研究成果(2016年度)(as of Feb. 2017)原著論文: J. Xu, H. Kawano, W. Liu, Y. Hanada, P. Lu, A. Miyawaki, K. Midorikawa, and K. Sugioka, “Controllable alignment of elongated microorganisms in a 3D microspace using electrofluidic devices manufactured by hybrid femtosecond laser microfabrication”, Microsystems Nanoengin. (2017) (in press). N. Kanda, K. Konishi, N. Nemoto, K. Midorikawa, and M. Kuwata-Gonokami, “Real-time broadband terahertz spectroscopic imaging by using a high-sensitivity terahertz camera,” Sci. Rep. 7, 42540 (2017).(DOI: 10.1038/srep42540). F. Sima, J. Xu, D. Wu, and K. Sugiok, “Ultrafast laser fabrication of functional biochips: new avenues for exploring 3D micro-and nano-environments”, Micromachines, 8(2), 40 (2017). (DOI:10.3390/mi8020040). F. He, J. Yu, Y. Tan, W. Chu, C. Zhou, Y. Cheng, and K. Sugioka, “Tailoring femtosecond 1.5-μm Bessel beams for manufacturing high-aspect-ratio through-silicon vias”, Sci. Rep. 7, 40785 (2017). (Published online:18 Jan. 2017). S. M. Yalisove, K. Sugioka, and C. P. Grigoropoulos, “Advances and opportunities of ultrafast laser synthesis and processing”, MRS Bulletin 41, 955-959 (2016). (Published online: 06 Dec. 2016). C. R. Locke, T. Kobayashi, and K. Midorikawa, “Improved efficiency of selective photoionization of palladium isotopes via autoionizing Rydberg states”, Appl. Phys. B 123, 33 (2017). (Published online 28 Dec. 2016). T. Kobayashi, C. R. Locke, and K. Midorikawa,”Spectroscopic investigation of autoionizing Rydberg states of palladium accessible after odd-mass-selective laser excitation”, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. Rapid Commun. 56, 010302 (2017). (Published online 24 Nov. 2016). Yu‐Chieh Lin, Y. Nabekawa, and K. Midorikawa, “Generation of intense femtosecond optical vortex pulses with blazed‐phase grating in chirped‐pulse ampli cation system of Ti:sapphire laser”, Applied Physics B, Vol. 122, article number 280 (2016), DOI 10.1007/s00340-016-6557-y, (Published 3 Nov. 2016). V. H Trinh, O. I Tolstikhin and T. Morishita, "First-order correction terms in the weak-field asymptotic theory of tunneling ionization in many-electron systems", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 195603 (2016) (DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/49/19/195603), (Published 22 Sept. 2016). Y. Nabekawa, T. Okino, Y. Furukawa, A. Amani Eilanlou, E. J. Takahashi, K. Yamanouchi, and K. Midorikawa, “Sub-10-fs control of dissociation pathways in the hydrogen molecular ion with a few-pulse attosecond pulse train”, Nature Communications, Vol. 7, pp.1285 (2016), DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12835, (Published 20 Sept. 2016). C. Zhang, Y. Hu, W. Du, P. Wu, S. Rao, Z. Cai, Z. Lao, B. Xu, J. Ni, J. Li, G. Zhao, D. Wu, J. Chu, and K. Sugioka, “Optimized holographic femtosecond laser patterning method towards rapid integration of high-quality functional devices in microchannels”, Sci. Rep. 6, 33281 (2016). (Published online:13 Sept. 2016). C. R. Locke, T. Kobayashi, T. Nakajima, and K. Midorikawa, “Application of an orthogonally polarized laser scheme for selective photoionization of palladium isotopes”, Appl. Phys. B 122, 246 (2016). (Published online 2 Sep. 2016). Yu-Chieh Lin, Y. Nabekawa, and K. Midorikawa, “Conical third-harmonic generation of optical vortex through ultrashort laser filamentation in air”, Optics Express, Vol. 24, No. 13, pp.14857-14870, DOI:10.1364/OE.24.014857, (Published 22 June 2016). Y. Fu, E. J. Takahashi and K. Midorikawa, “Indirect high-bandwidth stabilization of carrier-envelope phase of a high-energy, low-repetition-rate laser”, Optics Express 24 (12), 13276-13287 (2016). (Published 7 Jun 2016). M. Hatayama, S. Ichimaru, T. Ohcni, E. J. Takahashi, K. Midorikawa and S. Oku, “Wide-range narrowband multilayer mirror for selecting a single-order harmonic in the photon energy range of 40–70 eV”, Optics Express 24 (13), 14546-14551 (2016).(Published 17 Jun 2016). Y. Hanada, T. Ogawa, K. Koike, and K Sugioka, “Making the invisible visible: a microfluidic chip using a low refractive index polymer”, Lab Chip 16, 2481-2486 (2016). (First published online 6 June 2016). K. Sugioka, “Progress in ultrafast laser processing and future prospects”, Nanophotonics 5, 17-37 (2016). (Published Online: 20 April 2016). 