ESR Lab.
ESR Lab.
since 2015
Field of Spin Resonance Material Science, Department of Condensed Matter Physics,
Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
北海道大学 大学院理学院 物性物理学専攻 スピン共鳴物性物理学分野 電子スピン共鳴研究室
Our laboratory is a joint graduate program between Hokkaido university and RIKEN for doctor course students. We are studying condensed matter physics of molecular materials by using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in RIKEN (Wako city, Saitama).
We have a conventional X-band ESR system (10 GHz) equipped with a He-flow cryostat, and we have also a high-frequency ESR system that can go up to the 400 GHz. The use of high-frequency enable us to have a much better resolution or investigate the electronic state in high magnetic field. Our interests are in strongly correlated materials including molecular conductors, molecular magnets and nano-carbon materials.
電子スピン共鳴研究室(北海道大学-理研 大学院連携)へようこそ
‘Nature gives us all surprises’
Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943)
Nobel Lecture, May 2,1903
Welcome to the ESR Laboratory (Hokkaido University - RIKEN Joint Graduate Program)
我々は通常のXバンドESRシステム(10 GHz)と50〜400 GHzの領域をカバーする高周波ESRシステムを利用しながら物性研究を行っております。ESRの高周波の利用は分解能の向上や強磁場での電子状態の解明に役立ちます。研究対象は分子性導体、分子磁性体、ナノカーボン物質などの強相関電子系です。
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Let’s study condensed matter physics using ESR in RIKEN !