Program |
This is a preliminary program. Changes may be made without notification.
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overview (Nov.6, 2013 updated)
10:00 - 10:10 | Opening |
Spintronics I | |
(Chair: Kawasaki) | |
10:10 - 11:20 | Stuart S.P. Parkin (IBM Almaden Research Center) "Giant reversible structural changes in epitaxial films of VO2 induced by ionic liquid gating" (30+5) |
Allan H. MacDonald (University of Texas) "Anomalous Hall effect revisited" (30+5) |
11:20 - 11:40 | Coffee Break |
11:40 - 12:20 | Yoshinori Tokura (RIKEN CEMS) "3D topological magnets" (15+5) |
Naoto Nagaosa (RIKEN CEMS) "Theory of skyrmion dynamics" (15+5) |
12:20 - 14:00 | Lunch Break |
Spintronics II | |
(Chair: Yunoki) | |
14:00 - 15:10 | Sadamichi Maekawa (JAEA) "Spin current generation and manipulation" (30+5) |
Gen Tatara (RIKEN CEMS) "Emergent spin electromagnetism induced by magnetization textures in the presence of spin-orbit interaction" (15+5) |
Yukitoshi Motome ((University of Tokyo) "Breathing-type bond order and spin Hall effect in itinerant spin ice" (12+3) |
15:10 - 15:30 | Coffee Break |
Superconductor | |
(Chair: Furusaki) | |
15:30 - 17:40 | Zhi-Xun Shen ((Stanford University) "Recent ARPES results from cuprates and FeSe/STO systems" (30+5) |
Yoshio Kitaoka (Osaka University) "Recent topics on high-Tc superconductivity in pnictides and cuprates" (30+5) |
Ryotaro Arita (University of Tokyo) "Superconducting density functional theory for doped band insulator" (15+5) |
Shik Shin (ISSP, University of Tokyo) "Study on ion-pnictide and heavy fermion superconductors by laser ARPES" (15+5) |
Tetsuo Hanaguri (RIKEN CEMS) "Superconductivity and orbital physics in FeSe" (15+5) |
17:40 - 18:00 | Coffee Break |
Selected Poster Previews | |
(Chair: Hanaguri) | |
18:00 - 19:00 | Hiroki Wadati (University of Tokyo) P08 "Coexistence of multiple magnetic orderings in SrCo6O11 revealed by resonant soft x-ray scattering" (5) |
Sandor Bordacs (University of Tokyo) P20 "Landau level spectroscopy of Dirac electrons in a polar semiconductor with giant Rashba spin splitting" (5) |
Masao Nakamura (RIKEN CEMS) P27 "Bidirectional photocurrent generation and induced polar state in heterojunctions of LaFeO3" (5) |
Kei S. Takahashi (RIKEN CEMS) P32 "High mobility two-dimensional electron gas in ?-doped SrTiO3 grown by gas source MBE" (5) |
Akihito Sawa (AIST) P35 "Electrolyte-gated correlated electron oxide transistors" (5) |
Yusuke Tokunaga (RIKEN CEMS) P50 "Magnetic biasing of P-E loop in a multiferroic ferrite" (5) |
Toru Sakai (JAEA SPring-8) P64 "Spin nanotubes" (5) |
Alexander V. Rozhkov (ITAE RAS) P71 "Electronic phase separation in doped pnictides" (5) |
Wataru Koshibae (RIKEN CEMS) P85 "Dynamics of quenched chiral magnet - creation and annihilation of skyrmions" (5) |
Ryutaro Yoshimi (University of Tokyo) P94 "Resonant tunneling via Dirac electron states in a topological-insulator / semiconductor junction" (5) |
Bohm-Jung Yang (RIKEN CEMS) P96 "Emergent topological phenomena in thin films of pyrochlore iridates" (5) |
Topological Phonemona I | |
(Chair: Nagaosa/Tatara) | |
9:40 - 10:50 | Qi-kun Xue (Tsinghua University) "Quantum anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic topological insulator" (30+5) |
Nai Phuan Ong (Princeton University) "Beyond Z2-TRI topological insulators" (30+5) |
10:50 - 11:10 | Coffee Break |
11:10 - 12:20 | Hidetoshi Fukuyama (Tokyo University of Science) "Spin-Hall effect and diamagnetism of Dirac electrons" (30+5) |
Norio Kawakami (Kyoto University) "Edge states in correlated topological insulators" (15+5) |
Mohammad S. Bahramy (University of Tokyo) "Electrical control of valley spin polarization in WSe2" (12+3) |
12:20 - 14:00 | Lunch Break |
Poster Session | |
14:00 - 15:50 | Program of the Poster Session |
