Timetable (Final) *Last update: January 16, 2013
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Program detail *Last update: January 16, 2013
Saturday, Jan. 26
Sunday, Jan. 27
9:00-9:20 | Registration | |||
9:20-10:50 | Session: Topological StatesChair: A. Furusaki | |||
Su01 | Y. Ando (Osaka Univ.) “Exploring Topological Insulator and Superconductor Materials” | |||
Su02 | X. L. Qi (Stanford Univ.) “Momentum polarization: an entanglement measure of topological spin and chiral central charge” | |||
Su03 | N. Kawakami (Kyoto Univ.) “Spin-Selective Kondo Insulator and Topological Generalizations” | |||
10:50-11:20 | Break | |||
11:20-12:50 | Session: Topological StatesChair: Q. Niu | |||
Su04 | L. Fu (MIT) “Topological Crystalline Insulator and Anderson Transition” | |||
Su05 | A. Vishwanath (U.C. Berkeley) “Novel Topological Phases in Interacting Systems” | |||
Su06 | Y. Tanaka (Nagoya Univ.) “Odd-frequency pairing and Majorana fermion in Nanowire proximity systems” | |||
12:50-14:20 | Lunch Break | |||
14:20-15:50 | Poster Session | |||
15:50-16:20 | Break | |||
16:20-18:20 | Session: Quantum CoherenceChair: D. Xiao | |||
Su07 | Y. Maeno (Kyoto Univ.) “Switching of critical current of Nb/Ru/Sr2RuO4 topological junctions” | |||
Su08 | E. Demler (Harvard Univ.) “Exploring topological states with cold atoms and photons” | |||
Su09 | D. Loss (Univ. of Basel) “Transition from fractional to Majorana fermions in Rashba nanowires” | |||
Su10 | K. Nomura (Tohoku Univ.) “Electromagnetic and Thermal responses in Topological Insulator and Superconductors” | |||
18:20-20:30 | Banquet |
Monday, Jan. 28
Tuesday, Jan. 29
Poster Session
P01 | K.-I. Imura (AdSM, Hiroshima Univ.) “Noninvasive Metallic State” | |
P02 | Y. Hama (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Spin Josephson Supercurrent in the Canted Antiferromagnetic Phase” | |
P03 | A. Beekman (CERG, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) “Type-II Bose-Mott insulators” | |
P04 | S. Tsuchiya (Tokyo Univ. of Science) “The Higgs amplitude mode in superfluids of Dirac fermions” | |
P05 | S. Suga (Univ. of Hyogo) “Mott states and superfluid state of repulsively interacting three-component fermionic atoms in optical lattices” | |
P06 | N. Arakawa (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Effect of the Octahedral-distortions on Spin Hall Effect in Ca2-xSrxRuO4” | |
P07 | R. Peters (Kyoto Univ.) “Artificially layered heavy fermion systems” | |
P08 | M. Mochizuki (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Predicted Gigantic Microwave Diode Effects in Multiferroic Skyrmion-Crystal” | |
P09 | N. Sakumichi (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Lee-Yang cluster expansion approach to BCS-BEC crossover” | |
P10 | T. Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.) “Analysis of topological Kondo insulators -a dynamical mean field study-” | |
P11 | K. Kudo (Okayama Univ.) “Chemical tuning of soft-phonons and enhancement of superconductivity in BaNi2As2” | |
P12 | H. Ishizuka (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Dirac Half-Metal in a Triangular Ferrimagnet” | |
P13 | H. Ishizuka (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Kagome Ice” | |
P14 | B.-J. Yang (CERG, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) “Topological protection of bound states against the hybridization” | |
P15 | S. Ueda (Kyoto Univ.) “Study of correlated heterostructures of topological/Mott insulators” | |
P16 | A. Chainani (RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring-8) “Electronic structure of TiN, VN and CrN” | |
P17 | T. Kanao (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Theory of Defect-Induced Kondo Effect in Graphene: Role of Defect-Induced Zero-Energy Localized State” | |
P18 | T. Habe (Hokkaido Univ.) “Gapped energy spectra around the Dirac node at the surface of a 3D topological insulator in the presence of the time-reversal symmetry” | |
P19 | T. Kita (Kyoto Univ.) “Field-induced Mott transition in kagome lattice Hubbard model” | |
