Prof. Ying Ran (Boston College, USA)
"Symmetric tensor networks and generalized Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorems"
In this talk we consider 2+1D lattice models of interacting bosons or spins, with both magnetic flux and fractional spin in the unit cell. We propose and prove a modified Lieb-Shultz Mattis (LSM) theorem in this setting, which applies even when the spin in the enlarged magnetic unit cell is integral. There are two nontrivial outcomes for gapped ground states that preserve all symmetries. In the first case, one necessarily obtains a symmetry protected topological (SPT) phase with protected edge states. In the second case, exotic bulk excitations, i.e. topological order, is necessarily present. While both scenarios require fractional spin in the lattice unit cell, the second requires that the symmetries protecting the fractional spin is related to that involved in the magnetic translations. Symmetric tensor networks play important role in our proof. Our discussion encompasses the general notion of fractional spin (projective symmetry representations) and magnetic flux (magnetic translations tied to a symmetry generator). The resulting SPTs display a dyonic character in that they associate charge with symmetry flux, allowing the flux in the unit cell to screen the projective representation on the sites. We provide an explicit formula that encapsulates this physics, which identifies a specific set of allowed SPT phases.