15:50 - 16:00 | Break |
Topological Phonemona II | |
(Chair: Kawakami) | |
16:00 - 18:20 | Christian Pfleiderer (Technische Universität München) "Emergence, stability and decay of skyrmions in chiral magnets" (30+5) |
Xiuzhen Yu (RIKEN CEMS) "Spintronics in topological spin texture" (12+3) |
Shintaro Ishiwata (University of Tokyo) "Novel helical spin texture in cubic perovskite SrFeO3" (12+3) |
Akira Furusaki (RIKEN CEMS) "Stability of surface states of (weak or crystalline) topological insulators" (15+5) |
Seiji Yunoki (RIKEN CEMS) "Novel unconventional superconductivity in Jeff=1/2 Mott insulator for Ir oxides" (15+5) |
Yoshiteru Maeno (Kyoto University) "Mott transition in Ca2RuO4 under non-equilibrium: conditions" (30+5) |
18:20 - 18:30 | Break |
18:30 - 20:30 | Banquet |
Interface | |
(Chair: Iwasa/Hwang) | |
9:40 - 10:55 | Jean-Marc Triscone (University of Geneva) "2-dimensional superconductivity at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface" (30+5) |
Masashi Kawasaki (University of Tokyo and RIKEN CEMS) "Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall states in ZnO" (15+5) |
Harold Y. Hwang (Stanford University and RIKEN CEMS) "Quantum transport in 2D single and bilayer SrTiO3 heterostructures" (15+5) |
10:55 - 11:15 | Coffee Break |
Alberto Morpurgo (University of Geneva) "High-quality multi-terminal suspended devices and even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect in bilayer graphene" (30+5) |
Yoshihiro Iwasa (University of Tokyo and RIKEN CEMS) "Field effect on strongly correlated systems" (15+5) |
Tatsuo Hasegawa (AIST) "Modulation spectroscopy of interface charge transport in correlated organic semiconductors" (15+5) |
12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch Break |
Photonics and Multiferroics | |
(Chair: Hasegawa/Arima) | |
14:00 - 16:00 | Theo Rasing (Radboud University Nijmegen) "TBA" (30+5) |
Alois Loidl (Augsburg University) "Electromagnons" (30+5) |
Youtarou Takahashi (University of Tokyo) "Colossal dynamical magnetoelectric effect of electromagnons in multiferroic materials" (12+3) |
Naoki Ogawa (RIKEN CEMS) "Spin photocurrent in Rashba semiconductors" (12+3) |
Franco Nori (RIKEN CEMS) "(1) Majorana fermions in pinned vortices, and (2) phase separation in systems with imperfect nesting, including pnictides and graphene" (15+5) |
16:00 - 16:20 | Coffee Break |
16:20 - 18:40 | Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zürich) "Monopoles in magnetoelectrics" (30+5) |
Makoto Gonokami (University of Tokyo) "Production of ultracold bulk excitons for stabilizing a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate" (30+5) |
Yasujiro Taguchi (RIKEN CEMS) "Magnetic control of polarization and lattice structure" (15+5) |
Shinichiro Seki (RIKEN CEMS) "Magnetoelectric skyrmions in chiral insulating ferrimagnet Cu2OSeO3" (12+3) |
Manuel Bibes (CNRS) "Putting a strain on BiFeO3" (30+5) |
Quantum Beam and Bulk Materials | |
(Chair: Arita/Taguchi) | |
9:40 - 10:50 | Bernhard Keimer (Max-Planck-Institut) "Spin and charge order in oxide superlattices" (30+5) |
Tsuyoshi Kimura (Osaka University)) "Observation of multipole helix-chiral domains by resonant x-ray scattering" (30+5) |
10:50 - 11:10 | Coffee Break |
11:10 - 12:50 | Yoichi Ando (University of Osaka) "Experimental studies of topological insulators and superconductors" (30+5) |
Sachio Horiuchi (AIST) "Development of donor-acceptor-type organic ferroelectrics" (12+3) |
Fumitaka Kagawa (RIKEN CEMS) "Switchable polarization dependent on multidomain topology in a uniaxial organic ferroelectric" (12+3) |
Youichi Murakami (KEK) "Resonant soft x-ray scattering studies in SCE system" (15+5) |
Taka-hisa Arima (University of Tokyo and RIKEN CEMS) "X-ray imaging of all-in/all-out magnetic domians in pyrochlore" (15+5) |
