Dr. Oleg Tretiakov (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University)
"Electron spin resonance in quantum wires with spin-orbit coupling"
We study spin-flip processes induced by ac electromagnetic field in quantum wires with spin-orbit coupling in the presence of an external magnetic field. This phenomenon can be useful for such applications as generation of pure spin currents. Since electron-electron interactions are strong in quantum wires, we consider the electron spin-flip resonance in the framework of Luttinger liquid theory. We find that although the excitations are not fermions as for noninteracting wires, but rather bosons in Luttinger liquid, the spin resonance still persists. This resonance is an excitation of a spin wave. Furthermore, because of spin-orbit interaction the spin and charge channels are getting mixed and result in an additional pick at the plasmon frequency, which can in principle be observed experimentally. We discuss how the spin resonance is affected by the dissipation processes and dispersion curvature.