P20 | M. Sakaida (Kyoto Univ.) “Systematic analysis of binary-disordered s-wave superfluids” | |
P21 | T. Ikeda (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Finite-size scaling of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis in Lieb-Liniger model” | |
P22 | S. Furukawa (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Quantum Hall states in rapidly rotating two-component Bose gases” | |
P23 | H. Nakamura (Osaka Univ.) “Observation of cubic Rashba effect in an inversion-symmetric oxide” | |
P24 | R. Cheng (The Univ. of Texas at Austin) “Current-Induced Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Metal: Domain Wall Dynamics and Spin Wave Excitation” | |
P25 | T. Aono (Ibaraki Univ.) “Electric and thermoelectric transport properties of Dirac fermions under the Kondo effect” | |
P26 | Y. Araki (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Topological orders in graphenelike systems and lattice gauge theory” | |
P27 | Y. Akagi (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Quantum Fluctuation Effect on a Spin Scalar Chiral Order in a Frustrated Kondo Lattice System” | |
P28 | Y. Takahashi (QPEC, The Univ. of Tokyo) “Direct observation of in-plane optical conductivity of Sr2RuO4/LSAT by Terahertz spectroscopy” | |
P29 | W. Koshibae (CMRG, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) “Numerical study of lattice-vibration induced dynamics of electronic state in extended double-exchange model” | |
P30 | Z. G. Sheng (CERG, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) “Strain Driven Glassy Behaviors in Manganite Film” | |
P31 | S. Hayami (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Three-dimensional Dirac Electrons with Noncoplanar Multiple-Q Order in a Cubic Lattice System” | |
P32 | N. Kanazawa (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Skyrmion-lattice formation and topological Hall effect in the B20 chiral-lattice magnet MnGe” | |
P33 | J. Klinovaja (Univ. of Basel) “Giant spin orbit interaction due to rotating magnetic fields in graphene nanoribbons” | |
P34 | A. Koga (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “Transport properties through a quantum dot coupled to normal and superconducting leads” | |
P35 | T. Nomoto (Kyoto Univ.) “Anomalous behavior of penetration depth near the antiferromagnetic phase in nodal superconductors” | |
P36 | N. Tsuji (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Dynamical phase transition and nonequilibrium criticality in the fermionic Hubbard model” | |
P37 | Y. Murakami (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Supersolid phase and collective modes of a frustrated dimer-spin system” | |
P38 | S. Watabe (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Green's function formalisms of a condensed Bose system meeting the Nepomnyashchii identity” | |
P39 | K. Ueda (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Variation of Charge Dynamics in the Course of Metal-Insulator Transition for Pyrochlore-Type Nd2Ir2O7” | |
P40 | S. Kawabata (AIST) “Crossover between odd and even frequency paring in a superconductor/ferromagnet junctions” | |
P41 | A. Oguri (Osaka City Univ.) “1/(N-1) expansion for an SU(N) impurity Anderson model: a new large-N scheme based on a perturbation theory in U” | |
P42 | K. Shiozaki (Kyoto Univ.) “Electromagnetic and thermal responses of Z topological insulators and superconductors in three spatial dimensions” | |
P43 | M. Sakano (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Rashba-type spin-split band structure in layered polar semiconductor BiTeX (X=I, Br and Cl)” | |
P44 | W. Nie (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Ground-state Energies of Spinless Free Fermions and Hard-core Bosons” | |
P45 | H. Sumiyoshi (Kyoto Univ.) “Quantum Thermal Hall Effect in a Time-Reversal-Symmetry-Broken Topological Superconductor in Two Dimensions : Approach From Bulk Calculations” | |
P46 | M. Sato (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) “Triple density product order in three-component Bose and Fermi gases” | |