12:55 - 13:05 | Closing |
P01 | Runze Yu (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Pb-Cr charge transfer in Pb1-xSrxCrO3 as the origin of volume collapse" |
P02 | Markus Kriener (RIKEN CEMS) "Thermoelectric properties of (W,Ta)1(Se,Te)2" |
P03 | Hajime Hojo (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Enhanced piezoelectricity and stabilization of giant tetragonal phase in BiFexCo1-xO3" |
P04 | Masaki Uchida (University of Tokyo) "Electronic structure and its temperature evolution in Ba2IrO4 thin films as probed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy" |
P05 | Takafumi Hatano (RIKEN CEMS) "Control of transport properties in half-doped manganites system" |
P06 | Daisuke Uematsu (University of Tokyo) "Effect of trigonal distortion of IrO6 on 5d states in Eu2Ir2O7" |
P07 | Kensuke Kobayashi (KEK) "Ferroelectric to antiferroelectric structural phase transition in [H-6,6’-dmbp][Hca]" |
P08 | Hiroki Wadati (University of Tokyo) "Coexistence of multiple magnetic orderings in SrCo6O11 revealed by resonant soft x-ray scattering" |
P09 | Hajime Yamamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Weak ferromagnetism in BiFe1-xCoxO3 induced by the spin structure change." |
P10 | Takehito Suzuki (RIKEN CEMS) "Thermoelectric properties of filled IrSb3" |
P11 | Toshiya Ideue (University of Tokyo) "Transport properties of polar semiconductor BiTeI under pressure" |
P12 | Yusuke Serizawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University) "Electromagnetic response of Rashba systems" |
P13 | Debraj Choudhury (RIKEN CEMS) "Enhanced magnetocaloric effect due to strong-coupling between magnetism and structure in MnCo1-xZnxGe" |
P14 | Joji Nasu (University of Tokyo) "Finite-T phase transition to quantum spin liquid in a 3D Kitaev model" |
P15 | Makoto Naka (RIKEN CEMS) "Long-period charge fluctuation and charge dynamics in theta-(BEDT-TTF)2X" |
P16 | Keisuke Matsuura (University of Tokyo) "Magnetic excitations in MnV2O4 studied by inelastic neutron scattering" |
P17 | Atsunori Doi (University of Tokyo) "Insulator-metal transition and spin state fluctuation in LaCoO3" |
P18 | Nao Minami (University of Tokyo) "Quantum relaxation dynamics of domain walls in hydrogen-bonded imidazole ferroelectrics" |
P19 | Koji Ikeura (University of Tokyo) "Large enhancement of thermopower in semimetallic β-MoTe2 by chemical substitution" |
P20 | Sandor Bordacs (University of Tokyo) "Landau level spectroscopy of Dirac electrons in a polar semiconductor with giant Rashba spin splitting" |
P21 | Satoshi Matsuoka (AIST) "Band coherence analysis of correlated polymer semiconductors" |
P22 | Robert Peters (Kyoto University) "Artificially layered heavy fermion systems" |
P23 | Masato Ito (University of Tokyo) "EDL transistor characteristics with BaTiO3 channels" |
P24 | Tomoki Tambo (University of Tokyo) "Tuning FQHE in oxide by air-gap gating" |
P25 | Zhigao Sheng (RIKEN CEMS) "Magneto-tunable photocurrent in manganite based heterojunctions" |
P26 | Keisuke Shibuya (AIST) "Strain effect on the metal-insulator transition temperature in VO2 thin films" |
P27 | Masao Nakamura (RIKEN CEMS) "Bidirectional photocurrent generation and induced polar state in heterojunctions of LaFeO3" |
P28 | Neeraj Kumar (AIST) "Photolithography of Parylene-C/Ta2O5 hybrid gate insulator for future Mott transistors" |
P29 | Jobu Matsuno (RIKEN CEMS) "Tuning of the spin-orbit Mott state by tailoring superlattices" |
P30 | Joseph Falson (University of Tokyo) "Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in ZnO" |
P31 | Atsushi Fukuchi (AIST) "Ferroelectric resistive switching induced in a dielectric/ferroelectric heterostructure" |
P32 | Kei S. Takahashi (RIKEN CEMS) "High mobility two-dimensional electron gas in δ-doped SrTiO3 grown by gas source MBE" |
