periodic Anderson model in large dimensions"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, SA140/1-3 (2011) (11 July 2011)
- * Tomoko Kita, Takuma Ohashi and Norio Kawakami
"Orbital-selective Mott transition in multiorbital Hubbard model with orbital degeneracy lifting"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, SA142/1-3 (2011) (11 July 2011)
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"An in-vacuum diffractometer for resonant elastic soft x-ray scattering"
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"Polar distortions in hydrogen-bonded organic ferroelectrics"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 014101 (15 July 2011)
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"Origin of giant bulk Rashba splitting: Application to BiTeI"
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"Inkjet printing of single-crystal films"
Nature 475,364–367 (21 July 2011)
- * Y. Onose, R. Yoshimi, A. Tsukazaki, H. Yuan, T. Hidaka, Y. Iwasa, M. Kawasaki, Y. Tokura
"Pulsed Laser Deposition and Ionic Liquid Gate Control of Epitaxial Bi2Se3 Thin Films "
Applied Physics Express 4, 083001 (21 July 2011)
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"Liquid-Gated Ambipolar Transport in Ultrathin Films of a Topological Insulator Bi2Te3"
Nano Letters 11, 2601-2605 (22 July 2011)
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"Insulating phase of a two-dimensional electron gas in MgxZn1-xO/ZnO heterostructures below nu=1/3"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 033304 (25 July 2011)
- * Hiroki Hiraga, Takayuki Makino, Tomoteru Fukumura, Hongming Weng, and Masashi Kawasaki
"Electronic structure of the delafossite-type CuMnO$_2$ (M=Sc Cr Mn Fe and Co): optical absorption measurements and first-principles calculations"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 041411 (29 July 2011)
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"Spectral dependence of photoinduced spin precession in DyFeO3"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 064402 (02 August 2011)
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"Improvement of electron mobility above 100,000cm2V-1s-1 in MgxZn1-xO/ZnO heterostructures"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 080215 (05 August 2011)
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"Common Origin of the Circular-dichroism Pattern in ARPES of SrTiO3 and CuxBi2Se3"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 077601 (09 August 2011)
- * S. Ishiwata,* M. Tokunaga, Y. Kaneko, D. Okuyama, Y. Tokunaga, S. Wakimoto, K. Kakurai, T. Arima,Y. Taguchi, and Y. Tokura
"Versatile helimagnetic phases under magnetic fields in cubic perovskite SrFeO3"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 054427 (09 August 2011)
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"High-Pressure Hydrothermal Crystal Growth and Multiferroic Properties of a Perovskite YMnO3"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 13818 (09 August 2011)
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"Mott insulator to metal transition in filling-controlled SmMnAsO1−x"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 054519 (10 August 2011)
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"Magnetically driven ferroelectric atomic displacements in orthorhombic YMnO3"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 054440 (11 August 2011)
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"Magnesium doping controlled density and mobility of two-dimensional electron gas in MgxZn1-xO/ZnO heterostructures"
Appl. Phys. Express 4, 091101 (17 August 2011)
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"Interplay of Kondo and superconducting correlations in the nonequilibrium Andreev transport through a quantum dot"
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"Polaronic metal in lightly doped high-Tc cuprates "
EPL, 95, 57007 (24 August 2011)
- * Y. Tokunaga, D. Okuyama, T. Kurumaji, T. Arima, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, Y. Taguchi, and Y. Tokura
"Multiferroicity in NiBr2 with long-wavelength cycloidal spin structure on a triangular lattice"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 060406 (26 August 2011)
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"Ferrimagnetism and spontaneous ordering of transition metals in double perovskite La2CrFeO6 films"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 064436 (26 August 2011)
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"Optical Response of Relativistic Electrons in the Polar BiTeI Semiconductor"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 117401 (09 September 2011)
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"Displacement-Type Ferroelectricity with Off-Center Magnetic Ions in Perovskite Sr1-xBaxMnO3"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 137601 (16 September 2011)
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"Growth of Highly Insulating Bulk Single Crystals of Multiferroic BiFeO3 and Their Inherent Internal Strains in the Domain-Switching Process"
Crystal Growth & Design 11, 5139-5143 (21 September 2011)
- * Jiadong Zang, Maxim Mostovoy, Jung Hoon Han, and Naoto Nagaosa
"Dynamics of Skyrmion Crystals in Metallic Thin Films"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 136804 (23 September 2011)
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"Dynamical Mean Field Study of the Kondo Lattice Model with Frustration"
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"Numerical Simulation of Spin-Chirality Switching inMultiferroics via Intense Electromagnon Excitations"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 320 (2011) 012082 (28 September 2011)
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"Theory of spin-phonon coupling in multiferroic manganese perovskites RMnO3"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 144409 (05 October 2011)
- * K. Shibuya, D. Okuyama, R. Kumai, Y. Yamasaki, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, Y. Taguchi, T. Arima, M. Kawasaki, and Y. Tokura
"X-ray induced insulator-metal transition in a thin film of electron-doped VO2"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 165108 (10 October 2011)
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"Magnetic and electronic properties of ordered double-perovskite La2VMnO6 thin films"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 132411 (19 October 2011)
