2014年度 - 原著論文
* correspondence
*Stasevich TJ, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Sato Y,
Maehara K, Ohkawa Y, Sakata-Sogawa K, Tokunaga M, Nagase T, Nozaki N,
McNally JG, *kimura.
Regulation of RNA polymerase II activation by histone acetylation in
single living cells.
Nature. 516: 272-275. 2014.
Forrest AR et al and FANTOM Consortium.
A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas.
Nature 507: 462-470, 2014
Arner E et al and FANTOM Consortium.
lead waves of coordinated transcription in transithioning mammalian
Science 2015 in press
Shinagawa T*, Takagi T, Tsukamoto D, Tomaru C, Huynh LM, Sivaraman
P, Kumarevel T, Inoue K, Nakato R, Katou Y, Sado T, Takahashi S, Ogura A, Shirahige K, Ishii*.
Histone variants enriched in oocytes enhance reprogramming to induced
pluripotent stem cells.
Cell Stem Cell. 14: 217-227,2014.
Itoh-Nakadai A, Hikota R, Muto A, Kometani K, Watanabe-Matsui M,
Sato Y, Kobayashi M, Nakamura A, Miura Y, Yano Y, Tashiro S, Sun J, Ikawa T, Ochiai
K, Kurosaki T, *Igarashi K.
The transcription repressors Bach2
and Bach1 promote B cell development by repressing the myeloid program.
Nat Immunol. 12:1171-1180, 2014
Boucheron N, Tschismarov R, Goeschl L, Moser M.A, Lagger S,
Sakaguchi S, Winter M, Lenz F, Vitko D, Breitwieser FP, M_ller L,
Hassan H, Bennett K.L, Colinge J, Schreiner W, Egawa T, Taniuchi I, Matthias P, Seiser C, *Ellmeier
CD4+ T cell lineage integrity is controlled by the histone
deacetylases HDAC1 and HDAC2.
Nat. Immunol. 15:439-48. 2014.
Stinke FC, Yu S, Zhou X, Yang W, Zhou B,
Kawamoto H, Zhu J, Tan K, *Xue HH*.
TCF-1 and LEF-1 act upstream
of Th-POK to promote the CD4+ T cell fate and interact with Runx3 to
silence Cd4 in CD8+ T cells.
Nat. Immunol. 15: 646-656. 2014.
Obata Y, Furusawa Y, Endo TA, Sharif J, Takahashi D, Atarashi K,
Nakayama M, Onawa S, Fujimura Y, Takahashi M, Ikawa T, Otsubo T,
Kawamura YI, Dohi T, Tajima S, Masumoto H, Ohara O, Honda K, Hori S, Ohno H, Koseki H, *Hase K.
epigenetic regulator Uhrf1 facilitates the proliferation and maturation
of colonic regulatory T cells.
Nat. Immunol. 15: 571-579. 2014.
Daussy C, Faure F, Mayol K, Viel S, Gasteiger G, Charrier E,
Bienvenu J, Henry T, Debien E, Hasan UA, Marvel J, Yoh K, Takahashi S, Prinz I, De Bernard S,
Buffat L, Walzer T*.
T-bet and Eomes instruct the development of two
distinct natural killer cell lineages in the liver and bone marrow.
J Exp Med. 211: 563-577,2014.
Moriyama S, Takahashi N, Green JA, Hori S,
Kubo M, Cyster JG, *Okada T.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2 is
critical for follicular helper T cell retention in germinal centers.
J. Exp. Med. 211: 1297-1305. 2014.
Tanaka S, Suto A, Iwamoto T, Kashiwakuma D, Kagami SI, Suzuki K,
Takatori H, Tamachi T, Hirose K, Onodera A, Suzuki J, Ohara O, Yamashita M, Nakayama T, *Nakajima H.
and c-Maf cooperatively induce Th17 cell differentiation via RORγt
induction as downstream target of Stat3.
J. Exp. Med. 211: 1857-1874. 2014.
Hao B, Naik AK, Watanabe A, Tanaka H, Chen L, Kondo M, Taniuchi I, Kohwi Y, Kohwi-Shigematus T and
*Krangel MS.
An anti-silencer- and SATB1-dependent chromatin hub
regulates Rag1 and Rag2 gene expression during thymocyte development.
J.Exp.Med. in press
Majumder K, Koues O, Chan E, Kyle K, Horowitz J, Yang-Iott K,
Bassing C, Taniuchi I, Krangel M, *Oltz
E. Lineage-specific compaction of Tcrb requires a chromatin barrier to
protect the function of a long-range tethering element.
