研究成果(2022年度)(as of March 2023)原著論文: Xu, L., Xue, B., Ishii, N., Itatani, J., Midorikawa, K., and Takahashi, E.J., “100-mJ class, sub-two-cycle, carrier-envelope phase-stable dual-chirped optical parametric amplification”, Opt Lett 47, 3371-3374 (2022). Matsubara, T., Nabekawa, Y., Ishikawa, K. L., Yamanouchi, K., and Midorikawa, K., “Attosecond optical and Ramsey-type interferometry by post-generation splitting of harmonic pulse”, Ultrafast Science 2022, article ID 9858739 (2022). Ishikawa, T., Isobe, K., Inazawa, K., Michikawa, T., Namiki, K., Miyawaki A., Kannari, F., and Midorikawa, K., “Fringe- and speckle-free holographic patterned illumination using time-multiplexed temporal focusing”, Appl. Phys. Express 15, 042005 (2022). Ito, K. N., Isobe, K., and Osakada, F., “Fast z-focus controlling and multiplexing strategies for multiplane two-photon imaging of neural dynamics”, Neurosci. Res. 179, 15 (2022). Tamura, Y., Yamazaki, K., Ueda, K., and Hatada, K., “A multiple scattering theoretical approach to time delay in high energy core-level photoemission of heteronuclear diatomic molecules”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55, 10LT01 (2022). Kastirke, G., Ota, F., Rezvan, D. V., Schöffler, M. S., Weller, M., Rist, J., Boll, R., Anders, N., Baumann, T. M., Eckart, S., Erk, B., De Fanis, A., Fehre, K., Gatton, A., Grundmann, S., Grychtol, P., Hartung, A., Hofmann, M., Ilchen, M., Janke, C., Kircher, M., Kunitski, M., Li, X., Mazza, T., Melzer, N., Montano, J., Music, V., Nalin, G., Ovcharenko, Y., Pier, A., Rennhack, N., Rivas, D. E., Dörner, R., Rolles, D., Rudenko, A., Schmidt, P., Siebert, J., Strenger, N., Trabert, D., Vela-Perez, I., Wagner, R., Weber, T., Williams, J. B., Ziolkowski, P., Schmidt, L. Ph. H., Czasch, A., Tamura, Y., Hara, N., Yamazaki, K., Hatada, K., Trinter, F., Meyer, M., Ueda, K., Demekhin, Ph. V., and Jahnke, T., “Investigating charge-up and fragmentation dynamics of oxygen molecules after interaction with strong X-ray free-electron laser pulses”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 27121-27127 (2022). 総説、技術資料、proceedings、その他 緑川克美, “超短パルス”, 光と物質の量子相互作用ハンドブック, (株)エヌ・ティー・エス (2023). 山崎馨, “芳香族分子におけるX線誘起無輻射失活過程の動力学”, 分子シミュレーション学会誌「アンサンブル」, 25, 1, 28-33 (2023). 沖野友哉, 「強光子場分子科学」(山内 薫 編著, 分担執筆), 第6章「原子のイオン化と再衝突およびアト秒パルス発生」, 262-346, 朝倉書店 (2022). 道川貴章, 宮脇敦史, “マウス小脳皮質の大規模イメージングで明らかとなった複雑スパイクによる感覚情報表現の仕組み”, Clinical Neuroscience Vol. 40 No. 6 (2022). 招待講演: Okino, T., “Development of multifragment 3D ion momentum imaging methods for investigating ultrafast dynamics of polyatomic molecules”, 19th International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (ISUILS2022), Honolulu, USA, December (2022). Okino, T., “Multiscale Ion Momentum Imaging: Investigating Ultrafast Dynamics of Polyatomic Molecules”, 12th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS12), NTU, Singapore, December (2022). Lin, Y., Nabekawa, Y., and Midorikawa, K., “Development of a sub-cycle short-wave infrared laser and its application”, 12th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS12), Singapore, December (2022). Xu, L., Takahashi, E.J., “Over 60-mJ, Mid-IR Single-Cycle Pulses based on the Advanced DC-OPA”, 12th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS12), Singapore, December (2022). Nabekawa, Y., “Attosecond Control of Simple Molecules and Atoms Using XUV High-harmonic Pulse Pairs”, ANSO Symposium on Basic Science for Sustainable Development, Xi'an (+Online), China, September 9–9 (2022). Midorikawa, K., “Increase in photon flux of isolated attosecond pulses”, 8th Int. Conf. on Attosecond Sci. & Tech. Orland FL, USA, July (2022). Lin, Y., Nabekawa, and Y., Midorikawa, K., “Optical Parametric Amplification of sub-Cycle Shortwave Infrared Pulses”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2022, San Jose & Online (Hybrid), USA, May (2022). Isobe K., “Adaptive optics for temporal focusing and two-photon patterned illumination,” International Symposium on Comprehensive understanding of scattering and fluctuated fields and science of clairvoyance, Yokohama, April (2022). Midorikawa, K., “Recent progress of isolated attosecond pules”, 1st Int. Conf. on Ultrafast X2021, online, April (2022). 山崎馨, “X線光化学反応のX線過渡吸収分光理論”, 第6回RIKEN RAP-QST KPSI 合同セミナー, QST関西光科学研究所, 京都,2月8日, (2023). 磯部圭佑,道川貴章, “多細胞イメージング・操作のための光技術開発とその展望” 光量子工学センター臨時セミナー, 和光, 2月7日, (2023). 山崎馨, “X線光化学反応追跡のためのX線過渡吸収分光法”, Q-LEAP 第21回アト秒懇談会,東京, 9月28日, (2022). |