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@Theory of classical critical phenomena of Mott transition is developed for the dimensionality $d \le \infty$. Reconsidering a cluster dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), Ginzburg-Landau free energy is derived in the limit of an infinite cluster size in terms of hybridization function for a cluster-impurity model. Its expansion around a cluster DMFT solution reduces to a $\phi^4$ model. Inherent thermal Mott transition is described by a scalar field without spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the space of local Coulomb repulsion, chemical potential and temperature, a first-order transition surface terminates at a critical end curve. The criticality belongs to the Ising universality as a liquid-gas transition, and does not merge with other criticalities. Various quantities including double occupancy, electron filling and entropy show diverging responses at the criticality and discontinuities at the first-order transition. Particularly, electron effective mass shows a critical divergence in $2\le d\le 4$. Only at a certain curve on the surface, a filling-control transition and its related singularities disappear. We discuss detailed critical behaviors and relevant experimental results.