J.Exp.Med. 212:107-20. 2015.
Fujiwara S, Nagai H, Shimoura N, Oniki S,
Yoshimoto T, *Nishigori C.
Intratumoral CD4+ T lymphodepletion
sensitizes poorly immunogenic melanomas to immunotherapy with an OX40
J. Invest. Dermatol. 134: 1884-1892. 2014.
Miyamura S, Araki M, Suzuki T, *Yamaguchi
J, *Itami K.
Stereodivergent synthesis of arylcyclopropylamines by sequential C-H
borylation and Suzuki-Miyaura coupling.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54: 846-851. 2015.
Kaneko K, Kamimoto K, Miyajima A and
Itoh T*.
Adaptive remodeling of the biliary architecture underlies liver
Hepatology in press.
Mishima Y, Wang C, Miyagi S, Saraya A, Hosokawa H, Mochizuki-Kashio
M, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Koide S, Negishi M, Sashida G, Naito T, Ishikura
T, Onodera A, Nakayama T, Tenen D.G, Yamaguchi N, Koseki H, Taniuchi I, *Iwama A.
Histone acetylation
mediated by Brd1 is crucial for Cd8 gene activation during early
thymocyte development.
Nat Commun. 5:5872. 2015.
Hamada M*, Nakamura M, Tran MT, Moriguchi T, Hong C, Ohsumi T, Dinh
TT, Kusakabe M, Hattori M, Katsumata T, Arai S, Nakashima K, Kudo T,
Kuroda E, Wu CH, Kao PH, Sakai M, Shimano H, Miyazaki T, Tontonz P, Takahashi S*.
MafB promotes atherosclerosis by inhibiting foam-cell apoptosis.
Nat Commun. 5: 3147, 2014.
Kuwahara M, Suzuki J, Tofukuji S, Yamada T, Kanoh M, Matsumoto A,
Maruyama S, Kometani K, Kurosaki T, Ohara O, Nakayama T, *Yamashita M.
Menin-Bach2 axis is critical for regulating CD4 T cell
senescence and
cytokine homeostasis.
Nat. Commun. 5: 3555. 2014.
Nakahata S, Ichikawa T, Maneesaay P, Saito Y, Nagai K, Tamura T,
Manachai N, Yamakawa N, Hamasaki M, Kitabayashi I, Arai Y, Kanai Y,
Taki T, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Shimoda K, Ohshima K, Horii A, Shima H,
Taniwaki M, Yamaguchi R, *Morishita K
Loss of NDRG2 expression activates PI3K-AKT signalling via PTEN
phosphorylation in ATLL and other cancers.
Nature Comm. 5: 3393. 2014.
Mishima Y, Wang C, Miyagi S, Saraya A, Hosokawa H, Mochizuki-Kashio
M, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Koide S, Negishi M, Sashida
G, Naito T, Ishikura T, Onodera A, Nakayama T, Tenen DG,
Yamaguchi N, Koseki H, Taniuchi I, *Iwama A.
Histone acetylation mediated by Brd1 is crucial for Cd8 gene activation
during early thymocyte development.
Nature Commun. 2014; 5: 5872.
*Sashida G, Harada H, Matsui H,
Oshima M, Yui M, Harada Y, Tanaka S, Mochizuki-Kashio M, Wang C, Saraya
A, Muto T, Hayashi Y, Suzuki K, Nakajima H, Inaba T, Koseki H, Huang G,
Kitamura T, *Iwama A.
Ezh2 loss promotes development of myelodysplastic syndrome but
attenuates its predisposition to leukaemic transformation.
Nature Commun. 2014; 5: 4177.
Inagaki N, Inagaki F, Kokudo N and Miyajima
Use of mouse liver mesothelial cells to prevent postoperative
and promote liver regeneration after hepatectomy.
J. Hepatology, in press
Hojyo S, Miyai T, Fujishiro H, Kawamura M, Yasuda T, Hijikata A, Bin
BH, Iri_ T, Tanaka J, Atsumi T, Murakami M, Nakayama M, Ohara O, Himeno
S, Yoshida H, Koseki H, Ikawa T,
Mishima K, *Fukada T.
Zinc transporter SLC39A10/ZIP10 controls humoral
immunity by modulating B-cell receptor signal strength.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:11786-91, 2014
Miyai T, Hojyo S, Ikawa T, Kawamura
M, Iri_ T, Ogura H, Hijikata A, Bin BH, Yasuda T, Kitamura H, Nakayama
M, Ohara O, Yoshida H, Koseki H, Mishima K, *Fukada T.