P33 | Masaki Nakano (Tohoku University) "Electric-field induced giant structural/spectral changes in VO2" |
P34 | Yuya Matsubara (University of Tokyo) "Polar metallic state in La-doped BatiO3 film grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy" |
P35 | Akihito Sawa (AIST) "Electrolyte-gated correlated electron oxide transistors" |
P36 | Takahiro C. Fujita (University of Tokyo) "Octupole magnetic ordering and magnetotransport properties in Eu2Ir2O7 thin films" |
P37 | Yuhki Kohsaka (RIKEN CEMS) "Visualizing a p-n junction of two-dimensional electronic gases on a polar semiconductor BiTeI" |
P38 | Tomoyuki Tsuyama (University of Tokyo) "X-ray magnetic circular dichroism for ferromagnetic insulator of BaFeO3 thin film" |
P39 | Qing-Yan Wang (RIKEN CEMS) "Compressively strained EuTiO3 films grown by gas source MBE" |
P40 | Denis Maryenko (RIKEN CEMS) "MgZnO/ZnO transport at large tilt angle and in a magnetic field up to 33 Tesla" |
P41 | Yuki Noda (AIST) "Inkjet printing of single-crystal organic semiconductors: initial microfluid dynamics in double-shot inkjet technique" |
P42 | Toshikazu Yamada (AIST) "Developing innovative printing process for high-resolution metal wiring with nanometal inks" |
P43 | Sunao Shimizu (RIKEN CEMS) "Electrically tunable anomalous Hall effect in ultra-thin films of Pt" |
P44 | Hiromi Minemawari (AIST) "Inkjet printing of single-crystal organic semiconductors: film growth and field-effect characteristics" |
P45 | Nobuyuki Abe (University of Tokyo) "Magnetoelectric effect in Ca2Fe2-xAlxO5" |
P46 | Shingo Toyoda (University of Tokyo) "Spin-orbital coupled state in CuB2O4" |
P47 | Alexandra Kalashnikova (Ioffe Institute) "Genuine crystal-field parameters of copper metaborate and related cuprates" |
P48 | Masahiro Rikisou (University of Tokyo) "Magneto-optical effect in chiral magnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3" |
P49 | Shunsuke Kibayashi (University of Tokyo) "Magnetochiral dichroism resonant with electromagnon in a helimagnet" |
P50 | Yusuke Tokunaga (RIKEN CEMS) "Magnetic biasing of P-E loop in a multiferroic ferrite" |
P51 | Hideo Kawaguchi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) "Coupling between spin electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave" |
P52 | Yukitoshi Motome (University of Tokyo) "Toroidal ordering in metals: band shift and magnetotransport" |
P53 | Takaaki Sudayama (KEK) "Artificial superlattice Mn thin film with large magneto-resistance studied by resonant soft x-ray scattering under magnetic field" |
P54 | Khanh D. Nguyen (Tohoku University) "Magneto-Electric effect in non-centrosymmetric (Cu,Ni)B2O4" |
P55 | Yuichi Yamasaki (KEK) "X-ray induced phase transition between multiferroic states in a perovskite manganite" |
P56 | Yuki Ohuchi (University of Tokyo) "Photo-induced sign inversion of anomalous Hall effect in EuO thin films" |
P57 | Neill Lambert (RIKEN CEMS) "Photon-mediated electron transport in hybrid circuit-QED" |
P58 | Takuya Satoh (University of Tokyo) "Optical excitation of spin oscillations in NiO" |
P59 | Jun'ya Tsutsumi (AIST) "Photocarrier generation via charge-transfer excitation in correlated polymer semiconductors" |
P60 | Yurika Kubo (Waseda University) "Tunable 'rotons' in 2D Antiferromagnets" |
P61 | Daisuke Morikawa (RIKEN CEMS) "Crystal chirality and skyrmion helicity in MnSi and (Fe,Co)Si as determined by transmission electron microscopy" |
P62 | Aron Beekman (RIKEN CEMS) "Large-angle magnon-skyrmion scattering" |
P63 | Yoichi Nii (RIKEN CEMS) "Elastic properties of MnSi" |
P64 | Toru Sakai (JAEA SPring-8) "Spin Nanotubes" |
P65 | Kiyou Shibata (University of Tokyo) "Size and helicity of skyrmions in helimagnets Mn1-xFexGe" |
