崔 亨波    Cui Hengbo

1993年6月 中国 延辺大学 化学科 卒業
1996年6月 中国 延辺大学 化学科 修士課程 修了

2003年3月 東京大学大学院 理学系研究科化学専攻 博士課程 修了
(スペクトル化学研究センター 小林昭子教授)
博士論文 "希土類金属錯体をアニオンとする有機伝導体および類似体の系統的研究"

1996年7月 延辺大学 薬学院 助手
2003年4月 分子科学研究所 CREST研究員(小林速男 教授)
2007年6月 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory ポスドク研究員(James Brooks教授)
2009年4月 理化学研究所 加藤分子物性研究室 基礎科学特別研究員(加藤 礼三 主任)
2012年4月 理化学研究所 加藤分子物性研究室 ASI研究員(加藤 礼三 主任)


  1. T. Lee, Y. Oshima, H. B. Cui, and R. Kato
    Detailed X-band Studies of the π-d Molecular Conductor λ-(BETS)2FeCl4: Observation of Anomalous Angular Dependence of the g-value
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 114702/1-8 (2018).    New!

  2. Y. Oshima, H. B. Cui, and R. Kato
    Antiferromagnetic Insulating Ground State of Molecular π-d System λ-(BETS)2FeCl4 (BETS = Bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene): A Theoretical and Experimental Review
    Magnetochemistry, 3(1), 10/1-16, (2017).

  3. R. Kato, H. B. Cui, T. Tsumuraya, T. Miyazaki, and Y. Suzumura
    Emergence of the Dirac Electron System in a Single-Component Molecular Conductor under High Pressure
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139(5), 1770-1773 (2017).

  4. M. Souto, H. B. Cui, M. Pena-Alvarez, V. G. Baonza, H. O. Jeschke, M. Tomic, R. Valenti, D. Blasi, I. Ratera, C. Rovira, and J. Veciana
    Pressure-Induced Conductivity in a Neutral Non-planar Spin-localized Radical
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138(36), 11517-11525 (2016).
  5. H. B. Cui, A. F. Bangura, and R. Kato
    High-Pressure Resistivity Measurement under High Quality Hydrostatic Condition
    The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology, 25(4), 292-297 (2015).

  6. T. Ishikawa, S. A. Hayes, S. Keskin, G. Corthey, M. Hada, K. Pichugin, A. Marx, J. Hirscht, K. Shionuma, K. Onda, Y. Okimoto, S. Koshihara, T. Yamamoto, H. B. Cui, M. Nomura, Y. Oshima, M. A. Jawad, R. Kato, and R. J. D. Miller
    Direct Observation of Collective Modes Coupled to Molecular Orbital-Driven Charge Transfer
    Science, 350(6267), 1501-1505 (2015).

  7. H. B. Cui, T. Tsumuraya, T. Miyazaki, Y. Okano, and R. Kato
    Pressure-Induced Metallic Conductivity in the Single-Component Molecular Crystal [Ni(dmit)2]
    Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2014(24), 3837-3840 (2014).

  8. H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, S. Ishibashi, M. Sasa, F. Iwase, R. Kato, and A. Kobayashi
    A Single-Component Molecular Superconductor
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136(21), 7619-7622 (2014).

  9. S. Yasuzuka, Y. Idobata, B. Zhou, A. Kobayashi, K. Katoh, H. B. Cui, R. Kato, M. Tokumoto, and H. Kobayashi
    Hidden Spin Scattering Behavior in [Ni1-xCux(tmdt)2] System with Unprecedentedly Strong π-d Interaction
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 83, 074701/1-074701/5 (2014).

  10. K. Otsuka, H. Iikubo, T. Kogure, Y. Takano, K. Hiraki, T. Takahashi, H. B. Cui, and R. Kato
    Antiferromagnetic Ordering in Quasi-Triangular Localized Spin System, β -Et2Me2P[Pd(dmit)2]2, Studied by 13CNMR
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 83, 054712/1-054712/6 (2014).

  11. H. M. Yamamoto, Y. Kawasugi, H. B. Cui, M. Nakano, Y. Iwasa, and R. Kato
    Asymmetric Phase Transitions Observed at the Interface of a Field-Effect Transistor Based on an Organic Mott Insulator
    Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.(Online ver.) (2014).

  12. N. Takubo, N. Tajima, H. M. Yamamoto, H.-B. Cui and R. Kato
    Lattice Distortion Stabilizes the Photoinduced Metallic Phase in the Charge-Ordered Organic Salts (BEDT-TTF)3X2 (X=ReO4, ClO4)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 227401/1-227401/5 (2013).