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"Nonmonotonic temperature dependence of thermopower in strongly correlated electron systems"
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"Complex magnetism and magnetic-field-driven electrical polarization of Co3TeO6"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 180404 (08 November 2011)
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"Diffusive charge transport with strongly renormalized carrier mass in hole-doped Mott insulators (Y1−xCdx)2Mo2O7 with frustrated pyrochlore lattice"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 174416 (14 November 2011)
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"High temperature oxygen near edge x-ray absorption fine structure valence band spectra and conductivity of LaFe3/4Ni1/4O3 from 300 to 773 K "
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"Strain-Mediated Phase Control and Electrolyte-Gating of Electron-Doped Manganites"
Advanced Materials 23, 5822-5827 (22 November 2011)
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"Magnetic properties of Sr2FeTaO6 double perovskite epitaxially grown by pulsed-laser deposition "
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- * Enju Sakai, Kohei Yoshimatsu, Keisuke Shibuya, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Eiji Ikenaga, Masashi Kawasaki, Yoshinori Tokura, and Masaharu Oshima
"Competition between instabilities of Peierls transition and Mott transition in W-doped VO2 thin films"
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"Topological Phases and Delocalization of Quantum Walks in Random Environments"
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"Mott Transition in Three-Orbital Hubbard Model with Orbital Splitting"
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"Magnetoelectric resonance with electromagnonsin a perovskite helimagnet"
Nature Physics 8,121–125 (04 December 2011)
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"Ferroelectricity and Pressure-Induced Phenomena Driven by Neutral-Ionic Valence Instability of Acid-Base Supramolecules"
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 1036–1046 (05 December 2011)
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"Skyrmion quantum numbers and quantized pumping in two-dimensional topological chiral magnets"
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"Orbital characters of three-dimensional Fermi surfaces in Eu2−xSrxNiO4 as probed by soft-x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy"
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"Peierls Mechanism of the Metal-Insulator Transition in Ferromagnetic Hollandite K2Cr8O16"
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"Symmetry and Topology in Superconductors -Odd-Frequency Pairing and Edge States-"
J. Phys. Soc., 81, 011013 (26 December 2011)
- * Kazuaki Iwasa, Ryosuke Igarashi, Kotaro Saito, Claire Laulh´e, Toshihiko Orihara, Satoru Kunii, Keitaro Kuwahara, Hironori Nakao, Youichi Murakami, Fumitoshi Iga, Masafumi Sera, Satoshi Tsutsui, Hiroshi Uchiyama, Alfred Q. R. Baron
"Motion of the guest ion as precursor to the first-order phase transition in the cage system GdB6"
Phys. Rev. B 84, 214308 (28 December 2011)
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"Insulator-metal transition driven by change of doping and spin-orbit interaction in Sr2IrO4"
Phys. Rev. B 85, 035101 (04 January 2012)
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"Spin-Depairing Transition of Attractive Fermi Gases on a Ring "
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"Spin-Wave Modes and Their Intense Excitation Effects in Skyrmion Crystals"
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"Emergent phenomena in perovskite-type manganites"
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- * Yuya Matsubara, Takayuki Makino, Hiroki Hiraga, Chunlin Chen, Susumu Tsukimoto, Kazunori Ueno, Yusuke Kozuka, Yuichi Ikuhara, and Masashi Kawasaki
"High Crystallinity CuScO2 Delafossite Films Exhibiting Ultraviolet Photoluminescence Grown by Vapor–Liquid–Solid Tri-phase Epitaxy"
Appl. Phys. Express 5, 011201 (11 January 2012)
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"Correlation between interdomain carrier hopping and apparent mobility in polycrystalline organic transistors as investigated by electron spin resonance"
Phys. Rev. B 85, 035308-1-9 (11 January 2012)
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"Cross-Correlated Responses of Topological Superconductors and Superfluids"
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"Impact of Bi Deficiencies on Ferroelectric Resistive Switching Characteristics Observed at p-Type Schottky-Like Pt/Bi1–δFeO3 Interfaces"
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"Hall Effect of Spin-Chirality Origin in a Triangular-Lattice Helimagnet Fe1.3Sb"
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"Superconductivity induced by longitudinal ferromagnetic fluctuations in UCoGe"
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"Charge pumping by magnetization dynamics in magnetic and semimagnetic tunnel junctions with interfacial Rashba or bulk extrinsic spin-orbit coupling"
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"Spin-selective Kondo insulator: Cooperation between Ferromagnetism and Kondo effect"
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"Real-Space Observation of Skyrmion Lattice in Helimagnet MnSi Thin Samples"
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"Evolution of Edge States and Critical Phenomena in the Rashba Superconductor with Magnetization"
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"Terahertz magnetoelectric response via electromagnons in magnetic oxides"
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"Band-filling dependence of thermoelectric properties in B20-type CoGe"
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"Optical conductivity of polarons: Double cloud concept virified by diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulations"
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"Subband Structure of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Formed at the Polar Surfaceof the Strong Spin-Orbit Perovskite KTaO3"
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