総説、技術資料、proceedings、その他 F. He, J. Yu, W. Chu, Z. Wang, Y. Tan, Y. Cheng, and K. Sugioka, “Tailored femtosecond Bessel beams for high-throughput, taper-free through-Silicon vias (TSVs) fabrication”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9735, 973506-1 (2016). Invited J. Xu, K. Midorikawa, and K. Sugioka, “Femtosecond laser fabricated electrofluidic devices in glass for 3D manipulation of biological samples”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9735, 97350B (2016). S. Nakashima, R. Okabe, K. Sugioka, and A. Ishida, “Magneto-optical properties of waveguide structures containing magnetic nanoparticles using femtosecond laser”, Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Nanotechnol, 515-518 (2016). 杉岡幸次,“超短パルスベッセルビームによる高アスペクトTSV加工技術”, FORM TECH REVIEW, (2017).(in press) 杉岡幸次,”フェムト秒レーザーを用いた除去/付加複合3次元加工と応用”, OPTRONICS, 413, 135-139 (2016). 杉岡幸次, ”2.7 レーザ加工分野の市場動向: 2.7.1 はじめに”, 平成27年度光産業技術に関する報告書((財)光産業技術振興協会編) p.205-209 (2016). 杉岡幸次, ”2.7 レーザ加工分野の市場動向: 2.7.3 おわりに”, 平成27年度光産業技術に関する報告書((財)光産業技術振興協会編) p.234-235 (2016). 杉岡幸次, “Siの高品質・高アスペクト比微細加工を実現するフェムト秒ベッセルビーム最適化技術”,ケミカルエンジニアリング, 61, 876-881 (2016).) 沖野友哉、鍋川康夫、緑川克美、「高次高調波によるアト秒量子波束計測」、分光研究、第65巻、第2号、81-91 (2016). 磯部圭佑,戸田圭亮,緑川克美,「励起光パルスの時空間制御による深部超解像イメージング技術」,レーザー研究,44, 653-657 (2016). 磯部圭佑,緑川克美,「生体試料の深部イメージングを可能にする空間重なり変調非線形光学顕微鏡」,OPTRONICS,417,74-78 (2016). 招待講演: K. Sugioka, " Hybrid subtractive and additive femtosecond laser 3D micro machining”, 5th Industrial Laser Appl. Sym. (ILAS 2017), Belton, Grantham, UK, March (2017). (to be presented) K. Sugioka, F. Sima, J. Xu, and K. Midorikawa, “Hybrid subtractive and additive 3D femtosecond laser processing: application for fabrication of novel biochips”, 3017 Int. Conf. on Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics (FTAPS 2017), Sharjah, UAE, Feb. (2017). (to be presented) F. Sima, D. Serien, D. Wu, J. Xu, K. Midorikawa, and K. Sugioka, “Micro and nano-biomimetic structures for cell migration study fabricated by hybrid subtractive and additive 3D femtosecond laser processing”, SPIE Int. Conf. on Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XI (LBMN XI), San Francisco, USA, Jan.-Feb. (2017). K. Sugioka, F. He, and Y. Cheng, “Tailored femtosecond Bessel beams for fabrication of high-aspect-ratio through Si vias”, SPIE Int. Conf. on Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XI (LBMN XI), San Francisco, USA, Jan.-Feb. (2017). E. J. Takahashi, "HIGH-ENERGY ULTRAFAST MULTICOLOR LASER”, The 9th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS-9), Ninh Binh City, Vietnam, Nov. 9 (2016). Y. Nabekawa, T. Okino, and K. Midorikawa, “Probing attosecond dynamics of molecules by an intense a- few-pulse attosecond pulse train”, The 31st International Congress on High-speed Imaging and Photonics, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 8 (2016). K. Sugioka, F. Sima, J. Xu, D. Wu, and K. Midorikawa, “Hybrid subtractive and additive 3D femtosecond laser processing for integrated biochip fabrication”, 4th Int. Symp. on Laser Interaction with matter (LIMIS 2016), Chengdu, China, Nov. (2016). A. Amani Eilanlou, Y. Nabekawa, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, and K. Midorikawa,”Development of a thin disk ring oscillator for intra-cavity high-order harmonic generation”, The 14th Kansai Photon Science Institute Seminar, Nara, Japan, Nov. (2016). N. Kanda, K. Konishi, and M. Kuwata-Gonokami, “Spatio-temporal control of terahertz polarization”, Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 OSJ-OSK-TPS Joint Symposium, 1aDS6, Tokyo, Nov. 1 (2016). K. Midorikawa, “Attosecond sciece at RIKEN”, RIKEN & HUST Joint Symposium, Wuhan, China, Oct. 26 (2016). E. J. Takahashi, "Recent progress on high-energy ultrafast laser systems in RIKEN , RIKEN&HUST Joint Symposium”, Wuhan, China, Oct.26 (2016). K. Sugioka, F. He, and Y. Cheng, “Tailored femtosecond Bessel beams for fabrication of high-aspect-ratio through Si visa (TSVs)”, 25th Int. Cong. on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2016), San Diego, USA, Oct. (2016). K. Midorikawa, “Attosecond sciece by intens high-order harmonics”, The 8th International symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, Chongqing, China, Oct.11 (2016). Tomoya Okino, "Real-time Observation of Quantum Wavepackets