  13. Y. Kosaka, H. M. Yamamoto, A. Tajima, A. Nakao, H. B. Cui, and R. Kato
    Supramolecular Ni(dmit)2 Salts with Halopyridinium Cations -Development of Multifunctional Molecular Conductors with the Use of Competing Supramolecular Interactions
    CrystEngComm, 15, 3200-3211 (2013).

  14. B. Zhou, Y. Idobata, A. Kobayashi, H. B. Cui, R. Kato, R. Takagi, K. Miyagawa, K. Kanoda, and H. Kobayashi
    Single-Component Molecular Conductor [Cu(dmdt)2] with Three-Dimensionally Arranged Magnetic Moments Exhibiting a Coupled Electric and Magnetic Transition
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134(30), 12724-12731 (2012).

  15. Y. Oshima, H. Nojiri, S. Uji, J. S. Brooks, T. Tokumoto, H..B Cui, R. Kato, A. Kobayashi, and H. Kobayashi
    Breakdown of the Field-Induced Superconductivity by Dynamical Spin Reversal
    Phys. Rev. B, 86, 024525/1-024525/7 (2012).

  16. R. Kato and C. Hengbo
    Cation Dependence of Crystal Structure and Band Parameters in a Series of Molecular Conductors, β'-(Cation)[Pd(dmit)2]2 (dmit = 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate)
    Crystals, 2(3), 861-874 (2012).

  17. B. Zhou, A. Kobayashi, H. B. Cui, L. S. Long, H. Fujimori, and H. Kobayashi
    Anomalous Dielectric Behavior and Thermal Motion of Water Molecules Confined in Channels of Porous Coordination Polymer Crystals
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133(15), 5736-5739 (2011).

  18. J. Lieffrig, H. M. Yamamoto, T. Kusamoto, H. Cui, O. Jeannin, M. Fourmigue, and R. Kato
    Halogen-Bonded, Eight-fold PtS-Type Interpenetrated Supramolecular Network. A Study toward Redundant and Cross-Bar Supramolecular Nanowire Crystal
    Cryst. Growth Des., 11(10), 4267-4271 (2011).

  19. E. Steven, H. B. Cui, A. Kismarahardja, J. S. Brooks, D. Graf, and H. Kobayashi
    Role of Anion Size, Magnetic Moment, and Disorder on the Properties of the Organic Conductor κ-(BETS)2Ga1-xFexCl4-yBry
    Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405, S295-S298 (2010).

  20. H. Kobayashi, B. Zhou, A. Kobayashi, Y. Okano, E. Nishibori, M. Sakata, H. Cui, and J. Brooks
    Resistivity Measurements on TMTTeN and [Ni(ptdt)2] above 20 GPa and Electrical and Structural Studies on [Au(tmdt)2]
    Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405, S303-S307 (2010).

  21. B. Zhou, A. Kobayashi, Y. Okano, H. B. Cui, D. Graf, J. S. Brooks, T.Nakashima, S. Aoyagi, E. Nishibori, M. Sakata, and H. Kobayashi
    Structural Anomalies Associated with Antiferromagnetic Transition ofSingle-Component Molecular Metal [Au(tmdt)2]
    Inorg. Chem. 48(21), 10151-10157 (2009).

  22. H.B. Cui, D. Graf, J. S. Brooks, H. Kobayashi
    Pressure-Dependent Metallic and Superconducting Phases in a Germanium Artificial Metal
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 237001-4 (2009).

  23. H. B. Cui, J. S. Brooks, A. Kobayashi, and H. Kobayashi
    Metallization of the Single Component Molecular Semiconductor [Ni(ptdt)2] under Very High Pressure
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 6358-6359 (2009).

  24. H. B. Cui, J. Brooks, D. Graf, Y. Okano, H. L. Sun, and H. Kobayashi
    Electrical Properties of New Organic Conductor (BEST)2InBr4 [BEST = Bis(ethylenediseleno)tetrathiafulvalene] up to 10.8 GPa and Antiferromagnetic Transition of (BEST)2FeBr4
    Inorg. Chem. 48, 4268-4270 (2009)

  25. K. Awaga, Y. Umezono, W. Fujita, H. Yoshikawa, H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, S. S. Staniland, and N. Robertson
    Diverse magnetic and electrical properties of molecular solids containing the thiazyl adical BDTA
    Inorg. Chem. Acta., 361, 3761-3770 (2008)

  26. L. L.Lumata, ,J. S. Brooks, , P. L. Kuhns, A. P. Reyes, S. E. Brown, H. B. Cui, R. C. Haddon
    Se77 NMR investigation of the field-induced spin-density-wave transitions in (TMTSF)2ClO4
    Phys. Rev. B., 78, 020407(R) 2008.

  27. K. Takahashi, H. B. Cui, Y. Okano, H. Kobayashi, H. Mori, H. Tajima, Y. Einaga, O. Sato
    Evidence of the chemical uniaxial strain effect on electrical conductivity in the spin-crossover conducting molecular system: [Fe-III(qnal)(2)][Pd(dmit)(2)](5)center dot Acetone
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 6688-6689 (2008).