P47 | H. Watanabe (RIKEN) “Theoretical study of novel insulating and superconducting states in Ir oxides with large spin-orbit coupling” | |
P48 | M. Tezuka (Kyoto Univ.) “Interacting fermions on spatially modulated lattices: topological superfluids with Majorana edge modes” | |
P49 | S. Chakraverty (CERG, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) “SrFeO3 to BaFeO3 thin films: Skyrmionic metal to Ferromagnetic insulator” | |
P50 | R. Akashi (The Univ. of Tokyo) “New Gap-equation Kernels in the Density Functional Theory for Superconductors: Development and Applications” | |
P51 | M. Kamitani (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Superconductivity in CuxIrTe2 with band tuning” | |
P52 | S. Takayoshi (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Many-body Floquet theory of Light-induced coherent magnetization dynamics in a Haldane antiferromagnet” | |
P53 | S. Bordacs (QPEC, The Univ. of Tokyo) “Infrared spectroscopy of Landau levels of BiTeI with gigantic bulk Rashba type spin splitting” | |
P54 | A. Mishchenko (CMRG, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) “Quantum Dynamics of the Hubbard-Holstein Model in Equilibriumand Non-Equilibrium: Application to Pump-Probe Phenomena” | |
P55 | Y. Ishida (ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo) “Ultrafast modification of Photoelectric Effect from the Dipolar Surface of Cu0.05Bi2Se3” | |
P56 | A. Tsurumaki-Fukuchi (AIST) “Impacts of interfacial band structure on ferroelectric resistive switching effect in BiFeO3 thin films” | |
P57 | Y. Kumano (ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo) “Response to a twist on systems with Zp symmetry” | |
P58 | Y. Otsuka (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science) “Mott transition in the half-filled Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice” | |
P59 | S. Ishiwata (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Extremely high mobility in a glassy silver-based semimetal” | |
P60 | T. Kondo (ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo) “Emergence of spin vortices in the warped Fermi surface of Bi2Te3revealed by laser-based ARPES” | |
P61 | J. Ye (QPEC, The Univ. of Tokyo) “Electric Control of Spin and Valley Polarization in Tungsten Dichalcogenides” | |
P62 | H. Sakai (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Competition between quantum criticality and Fermi liquid behavior revealed by transport measurements in ultrapure Sr3Ru2O7” | |
P63 | T. Kikuchi (NIMS) “Massless Axions: the Callan-Harvey effect revisited” | |
P64 | H. Ohnishi (AIST) “Canted Antiferromagnetism in Electron-Doped CaMnO3 under Epitaxial Strain ” | |
P65 | T. Itou (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Spin liquid, superconductivity, and Mott transition observed in the triangular-lattice organic system X[Pd(dmit)2]2” | |
P66 | H. Asai (AIST) “Interplay between Heat and THz Phase Dynamics in Intrinsic Josephson Junctions” | |
P67 | Y. Sun (Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science) “Helical Dirac cone of heterostructures made of a topological insulator and a trivial insulator” | |
P68 | S. Sota (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science) “Massively parallel two-dimensional density matrix renormalization group method algorithm for two-dimensional strongly correlated systems” | |
P69 | S. Shimizu (CERG, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) “Anomalous Hall effect in ultra-thin films of Pt” | |
P70 | X. Li (The Univ. of Texas at Austin) “Unconventional Quantum Hall Effect and Tunable Spin Hall Effect in monolayer MoS2” | |
P71 | A. Sakai (Osaka Univ.) “Spin torques and charge transport on the surface of topological insulator” | |
P72 | S. Seki (The Univ. of Tokyo) “Skyrmions in Multiferroics” | |
P73 | J. Ozaki (Kyoto Univ.) “Quantum aspects of collision dynamics” | |
P74 | I. Kimchi (Univ. of California, Berkeley) “Featureless and Non-Fractionalized Bose Insulator on the Honeycomb Lattice at 1/2 site-filling” | |
P75 | I. Kimchi (Univ. of California, Berkeley) “Kitaev-Heisenberg Models for Honeycomb Iridates and Beyond” |