Dr. Shingo Kobayashi (Nagoya University)
"Flat-band Andreev bound states in nodal crystalline superconductors"

Over the last few years, the study on node structures in superconductors (SCs) has received renewed interest due to the fact that they are a kind of topological objects [1]. In this context, the node structures are related to topology of quasi-particles in the superconducting states and ensure the existence of surface-zero-energy Andreev bound states (ABSs). Above all, a line node in time-reversal (TR) invariant SCs is protected by a one-dimensional topological number and induces a flat-band ABS on a surface. The flat-band ABSs exhibit a zero-bias conductance peak through the tunneling measurement for TR invariant SCs such as high-/T/c//cuprate//SCs and non-centrosymmetric SCs, which gives a conclusive evidence for the bulk topological line nodes. In this talk, we study topology of symmetry-protected line nodes in unconventional SCs, where line nodes are protected by the mirror-reflection symmetry. Establishing a one-to-one correspondence between group theoretical and topological classifications, we classify the symmetry-protected line nodes based on topological numbers and clarify that line-nodal SCs are classified into three classes by flat-band ABSs: (i) odd-parity SCs with either TR symmetry or a magnetic translation, (ii) even-parity SCs with TR symmetry, and (iii) even-parity SCs with a magnetic translation [2]. These classes of SCs are distinguishable through surface sensitive experiments.
[1] SK, K. Shiozaki, Y. Tanaka, and M. Sato, Phys. Rev. B 90, 024516 (2014)
[2] SK, S. Sumita, Y. Yanase, and M. Sato, arXiv:1711.06421