Awards & Honors in 2024  

  • Yuzu Kobayashi, 第56回応用物理学会講演奨励賞, 応用物理学会 (Sep. 2024).

Awards & Honors in 2023  

  • Dr. Miyabi Imai, PCCP Prize 2024, Royal Society of Chemistry (Mar. 2024).
  • Dr. Miyabi Imai, The 4th Heinrich Rohrer Medal -Rising Medal-, The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (JVSS) (Feb. 2024).
  • Yuzu Kobayashi, 女子大学院生優秀賞, 日本表面真空学会 (Sep. 2023).
  • Takahide Miyamoto, 研究奨励金, 加藤科学振興会 (Jul. 2023).
  • Dr. Miyabi Imai, 講演奨励賞, 花王科学奨励賞 (Jun. 2023).
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, 第5回克研究奨励賞, 東京大学工学系研究科 (Apr. 2023).

Awards & Honors in 2022  

  • Dr. Miyabi Imai, 桜舞賞, RIKEN (Mar. 2023).
  • Kaito Kondo, 光物性研究会奨励賞, 第33回光物性研究会 (Jan. 2023).
  • Dr. Miyabi Imai-Imada, 講演奨励賞, 日本表面真空学会 (Jan. 2023).
  • Dr. Miyabi Imai-Imada, 研究開発奨励賞, エヌエフ基金 (Nov. 2022).
  • Yuzu Kobayashi, 優秀ポスター賞, 第16回分子科学討論会 (Oct. 2022). 
  • Dr. Miyabi Imai-Imada, 若手女性研究者優秀賞, 日本表面真空学会 (Sep. 2022).
  • Dr. Kensuke Kimura, ULVAC Prize at IVC-22 for Young Researcher,
    The 22nd International Vacuum Congress IVC-22 (Sep. 2022).
  • Prof. Yousoo Kim, Dr. Hiroshi Imada, 栄峰賞, RIKEN (Mar. 2022).
  • Dr. Raymond Wong, 桜舞賞, RIKEN (Mar. 2022).
  • Yuzu Kobayashi, ショートプレゼンテーション賞 銀賞, NanospecFY2021mini (Mar. 2022).

Awards & Honors in 2021  

  • Yuzu Kobayashi, ポスター賞, 表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2021 (Dec. 2021). 
  • Inhae Zoh, スチューデントプライズ, 表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2021 (Dec. 2021). 
  • Inhae Zoh, Young Researchers' Award, ISSS-9 (Dec. 2021). 
  • Yuzu Kobayashi, 講演奨励賞 スチューデント部門, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会 (Nov. 2021).
  • Dr. Kensuke Kimura, 講演奨励賞 新進研究者部門, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会 (Nov. 2021).
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, 文部科学大臣表彰・若手科学者賞, 文部科学省 (Apr. 2021). 
  • Dr. Hiroshi Imada, 文部科学大臣表彰・若手科学者賞, 文部科学省 (Apr. 2021). 
  • Dr. Kensuke Kimura, 桜舞賞, RIKEN (Mar. 2021). 
  • Dr. Kuniyuki Miwa, 第15回 日本物理学会若手奨励賞 (Mar. 2021). 

Awards & Honors in 2020  

  • Kensuke Kimura, 総長賞, The University of Tokyo (Mar. 2020). 
  • Kensuke Kimura, 新領域創成科学研究科研究科長賞, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Science (Mar. 2020). 
  • Kensuke Kimura, 第47回 応用物理学会講演奨励賞, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (Mar. 2020). 
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, 日本化学会第69回進歩賞 (Mar. 2020). 
  • Dr. Shunji Yamamoto, Poster Award “Physics Prize”, SPDR program screening subcommittee in RIKEN (Jan. 2020). 

Awards & Honors in 2019  

  • Dr. Miyabi Imai-Imada, Poster Award, ICSPM27 (Dec. 2019). 
  • Dr. Hiroshi Imada, Dr. Miyabi Imai-Imada, Kensuke Kimura, and Dr. Yousoo Kim, 日本表面科学会会誌賞, 日本表面真空学会, (Aug. 2019). 
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, 平成31年度花王科学奨励賞, 公益財団法人花王芸術・科学財団 (Jun. 2019). 
  • Kensuke Kimura, 2018年日本表面真空学会学術講演会 講演奨励賞(スチューデント部門), The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (May. 2019). 
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, The 10th Research Incentive Award (桜舞賞), RIKEN (Mar. 2019). 
  • Prof. Yousoo Kim, 第36回学術賞, The Chemical Society of Japan (Mar. 2019). 
  • Miyabi Imai-Imada, 日本物理学会学生優秀発表賞, The Physical Society of Japan (Mar. 2019). 
  • Dr. Hiroshi Imada, 日本物理学会若手奨励賞 (Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan), The Physical Society of Japan (Mar. 2019). 
  • Miyabi Imai-Imada, 講演優秀賞, 第8回 ナノスケール分子デバイス若手講演会 (Mar. 2019). 

Awards & Honors in 2018  

  • Dr. Chi Zhang, Young Researcher Award, ACSIN-14 & ICSPM26 (Oct. 2018). 
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, Young Researcher Award, ACSIN-14 & ICSPM26 (Oct. 2018). 
  • Prof. Yousoo Kim and Dr. Hiroshi Imada, ナノプローブテクノロジー賞, 日本学術振興会ナノプローブテクノロジー第167委員会 (Jul. 2018) . 
  • Dr. Hiroshi Imada, 理研梅峰賞, RIKEN (Jun. 2018) . 
  • Prof. Yousoo Kim, 文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (Apr. 2018) . 
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, 2018 PCCP Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry and The Chemical Society of Japan (Mar. 2018). 
  • Kensuke Kimura, 優秀講演賞, 第7回 ナノスケール分子デバイス若手講演会 (Jan. 2018) . 
  • Dr. Emiko Kazuma, Poster Award “Engineering Prize”, SPDR program screening subcommittee in RIKEN (Jan. 2018). 

