Mr. Haruki Watanabe (UC Berkeley)
"Recent Topics on Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking"
In this talk, I will cover my two recent works. The first
topic is a general analysis of when non-Fermi liquid behavior can arise
in electronic systems due to coupling to Goldstone modes. We unify all
known past cases using a single criterion and find a new example
involving only phonons under a magnetic field [1]. The second topic is
on the possibility of "time crystals," which were recently proposed by
Frank Wilczek as a phase that spontaneously breaks time translation
symmetry in analogy with usual spatial crystalline orders. Although the
idea itself is fascinating, I will prove that it is impossible to
realize [2].
[1] HW and Ashvin Vishwanath, arxiv:1404.3728
[2] HW and Masaki Oshikawa, in preparation