Zinc transporter
SLC39A10/ZIP10 facilitates antiapoptotic signaling during early B-cell
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(32):11780-5, 2014
Obata Y, Furusawa Y, Endo TA, Sharif J, Takahashi D, Atarashi K,
Nakayama M, Onawa S, Fujimura Y, Takahashi M, Ikawa
T, Otsubo
T, Kawamura YI, Dohi, Tajima S, Matsumoto H, Ohara O, Honda K, Hori S,
Ohno H, Koseki H, *Hase K.
The epigenetic regulator Uhrf1 facilitates
the proliferation and maturation of colonic regulatory T cells.
Nat Immunol. 15: 571-579, 2014
Morikawa K, Ohkura N, Vandenbon A, Itoh M, Nagao-Sato S, Kawaji H,
Lassmann T, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Forrest AR, Standley DM, Date H,
*Sakaguchi S; FANTOM Consortium.
roles of epigenetic changes and Foxp3 expression in regulatory T
cell-specific transcriptional regulation.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 111: 5289-5294, 2014
*Arner E, Forrest AR, Ehrlund A, Mejhert N, Itoh M, Kawaji H,
Lassmann T, Laurencikiene J, Ryden M, *Arner P;
FANTOM Consortium.
Ceruloplasminin is a novel adipokine which is overexpressed in adipose
tissue of obese subjects and in obesity-associated cancer cells.
PloS One. 9: e80274, 2014
Andersson R, Gebhard C, Miguel-Escalada I, Hoof I, Bornholdt J, Boyd
M, Chen Y, Zhao X, Schmidl C, Suzuki T, Ntini E, Arner E, Valen E, Li
K, Schwarzfischer L, Glatz D, Raithel J, Lilje B, Rapin N, Bagger FO,
J_rgensen M, Andersen PR, Bertin N, Rackham O, Burroughs AM, Baillie
JK, Ishizu Y, Shimizu Y, Furuhata E, Maeda S, Negishi Y, Mungall CJ,
Meehan TF, Lassmann T, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Kondo N, Kawai J, Lennartsson
A, Daub CO, Heutink P, Hume DA, Jensen TH, Suzuki H, Hayashizaki Y,
M_ller F; FANTOM Consortium, *Forrest
AR, *Carninci P, *Rehli M, *Sandelin A.; FANTOM Consortium
An atlas of
active enhancers across human cell types and tissues.
Nature 507: 455-461, 2014
Hoshii T, Kasada A, Hatakeyama T, Ohtani M, Tadokoro Y, Naka K,
Ikenoue T, Ikawa T, Kawamoto
H, Fehling HJ, Araki K, Yamamura K, Matsuda S, *Hirao A.
Loss of mTOR
complex 1 induces developmental blockade in early T-lymphopoiesis and
eradicates T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111: 3805-3810. 2014
Suzuki K, Numata T, Suzuki H, Raga DD, ann Ipulan L, Ykoyama C,
Matsushita S, Hamada M, Nakagata N, Nishinakamura R, Kume S, Takahashi S, Yamada G*.
Sexually dimorphic
gene, MafB, regulates 1 masculinization of the external genitalia.
Proc Natl Acad Sci.USA 111: 16407-16412, 2014.
Wu L, Parekh VV, Hsiao J, Kitamura D, *Van
Kaer L.
Spleen supports a pool of innate-like B cells in white adipose
tissue that protects against obesity-associated insulin resistance.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111: E4638-E4647. 2014.
Kobayashi M, Shelly CW, Seo W, Vemula S, Liu Y, Taniuchi I, *Yoshimoto
Functional B-1 progenitor cells are present in the hematopoietic
stem cell deficient embryo and depend on Cbfβ for their development.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111:12151-6, 2014.
Iida, A., Iwagawa, T., Kuribayashi, H., Satoh. S., Mochizuki, Y.,
Baba, Y., Nakauchi, H., Furukawa, T, Koseki, H, Murakami, A., *Watanabe, S
Jmjd3 is required for the development of subsets of retinal
bipolar cells.
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.,USA, 111: 3751-3756. 2014
Wada T, Koyama D, Kikuchi, J, Honda H,
*Furukawa Y.
Overexpression of the shortest isoform of histone demethylase LSD1
primes hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells for malignant
Blood, in press.
Wang C, Sashida G, Saraya A, Ishiga
R, Koide S, Oshima M, Isono K, Koseki H, *Iwama A.
Depletion of Sf3b1 impairs proliferative capacity of hematopoietic stem
cells but is not sufficient to induce myelodysplasia.