  28. H. B. Cui, B. Zhou, L.-S. Long, Y. Okano, H. Kobayashi, and A. Kobayashi
    Porous Coordination Polymer Crystal Containing One-dimensional Water Chains Exhibiting Guest-Induced Lattice Distortion and Dielectric Anomaly
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47, 3376-3380 (2008).

  29. H. B. Cui, Y. Okano, B. Zhou, A. Kobayashi, and H. Kobayashi
    Electrical Resistivity of Tetramethyltetratelluronaphtalene Crystal at Very High Pressure -Examination of the dondition of Metallizaion of π Molecular Crystal
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 3738-3739 (2008).

  30. E. Fujiwara, K. Yamamoto, M. Shimamura, B. Zhou, A. Kobayashi, K. Takahashi, Y. Okano, H. B. Cui, and H. Kobayashi
    (nBu4N)[Ni(dmstfdt)2]: A Planar Nickel Coordination Complex with an Extended-TTF Ligand Exhibiting Metallic Conduction, Metal-Insulator Transition, and Weak Ferromagnetism
    Chem. Mater. 19, 553-558 (2007).

  31. H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, and A. Kobayashi
    Phase Diagram and Anomalous Constant Resistivity State of Magnetic Organic Superconducting Alloy,&lambda-(BETS)2FexGa1-xCl4
    J. Mater. Chem. 17, 45-48 (2007).

  32. H. B. Cui, Z. M. Wang, K. Takahashi, Y. Okano, H. Kobayashi, and A. Kobayashi
    Ferroelectric Porous Molecular Crystal, [Mn3(HCOO)6](C2H5OH), Exhibiting Ferrimagnetic Transition
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 15074-15075 (2006).

  33. S. Uji, T. Terashima, M. Nishimura, Y. Takahide, T. Konoike, K. Enomoto, H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, A. Kobayashi, H. Tanaka, M. Tokumoto, E. S. Choi, T. Tokumoto, D. Graf, and J. S. Brooks
    Vortex Dynamics and the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in a Magnetic-Field-Induced Organic Superconductor
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 157001-4 (2006)

  34. H. Tanaka, S. Hara, M. Tokumoto, H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, and A Kobayashi
    Observation of antiferromagnetic spin-flop transition in gamma-type BETS salts using AFM microcantilever
    J. Low Temp. Phys. 142 (3-4), 605-608 (2006).

  35. K. Takahashi, H. B. Cui, Y. Okano, H. Kobayashi, Y. Einaga, and O. Sato
    Electrical Conductivity Modulation Coupled to a High-Spin-Low-Spin Conversion in the Molecular System [FeIII(qsal)2][Ni(dmit)2]3・CH3CN・H2O
    Inorg. Chem., 45, 5739-5741 (2006).

  36. S. Fujiyama, M. Takigawa, J. Kikuchi, H. B. Cui. H. Fujiwara, and H. Kobayashi
    Compensation of Effective Field in the Field-Induced Superconductor Κ-(BETS)2FeBr4 Observed by 77Se NMR
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 217001 (2006).

  37. T. Kusamoto, E. Fujiwara, A. Kobayashi, H. B. Cui, T. Otsuka, Y. Okano, H. Fujiwara, and H. Kobayashi
    BDT-TTP-Based π Conductors Containing Dicalent Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Inorganic Anions, [MCl4]2- (M = Co, Mn, Zn)
    Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 79, 527-536 (2006).

  38. B. Zhang, Z. M. Wang, Y. Zhang, K. Takahashi, Y. Okano, H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, K. Inoue, M. Kurmoo, F. L. Pratt, and D. B. Zhu
    Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Conductor with a Magnetic Chain Anion: -BETS2[FeIII(C2O4)Cl2] [BETS = Bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene]
    Inorg. Chem., 45, 3275 - 3280 (2006).

  39. B. Zhou, M. Shimamura, E. Fujiwara, A. Kobayashi, T. Higashi, E. Nishibori, M. Sakata, H. B. Cui, K. Takahashi, and H. Kobayashi
    Magnetic Transitions of Single-Component Molecular Metal [Au(tmdt)2] and Its Alloy Systems
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 3872 - 3873 (2006).

  40. S. Otsubo, H. B. Cui, H.-J. Lee, H. Fujiwara, K. Takahashi, Y. Okano, H. Kobayashi
    A Magnetic Organic Conductor Based on a Donor with a Stable Radical and a Magnetic Anion - A Step to Magnetic Organic Metals with Two Kinds of Localized Spin Systems
    Chem. Lett., 35, 130-131 (2006).