P66 | Yuta Sasaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University) "Electrical control of transmitted spin wave in ferromagnetic metal and insulator junction system" |
P67 | Nobuhiko Taniguchi (University of Tsukuba) "Electrically induced spin current in a onequilibrium spin-orbit nano interferometer" |
P68 | Henri M. Saarikoski (RIKEN CEMS) "Control of spin geometric phase in semiconductor quantum rings" |
P69 | Masashi Kubota (RIKEN CEMS) "Manipulation of magnetic domain by local stress" |
P70 | Tomoyuki Yokouchi (University of Tokyo) "Skrmion stability in thin films of Mn1-xFexSi as investigated by topological Hall effect" |
P71 | Alexander V. Rozhkov (ITAE RAS) "Electronic phase separation in doped pnictides" |
P72 | Seiichiro Suga (University of Hyogo) "Extended s-wave superfluid in repulsively interacting three-component fermionic atoms in optical lattices" |
P73 | Sho Nakosai (University of Tokyo) "p-wave superconducting states with magnetic moments on a conventional s-wave superconductor" |
P74 | Ryosuke Akashi (University of Tokyo) "Impact of plasmons on superconducting transition temperature in layered nitrides: Ab initio study" |
P75 | Kosuke Saito (University of Tokyo) "Fermi level tuning of layered pnictogen chalcogenides by electrochemical Cu-intercalation" |
P76 | Hiroshi Watanabe (RIKEN CEMS) "Novel Jeff=1/2 insulator and possible superconductivity in Sr2IrO4 with large spin-orbit coupling" |
P77 | Ryo Fukaya (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Ultrafast electronic phase control of two-leg ladder cuprate Sr14-xCaxCu24O41" |
P78 | Hsiang-Lin Liu (National Taiwan Normal University) "Lattice dynamics and electron-phonon interactions in FeSe0.35Te0.65:Iron isotope effect" |
P79 | Hiroshi Oike (RIKEN CEMS) "A Doped Organic Superconductor Crossing the Mott Boundary" |
P80 | Hideaki Sakai (University of Tokyo) "Variation of superconducting properties with electron doping in SrFBiS2" |
P81 | Giorgos Giavaras (RIKEN CEMS) "Tunable graphene quantum dots" |
P82 | Hiroyoshi Nobukane (Hokkaido University) "Majorana edge transport in Sr2RuO4" |
P83 | Yositake Takane (Hiroshima University) "Unified description of Dirac electrons on a curved surface of strong topological insulators" |
P84 | Toshikaze Kariyado (University of Tsukuba) "Symmetry protected Z2 Berry phase in massless Dirac fermion systems" |
P85 | Wataru Koshibae (RIKEN CEMS) "Dynamics of quenched chiral magnet - creation and annihilation of skyrmions" |
P86 | Alexander L. Rakhmanov (ITAE RAS) "Majorana fermions in pinned vortices" |
P87 | Artem Sboychakov (ITAE RAS) "Antiferromagnetic states and phase separation in doped AA-stacked graphene bilayers" |
P88 | Kliment Kugel (ITAE RAS) "Driven conductance of graphene under effect of strong AC field" |
P89 | Shimpei Goto (Waseda University) "phenomenology for loop-current phases" |
P90 | Igor Proskurin (University of Tokyo) "Thermoelectric transport of massless Dirac fermions in magnetic field" |
P91 | Katsuya Iwaya (RIKEN CEMS) "STM studies of GeBi2Te4 and SnBi2Te4" |
P92 | Linda Ye (University of Tokyo) "Transport study of ternary topological insulators GexSn1-xBi2Te4" |
P93 | Yingshuang Fu (RIKEN CEMS) "Real-space Imaging of Dirac-Landau Orbits in Bi2Se3" |
P94 | Ryutaro Yoshimi (University of Tokyo) "Resonant tunneling via Dirac electron states in a topological-insulator / semiconductor junction" |
P95 | Takahiro Morimoto (RIKEN) "Classification of topological insulators with reflection symmetries" |
P96 | Bohm-Jung Yang (RIKEN CEMS) "Emergent topological phenomena in thin films of pyrochlore iridates" |
P97 | Suvankar Chakraverty (RIKEN CEMS) "Topological Hall effect in perovskite oxide thin films and heterostructurs" |
P98 | Kentaro Ueda (University of Tokyo) "Anomalous domain-wall conductance in pyrochlore-type Nd2Ir2O7 on the verge of metal-insulator transition" |