Blood. 2014; 123(21): 3336-43.
Kameda T, Shide K, Yamaji T, Kamiunten A, Sekine M, Taniguchi Y,
Hidaka T, Kubuki Y, Shimoda H, Marutsuka K,
Sashida G, Aoyama
K, Yoshimitsu M, Harada T, Abe H, Miike T, Iwakiri H, Tahara Y, Sueta
M, Yamamoto S, Hasuike S, Nagata K, Iwama A, Kitanaka A, *Shimoda K.
Loss-of-TET2 has dual roles in murine myeloproliferative neoplasms:
disease sustainer and disease accelerator.
Blood. 2015; 125(2): 304-15
riguchi S, Kikuchi N, Kaneko S*, Noguchi E, Morishima Y, Matsuyama
M, Yoh Y, Takahashi S, Nakauchi
H, Ishii Y*.
T cell-restricted T-bet overexpression induces aberrant
hematopoiesis of myeloids and impairs function of macrophages in the
Blood. 125: 370-382, 2015.
Taguchi K, *Okada A, Kitamura H, Yasui T, Naiki T, Hamamoto S, Ando
R, Mizuno K, Kawai N, Tozawa K, Asano K, Tanaka
M, Kohri K.
Colony-Stimulating Factor-1 Signaling Suppresses Renal Crystal
J Am Soc Nephrol. 25: 1680-1697. 2014
Karasawa K, Asano K, Moriyama S,
Ushiki M, Monya M, Iida M, Kuboki E, Yagita H, Uchida K, Nitta K,
*Tanaka M.
Vascular-Resident CD169-Positive Monocytes and Macrophages Control
Neutrophil Accumulation in the Kidney with Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Kihara M, Ito K, Nakata J, Otani M, Tran NL, Morito N, Takahashi S, Wada Y, Izui S*.
glycosylation determines the nephritogenic potential of IgA rheumatoid
J Am Soc Nephrol. 25: 1282-1290,2014.
Morito N*, Yoh K, Ojima M, Okamura M, Nakamura M, Hamada M, Yamagata
K, Takahashi S.
Overexpression of Mafb in podocytes protects against diabetic
J Am Soc Nephrol. 25: 2546-2557, 2014.
Koyama D, Kikuchi J, Hiraoka N, Wada T, Kurosawa H, Chiba S, *Furukawa Y.
inhibitors exert cytotoxicity and increase chemosensitivity via
transcriptional repression of Notch1 in T-cell acute lymphoblastic
Leukemia 28: 1216-1226, 2014.
Wang CQ, Chin DW, Chooi JY, Wee Joo C,
Taniuchi I, Tergaonkar V, *Osato M.
Cbfb deficiency results in
differentiation blocks and stem/progenitor cell expansion in
Leukemia. doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.316. 2014.
Koso, H, Tsuhako, A, Lyons, E, Ward, JM, Rust, AG, Adams, DJ,
Jenkins, NA, Copeland, NG, *Watanabe, S
Transposon mutagenesis identifies Foxr2 as a putative oncogene in
Can Res, 74: 2351-2361. 2014
*Tago K, Funakoshi-Tago M, Itoh H, Furukawa
Y, Kikuchi J, Kato T, Suzuki K, Yanagisawa K.
Arf tumor suppressor disrupts the oncogenic positive feedback loop
including c-Myc and DDX5.
Oncogene 34: 310-318, 2015.
Wang CQ, Krishnan V, Tay LS, Chin DW, Koh CP, Chooi JY, Nah GS, Du
L, Jacob B, Yamashita N, Lai SK, Tan TZ, Mori S,
Taniuchi I,
Tergaonkar V, Ito Y, *Osato M.
Disruption of Runx1 and Runx3 leads to
bone marrow failure and leukemia predisposition due to transcriptional
and DNA repair defects.
Cell Reports. 8:767-8c2. 2014.
Nagao, M*, Lanjakornsiripan, D, Itoh, Y,
Kishi, Y, Ogata, T, & Gotoh, Y .
High mobility group nucleosome-binding family proteins promote
astrocyte differentiation of neural precursor cells.
Stem Cells, 32(11), 2983_2997. 2014
Katano M, Ema M, Nakachi Y, Mizuno Y, Hirasaki M, Suzuki A, Ueda A,
Nishimoto M, Takahashi S, Okazaki Y,
Okuda A*.
Forced expression of Nanog or Esrrb preserves the ESC status
in the absence of nucleostemin expression.
Stem Cells. in press.