Awards & Honors in 2017  

  • Kensuke Kimura, 第7回 CSJ化学フェスタ 優秀ポスター賞, The Chemical Society of Japan (Oct. 2017) . 
  • Dr. Hiroshi Imada, 講演奨励賞(若手研究者部門), The Surface Science Society of Japan (May. 2017). 
  • Kensuke Kimura, 講演奨励賞(スチューデント部門), The Surface Science Society of Japan (May. 2017). 
  • Dr. Hiroshi Imada, The 8th RIKEN Research Incentive Award (Mar. 2017) . 
  • Kensuke Kimura, 講演優秀賞, ナノスケール分子デバイス若手講演会 (Mar. 2017) . 

Awards & Honors in 2016  

  • Kensuke Kimura, 第6回 CSJ化学フェスタ 優秀ポスター賞, The Chemical Society of Japan (Nov. 2016) . 
  • Prof. Yousoo Kim, 第一回分子科学国際学術賞, Japan Society for Molecular Science (Sep. 2016) . 

Awards & Honors in 2015  

  • Holly Walen, Morton M. Traum Surface Science Award, American Vacuum Society 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Jose, California, USA (Oct. 2015). 
  • Dr. Jaehoon Jung, Poster award in chemistry field, RIKEN SPDR-FPR (FY2012-2014) research report session, Wako, Saitama, Japan (Feb. 2015). 

Awards & Honors in 2014  

  • Dr. Kuniyuki Miwa, Best poster award, The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), Matsue, Japan, (Nov. 2014). 
  • Kan Ueji, Research grant for graduated student, Tokyo Univ. of Sci. (Jun. 2014). 
  • Kan Ueji, Best poster award, Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Molecular Systems, Muju, Korea (Feb. 2014). 
  • Takuya Omiya, Best poster award, Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Molecular Systems, Muju, Korea (Feb. 2014). 

Awards & Honors in 2013  

  • Zhu Liang, 2013 National Student Award, American Vacuum Society (AVS) 60th International Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, California, USA, (Nov. 2013). 
  • Dr. Jaehoon Jung, The 4th RIKEN Research Incentive Award (Mar. 2013). 
  • Miyabi Imai, Best poster award, Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Molecular Systems, Muju, Korea (Feb. 2013). 
  • Hyun Jin Yang, Best poster award, Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Molecular Systems, Muju, Korea (Feb. 2013). 

Awards & Honors in 2012  

  • Dr. Taketoshi Minato, Chemical Society of Japan Presentation Award 2012, The 92nd Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan, Kanagawa, Japan (Apr. 2012). 
  • Dr. Taketoshi Minato, "Mechanism elucidation of organic reactions on nano-porous gold catalysts by surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy", H.24-H.25 Grant for Common Users and Collaboration of Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University (Apr. 2012). 
  • Dr. Taketoshi Minato, "Elucidation of physical propeties of atomic defectson titanium dioxide -towards understanding of mechanism of photo-induced superhydrophilicity-", Kurata Grants, Hitachi fundation (Apr. 2012). 

Awards & Honors in 2011  

  • Dr. Emi Minamitani, Best poster award, The 6th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-6), Tokyo, Japan (Dec. 2011). 
  • Jaehoon Jung, Poster award: Chemistry/Material Science Prize, Noyori Summer School, Kobe, Japan (Sep. 2011). 
  • Jaehoon Jung, Scholarship award for young scientist, The 7th Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-7), Tokyo, Japan, (Sep. 2011). 
  • Dr. Tomoko K. Shimizu, "Effect of molecule-metal hybrid orbital on non-contact AFM images", H.23 RIKEN Incentive Research Grant, RIKEN (Jun. 2011).
  • Dr. Tomoko K. Shimizu, "Single molecule photochromism of diarylethene on metals and insulating thin films", H.23-H.25 Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (May 2011). 
  • Dr. Taketoshi Minato, "Elucidation of physical properties of atomic defects on metal oxide surfaces", H.23 Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant, The Japan Science Society (Apr. 2011). 
  • Dr. Taketoshi Minato, "Elucidation of atomic level dynamics of chemical reactions at soli-liquid interfaces by electrochemical high speed scanning probe microscopy", H.21-H.24 Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Apr. 2011). 
  • Dr. Taketoshi Minato, "Structure control and elucidation of physical properties of helicene oligomers in atomic scale", H.21-H.23 Grant for Exploratory Research for Young Scientists, Tohoku university (Apr. 2011). 
  • Dr. Taketoshi Minato, "Elucidations of dynamics of interfaces reaction by fusion of surface science and organic chemistry", H.19-H.23 International Advanced Research and Education Organization (IAREO) Grant, Tohoku university (Apr. 2011).  
  • Kenta Motobayashi, Surface Science Society Japan, Student Award 2010 (Mar. 2011).

Awards & Honors in 2010  

  • Dr. Tomoko K. Shimizu, H.22 Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant, The Japan Science Society (Apr. 2010)


Surface and Interface Science Laboratory, RIKEN, Hirosawa 2-1, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 118-8656, Japan