Current Members
Research Scientist
mtach[at]riken.jp (HP)
- Theme:
- physics of organelle
- Contents:
- Using physical modeling of bio-membrane and comupter simulations, I am trying to understand the morphogenesis of organelles, and thir cellular functions.
- 1995.4 - 1999.3
- Faculty of Science, Osaka University
- 1999.4 - 2004.3
- Faculty of Science, Nagoya University
- 2004.4 - 2010.3
- Postdoc. at Kaneko lab., U-Tokyo
- 2010.4 - 2011.3
- Postdoc. at Mochizuki lab., Riken
- 2011.4 - Present
- Researcher at Mochizuki lab., Riken
Honor / Society Activity
- Physical Society of Japan
- Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology
- The Biophysical Society of Japan
- The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
- Japan Society of Cell Biology
- Masashi Tachikawa, "Regular and irregular modulation of frequencies in limit cycle oscillator networks",Europhysics Letters, Vol. 92 No. 2 (2010)
- Masashi Tachikawa, "A mathematical model for period-memorizing behavior in Physarum plasmodium", Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol. 263 (2010), Pages 449-454
- Masashi Tachikawa, "Fluctuation Induces Evolutionary Branching in a Mathematical Model of Ecosystems", PLoS ONE 3(12): e3925(2008)
- Masashi Tachikawa, Koichi Fujimoto, "Emergence of multiple time scales in coupled oscillators with plastic frequencies", Europhysics Letters, Vol. 78 No. 2 (2007)
- Masashi Tachikawa, "Convective Stabilization of Saddle Fixed Points in an Open Flow System" Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.161 (2006) pp. 352-355