Research Areas
Recent advance in molecular genetics has revealed genetic factors, play a critical role in etiology and pathogenesis of "common" diseases. Our goal is to clarify the genetic factors implicated in the etiology of common bone and joint diseases including osteoarthrosis. Though genetic analysis including genome-wide linkage and association studies, we will identify and characterize susceptibility genes of the diseases and clarify their molecular mechanism.
Research Subjects
- Identification of disease genes for common bone and joint diseases
- Genetic analysis of skeletal dysplasias
- Clarification of mechanism of skeletal formation and regenerative medicine of skeletal tissues
Latest news
- Ikegawa TL is appointed to the Guest professor of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. This is his 6th appointment as as a visiting/honorary professor.
- Identification of new susceptibility gene for OPLL of the Spine, Jul 1, 2016. (Press Release:Japanese)
- Identification of new susceptibility gene for osteosclerotic metaphyseal dysplasia, Apl 12, 2016. (Press Release:Japanese)
- The genetic roots of adolescent scoliosis, Jul 24, 2015. (RIKEN RESEARCH)
- Finding the roots of a spinal condition, Feb 6, 2015. (RIKEN RESEARCH)
- Researchers use iPS cells to show statin effects on diseased bone, Sep 18, 2014. (Press Release)
- Cell reprogramming recapitulates type II collagenopathy in cells and mice, Sep 16, 2014. (Press Release)
- Identification of new susceptibility gene for Coffin-Siris Syndrome, May 29, 2014. (Press Release:Japanese)
- Identification of new susceptibility loci for OPLL, July 28, 2014. (Press Release:Japanese)
- Connecting the genetic dots on connective tissue disorders, July 26, 2013. (RIKEN RESEARCH)
- Identification of new susceptibility gene for LDD, CHST3, Oct 9, 2013. (Press Release:Japanese)
- Identification of new polymorphism for AIS, Sep 5, 2013. (Press Release:Japanese)
- Identification of new susceptibility gene for AIS, GPR126, May 13, 2013. (Press Release:Japanese)
- Identification of new susceptibility gene for SEMD-JL1, May 10, 2013. (Press Release:Japanese)
- Getting ahead of the curve, June 28, 2013. (RIKEN RESEARCH)
- Connecting the genetic dots on connective tissue disorders, July 26, 2013. (RIKEN RESEARCH)
- Uncovering the gene for a rare skeletal disease, Dec 28 2012. (RIKEN RESEARCH)
- A break for bone disease research, July 29, 2011. (RIKEN RESEARCH)
- Genes, disease and ethnicity, Jan 11, 2008. RIKEN RESEARCH
- Poor transport cuts to the bone, Dec 21, 2007. RIKEN RESEARCH
- Hunting for the genetic basis of arthritis, May 16, 2007. RIKEN RESEARCH
- Identifying the chromosome region of susceptibility genes of osteoarthritis; the new step toward the understanding of etiology and pathology and toward the innovative therapy of the disease. May 15, 2006. Press Release
- RIKEN NEWS June 2005 Jun 6, 2005.
- Understanding slippage: genetic variations and lumbar disc problems. May 2, 2005. Press Release
Update information
- Opened to the public OA-team Website English version. Oct 3, 2006.