  41. S. Otsubo, K. Takahashi, H. B. Cui, Y. Okano, and H. Kobayashi
    Organic Metals Based on an Ssymmetric π Donor PEDT-TSF, (PEDT-TSF)2FeX4 (PEDT-TSF = pyrazinoethylenedithiotetraselenafulvalene; X = Cl, Br)
    Chem. Lett., 34,1598-1599 (2005).

  42. S. Fujiyama, M. Takigawa, J. Kikuchi, K. Kodama, T. Nakamura, E. Fujiwara, H. Fujiwara, H. Cui, and H. Kobayashi
    Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Κ-(BETS)2FeBr4
    Synth. Met., 154, 253-256 (2005).

  43. Y. Oshima, E. Jobiliong, J. S. Brooks, S. A. Zvyagin, J. Krzystek, H. Tanaka, A. Kobayashi, H. B. Cui, and H. Kobayashi
    EMR Measurements of Field-induced Superconductor λ-(BETS)2FexGa1-xCl4
    Synth. Met. 153, 365-368 (2005).

  44. H. B. Cui, K. Takahashi, Y. Okano, H. Kobayashi, Z. M. Wang, and A. Kobayashi
    Dielectric Properties of Porous Molecular Crystals That Contain polar Molecules
    Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 44(40), 6508-6512 (2005).

  45. K. Takahashi, H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, Y. Einaga, and O. Sato
    The Light-induced Exited Spin State Trapping Effect on Ni(dmit)2 Salt with an Fe(III) Spin-crossover Cation: [Fe(qsal)2][Ni(dmit)2]2CH3CN
    Chem. Lett. 34(9), 1240-1241 (2005).

  46. S. S. Staniland, W. Fujita, Y. Umezono, K. Awaga, S. J. Clark, H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, and N. Robertson
    A Unique New Multiband Molecular Conductor: [BDTA][Ni(dmit)2]2
    Chem. Commun., 25, 3204-3206 (2005).  

  47. H. B. Cui, S. Otsubo, Y. Okano, and H. Kobayashi
    Structural and Physical Properties of λ-(BEST)2MCl4 (BEST = bis(ethylenediseleno)tetrathiafulvalene; M = Fe, Ga) and Analogous Magnetic Organic Conductor
    Chem. Lett. 34(2), 254-255 (2005).

  48. H. Kobayashi, H. B. Cui, and A. Kobayashi
    Organic Metals and Superconductors Based on BETS (BETS = bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene)
    Chem. Rev. 104(11), 5265-5288 (2004).

  49. T. Otsuka, H. B. Cui, H. Fujiwara, H. Kobayashi, E. Fujiwara, and A. Kobayashi
    The Pressure Effect on the Antiferromagnetic and Superconducting Transitions of κ-(BETS)2FeBr4"BR> J. Mater. Chem., 14(11), 1682-1685 (2004).

  50. H.-J. Lee, H. B.. Cui, H. Fujiwara, H. Kobayashi, E. Fujiwara, and A. Kobayashi
    Development of New Magnetic Organic Conductors Based on Donor Molecules with Stable Organic Radical Part
    J. Phys. IV, 114, 533-535 (2004).

  51. H. Fujiwara, H-J. Lee, H. B. Cui, H. Kobayashi, E. Fujiwara, and A. Kobayashi
    Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of a New Organic Conductor Based on a Π-Extended Donor Containing a Stable 2,2,5,5-Tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxy Radical
    Adv. Mater., 16(19), 1765-1769 (2004).

  52. H. B. Cui, T. Otsuka, A. Kobayashi, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa, Y. Misaki, and H. Kobayashi
    Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of a Series of Molecular Conductors Based on BDT-TTP and Lanthanoid Nitrate Complex Anions, [BDT-TTP = 2,5 - bis (1,3 - dithiol - 2 - ylidene) - 1,3,4, 6- tetrathiapentalene]
    Inorg. Chem., 42, 6114-6122, 2003.

  53. H. B. Cui, T. Otsuka, A. Kobayashi, Y. Misaki, and H. Kobayashi
    Synthesis and Physical Properties of New Molecular Conductors Based on Lanthanoid Chlorid Complex Anions
    Synth. Met., 135(1-3), 641-642 (2003).

  54. H. B. Cui, T. Otsuka, A. Kobayashi, Y. Misaki, and H. Kobayashi
    Structural and Electrical Properties of Novel Molecular Conductors Based on Extended-TTF Donors BDT-TTP and I-Anions
    Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 76(1), 97-102 (2003).

  55. T. Otsuka, H.B. Cui, A. Kobayashi, Y. Misaki, and H. Kobayashi
    Magnetism of Metallic Molecular Crystals with Rare-earth Complex Anions
    J. Solid State Chem., 168(2), 444-449 (2002).

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