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Hiroshi Sugimoto, Ph.D.



List of Publications (English verstion)




Syncrotron Radiation Life Science Instrumentation Team

RIKEN SPring-8 Center



Mailing address


1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148, Japan

+81-791-58-0802 (ext.3249) or +81-791-58-2839 (Lab)




Research Field



Structural Biology, X-ray Crystallography


Academic Society



Crystallographic Society of Japan, Biophysical Society of Japan、Protein Science Society of Japan, Chemical Society of Japan



Research Projects


Structural biology of metal transport system

Analysis of protein dynamics using SACLA and SPring-8

Structure and function of nitric oxide reductase

Reaction mechanism of oxygenase (P450 and IDO)



Education and Working Experience

(birthplace: Baltimore, MD, USA)


Department of Polymer Science, Hokkaido University


Ph.D.course in Department of Biological Science, Hokkaido University (Prof. Isao Tanaka Lab)


Post-doc in Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University, NY, USA. (Prof. Wayne. A. Hendrickson Lab.)

JSPS Research Fellow


Research Scientist of Biophysical Chemistry Lab in RIKEN

2005 - 2009

Research Scientist of Biometal Science Lab in RIKEN

2009 - present

Senior Research Scientist of Biometal Science Lab in RIKEN




List of Publications




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