of Molecules with a-Few-Pulse Attosecond Pulse Train", International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science 15 (ISUILS15), Cassis, France, Oct. 3-7 (2016). K. Midorikawa, “Recent progress on attosecond science at RIKEN”, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii USA , Oct. 3 (2016). T. Okino, “Real-time Observation of Quantum Wavepackets of Molecules with a-Few-Pulse Attosecond Pulse Train”, International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science 15 (ISUILS 15), Cassis, France, Oct. 3 (2016). E. J. Takahashi, "High-energy multi-channel waveform synthesizer for generating microjoule-level isolated attosecond pulses”, The 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, Oct 2-6 (2016). F. Sima, D. Wu, J. Xu, K. Midorikawa, and K. Sugioka, “Ship-in-a-bottle integration of biomimetic architecture into lab-on-a-chip by femtosecond laser 3D processing, application to cancer research”, 24th Int. Conf. on Advanced Laser Technology (ALT’ 16), Galway, Ireland, Sept. (2016). K. Sugioka, J. Xu, F. Sima, H. Kawano, A. Miyawaki, and K. Midorikawa, “Hybrid subtractive and additive 3D microprocessing using femtosecond laser for functional biochip fabrication”, The 10th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA-10), Brasov, Romania, August-Sept. (2016). K. Sugioka, F. Hei, and Y. Cheng, “Fabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Through-Silicon Vias”, 4th Int. Academy of Photon. and Laser Engin. (IAPLE) Conference, Port Douglas, Australia, Aug. (2016). Keynote K. Midorikawa, “High harmonic generation and attosecond science”, The 7th Asia Summer School and Symposium on Laser-Plasma Acceleration and Radiation”, Shanghai、China, July 18 (2016). K. Sugioka, J. Xu, F. Sima, H. Kawano, A. Miyawaki, and K. Midorikawa, “Hybrid subtractive and additive 3D processing using femtosecond laser”, 2016 Light Conference, Changchun, China, July (2016). K. Midorikawa, “High Energy Waveform Synthesizer for Generating Intense Isolated Attosecond Pulses”, The 18th Gordon Research Conferences on Multiphoton Processes, Andover, NH, USA, June 22 (2016). K. Sugioka, F. He, and Y. Cheng, “Tailored Bessel beam using a binary phase plate: Applications to fabrication of high‐ quality, high‐sapect‐ratio through Si Vias (TSVs)”, 2nd Workshop on Progress on Ultrafast Laser Modification of Materials (PULMM 2016), Neuchatel, Switzerland, June (2016). F. Sima, D. Wu, J. Xu, K. Midorikawa, and K. Sugioka, “Femtosecond laser micro- and nanoengineering of 3D environments for cancer cell study”, Int. Conf.on Small Science (ICSS 2016), Prague, Czech, June (2016). K. Midorikawa, “Recent progress on attosecond science at RIKEN”, COPL-INO-RIKEN 1st symposium in advanced photonics, Quebec, Canada, May 26 (2016). K. Midorikawa, “Recent progress on attosecond science at RIKEN”, 15th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers 2016, Nara, Japan, May 23 (2016). K. Midorikawa, “Observation of attosecond molecular dynamics by intense attosecond pulses”, 7th Shanghai-Tokyo Advanced Research Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Hayama, Japan, May 22 (2016). K. Midorikawa, S. Wada, N. Sait, K. Kase, Y. Otake, and Y. Ikeda, “Nondestructive inspection of infrastructures by laser and neutron beam technology”, Laser Solution for Space and the Earth (LSSE2016), Yokohama, Japan, May 20 (2016). E.J. Takahashi, "High-energy Ultrafast IR Laser Pulses by Dual-chirped Optical Parametric Amplification”, The 10th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2016),Jeju Island, Korea, May 11 (2016). K. Sugioka, F. He, and Y. Cheng, “Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio through Si vias by tailored femtosecond Bessel beams at 1.5 m wavelength”, Int. Symp. on Optoelectronic Technol. and Appl. 2016 (OTA 2016), Beijin, China, May (2016). K. Sugioka, F. He, and Y. Cheng, “Tailored 1.5-m femtosecond bessel beams for fabrication of high-aspect-ratio through Si Vias”, The 7th Shanghai-Tokyo Advanced Research Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (STAR7), Hayama, Japan, May (2016). 特許 杉岡幸次, ”レーザービーム整形装置および除去加工装置”、特願2016-024150, 2016年2月10日. 磯部圭佑,緑川克美「非線形光学顕微鏡、空間位相変調器および非線形光学顕微鏡法」 特願2016-165861,出願日2016年08月26日. 磯部圭佑,緑川克美「非線形光学顕微鏡および非線形光学顕微鏡法」特許第5930220号,2016年05月13日登録 . |