2011-03-11 (Fri) 13:30 - |
園田英徳氏(神戸大学) |
Phase structure of a
3 dimensional Yukawa model |
2010-03-09 (Wed) 15:30 - |
甘利俊一氏(理研) |
Information Geometry
and its applications |
2011-02-23(Wed) 15:30 - |
丸山耕司(理研) |
マックスウェルの悪魔と情報の物理 |
2011-02-28 (Mon) 13:30 - |
林博貴氏 (東京大学) |
aspects of global F-theory compactifications |
2011-02-21 (Mon) 13:30 - |
村上公一氏(岡山光量子研) |
Light-cone gauge
superstring field theory and dimensional regularization |
2011-02-10 (Thu) 13:30 - |
横井直人氏(東北大学) |
Operator formulation
of Green-Schwarz superstring in the semi-light-cone conformal gauge |
2011-02-01 (Tue) 13:30 - |
Ting-Wai Chiu氏(国立台湾大) |
Simulation of
unquenched QCD with the optimal domain-wall fermion |
2011-01-25 (Tue) 15:30 - |
森山翔文氏(名古屋大学) |
An algebraic model
for the su(2l2) light-cone string field theory |
2011-01-12 (Wed) 15:30 - |
Seth Lloyd氏(MIT) |
Symmetry and
asymmetry in quantum transport |
2011-01-07 (Fri) 13:30 - |
金森逸作氏(レーゲンスブルグ大) |
Getting rid of
fermions on link: SU(N) SYM on 2-dimensional lattice |
2010-12-21 (Tue) 15:30- |
杉野文彦氏(岡山光量子研) |
Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in matrix models from the
viewpoints of localization and Nicolai mapping |
2010-12-8 (Wed) 15:30- |
鈴木久男氏(北海道大学) |
How the superstring
works |
2010-11-22 (Mon) 13:30 - |
石川健一氏(広島大) |
A review on
algorithms and techniques for lattice QCD simulations |
2010-11-17(Wed) 15:30- |
木下東一郎氏(コーネル大学) |
Fine structure
constant, Electron Anomalous Magnetic Moment and Quantum Electrodynamics |
2010-11-11 (Thu) 15:30- |
松尾俊寛氏(岡山光量子研) |
string-membrane hedgehog and internal structure of black holes |
2010-10-19 (Tue) 13:30- |
宇川 彰氏(筑波大) |
転回点に立つ格子上の量子色力学 |
2010-10-18 (Mon) 13:30- |
Dr. Michael Endres (RIKEN) |
Numerical Simulation
of unitary fermions |
2010-09-27 (Mon) 13:30- |
森田健氏(U of Creta) |
Phases of Large-N
Yang-Mils theory on small tori |
2010-07-23 (Fri) 10:00- |
河野公俊氏(理研) |
理研の超流動研究と初期宇宙の対称性 |
宇宙の対称性と普遍性 |
白浜圭也氏(慶應大) |
ナノスケール・ヘリウムの新しい物理と応用 |
シンポジウム |
川口由紀氏(東大) |
スピノルBECにおけるトポロジカル励起 |
夏梅誠氏(KEK) |
AdS/CFTと物性系への応用 |
礒暁氏(KEK) |
地平面の物理 |
川合光氏(京大&理研) |
ホライズンと重力の正体 |
2010-05-17 (Mon) 13:30- |
猪木慶治氏(理研) |
\pi p, K p, p p-bar,
pp 前方散乱に基づくハドロンの全断面積の普遍的な上昇 |
2010-05-12 (Wed)
15:30- |
平尾公彦氏(理研) |
Recent Advances in
Molecular Theory |
2010-04-26 (Mon) 13:30- |
阪口真氏 (理研) |
Semiclassical Analysis of M2-brane in AdS_4 x S^7/Z_k |
2010-04-12 (Mon) 13:30- |
三輪光嗣氏 (理研) |
2次元共形場理論の非相対論的極限について |
2010-03-26 (Fri) 13;00- |
山口嘉夫氏(理研) |
強い相互作用の場の量子論的扱い |
2010-03-18 (Thu)
14:00- |
伊藤克司氏 (東京工業大学) |
Supersymmetric Gauge theories and Instantons IX |
2010-03-17 (Wed)
13:30- |
鈴木了氏 (Trinity
College) |
Exploring TBA for
the mirror AdS_5 x S^5 |
2010-02-17 (Wed)
15:00- |
平野真司氏_兵span class=SpellE>Niels Bohr Institute) |
Anomalous Charge
Shifts in AdS(4)/CFT(3) |
2010-02-12 (Fri)
13:30- |
八木絢彌 (Rutgers
University) |
Chiral algebras of (0,2) models: Beyond perturbation theory |
2010-01-29 (Fri) 13:30- |
甲田昌也氏 (埼玉大) |
The strongly coupled
fourth family and a first-order electroweak phase transition |
2010-01-20 (Wed)
15:30- (Room 435,437) |
Toshikazu Ebisuzaki 氏 (RIKEN) |
Gamma-ray Signal
from Earth-mass Dark Matter Microhalos |
2010-01-12 (Tue)
13:30- |
園田英徳氏 (神戸大) |
A simple proof of
the non-renormalization theorem for the Wess-Zumino
model |