研究成果(2023年度)(as of March 2024)原著論文: Tran G. N., Midorikawa, K., and Takahashi, J. E., “Quantitative diffraction imaging using attosecond pulses”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, b14 (2024). Xu, L. and Takahashi, J. E., “Dual-chirped optical parametric amplification of high-energy single-cycle laser pulses”, Nat. Photo. 18, 99 (2024). Lin, Y. C., Midorikawa, K., and Nabekawa, Y., "Wavefront control of sub-cycle vortex pulses via carrier-envelope-phase tailoring", Light: Sci. Appl. 12, 279 (2023). Nabekawa, Y., and Midorikawa, K., "Analysis of attosecond entanglement and coherence using feasible formulae", Physical Review Research 5, 033083 (2023). Yamazaki, K., Goto, S., Yohsino, S., Gubarevich, A., Yoshida, K., and Yamamoto, M., “Surface defect healing during Transformation from Nanoporous carbons to nanoporous graphenes”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 32972 (2023). Vela-Perez, I. Yamazaki, K., et al., “High-energy molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions: a molecular bond-length ruler”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 13784 (2023). 総説、技術資料、proceedings、その他 鍋川康夫, 緑川克美, “高次高調波の発見とアト秒科学への展開”, 科学 93, 1070–1076 (2023). 緑川克美, “一瞬の現象を光で捉えるアト秒科学”, 化学同人 78, 21 (2023). Yamamoto, M., Goto, S., Tang, R. and Yamazaki, K., “Toward three-dimensionally ordered nanoporous graphene materials: template synthesis, structure, and applications”, Chem. Sci. 25, 32972 (2023). 招待講演: Lin, Y. C., Midorikawa, K., and Nabekawa, Y., “Generation of sub-cycle vortex pulses”, The High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena Topical Meeting (HILAS), Vienna, Austria, March (2024). 鍋川康夫, 高橋栄治, 緑川克美, “理化学研究所に於けるアト秒科学研究”, レーザー学会学術講演会第44回年次大会, 東京, 日本, January (2024). Nabekawa Y., “Beamline Delivering XUV Attosecond Pump & XUV Attosecond Control & a Few Femtosecond DUV Probe Pulses”, The 4th International Conference on Optics, Photonics, and Lasers (OPL-2023), Hiroshima, Japan, December (2023). Lin, Y. C., Midorikawa, K., and Nabekawa, Y., “Sub-cycle vortex pulse generation and its application,” The 4th International Conference on Optics, Photonics, and Lasers (OPL-2023), Hiroshima, Japan, December (2023). Lin, Y. C., Midorikawa, K., and Nabekawa, Y., “Sub-cycle pulse generation and its applications”, Malaysian National Physics Conference, online, Malaysian, November (2023). Midorikawa, K., “Generation and control of sub-cycle optical vortex pulses”, The 2nd int. Conf. on UltrafastX, Xi’an, China, November (2023). 緑川克美, “高次高調波研究の30年を振り返って”, 強光子場懇談会, 東京, 日本, October (2023). Midorikawa, K., “Generation and control of sub-cycle optical vortex pulses”, Int. Symp. on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Sitges, Catalonia, Spain, October (2023). Midorikawa, K., “The third generation attosecond light sources, “Int. Symp. on Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, Qingdao, China, September (2023). Midorikawa, K., “Generation of intense attosecond pulses and application to XUV multiphoton processes”, Nobel Symposium 172 Attosecond Science and Technology, Båstad, Sweden, August (2023). Okino, T., “Multiscale ion momentum imaging for investigating ultrafast molecular dynamics”, The 14th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP2023), Xi’an, China, August (2023). Lin, Y. C., Midorikawa, K., and Nabekawa, Y., “Arbitrary CEP Manipulation for Spatiotemporal Control of Sub-cycle Optical Vortex”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, Munich, Germany, June (2023). Midorikawa, K., “The third-generation table-top attosecond light sources”, Japan-ELI Joint Workshop on Collaboration in High Power Laser Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan, April (2023). Lin, Y. C., “Development of an optical parametric amplifier laser system delivering CEP-stabilized sub-cycle pulses in SWIR region”, The 70th Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Spring Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, March (2023). |