Hishida T, Nakachi Y, Mizuno Y, Katano M, Okazaki Y, Ema M, Takahashi S, Hirasaki M, Suzuki A, Ueda A,
Nishimoto M, Hishida-Nozaki Y, Vazquez-Ferrer E, Sancho-Martinez I,
Belmonte JCI*, Okuda A*. Functional compensation between Myc and PI3K
signaling supports self-renewal of embryonic stem cells.
Stem Cells. in press.
Nishimura W*, Takahashi S, Yasuda
MafA is critical for maintenance of the mature beta cell phenotype in
Diabetologia. in press.
Fukushima N, Ieda N, Sasakura K, Nagano T, Hanaoka K, Suzuki T, Miyata N, *Nakagawa H.
Photocontrollable hydrogen sulfide donor using ketoprofenate
Chem. Commun. 50: 587-589. 2014.
Etani T, *Suzuki T, *Naiki T,
Naiki-Ito A, Ando R, Iida K, Kawai N, Tozawa K, Miyata N, Kohri K,
Takahashi S.
NCL1, a highly selective lysine-specific demethylase 1 inhibitor,
suppresses prostate cancer without adverse effect.
Oncotarget. 6: in press. 2015.
Tee A, Ling D, Nelson C, Atmadibrata B, Dinger M, Xu N, Mizukami T,
Liu PY, Liu B, Cheung B, Pasquier E, Haber M, Norris MD, Suzuki T, Marshall
GM, *Liu T.
The histone demethylase JMJD1A induces cell migration and invasion by
up-regulating the expression of the long noncoding RNA MALAT1.
Oncotarget. 5: 1793-1804. 2014.
Qin X, Jiang Q, Matsuo Y, Kawane T, Komori H, Moriishi T, Taniuchi I, Ito K, Kawai Y, Rokutanda S,
Izumi S, *Komori T.
Cbfb regulates bone development by stabilizing Runx
family proteins.
J. Bone Miner. Res. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.2379.
Omori-Miyake M, Yamashita M, Tunemi
Y, Kawashima M, *Yagi J.
In vitro assessment of IL-4- or IL-13-mediated
changes in the structural components of keratinocytes in mice and
J. Invest. Darmatol. 134: 1342-1350. 2014.
Takayama K, Noguchi Y, Aoki S, Takayama S, Yoshida M, Asari T,
Yakushiji F, Nishimatsu S, Ohsawa Y, I Itoh F ,
Negishi Y, Sunada Y, *Hayashi Y.
Identification of the minimum Peptide from mouse myostatin prodomain
for human myostatin inhibition.
J Med Chem. 58:1544-1549. 2015.
Nishikawa Y, Nishijima H, Matsumoto M, Morimoto J, Hirota F, Takahashi S, Luche H, Fehling HJ, Mouri Y,
Matsumoto M*.
Temporal lineage tracing of Aire-expressing cells reveals
a requirement for Aire in their maturation program.
J Immunol. 192: 2585-2592, 2014.
Iizuka M, Tsuboi H, Matsuo N, Asashima H, Hirota T, Kondo Y, Iwakura
Y, Takahashi S, Matsumoto I, Sumida
A crucial role of RORγt in the development spontaneous
sialadenitis-like Sj_gren's syndrome.
J Immunol. 194: 56-67,
Minagawa K, Wakahashi K, Kawano H, Nishikawa S, Fukui C, Kawano Y,
Asada N, Sato M, Sada A, Katayama Y, *Matsui
Posttranscriptional modulation of cytokine production in T cells for
the regulation of excessive inflammation by TFL.
J. Immunol. 192: 1512-1524. 2014.
Kitabatake M, Soma M, Zhang T, Kuwahara K, Fukushima Y, Nojima T, Kitamura D, *Sakaguchi N.
JNK regulatory molecule G5PR induces IgG autoantibody-producing
plasmablasts from peritoneal B1a cells.
J. Immunol. 194: 2015. in press.
Fukao S, Haniuda K, Nojima T, Takai T, *
Kitamura, D.
Gp49B-mediated negative regulation of antibody production by memory and
marginal zone B cells.
J. Immunol. 193: 635-644. 2014.
Omi T, Tanimukai H, Kanayama D, Sakagami Y, Tagami S, Okochi M,
Morihara T, Sato M, Yanagida K, Kitasyoji A, Hara H, Imaizumi K, Maurice T, Chevallier N, Marchal
S, Takeda M, *Kudo T.
Fluvoxamine alleviates ER stress via induction of
Sigma-1 receptor.
Cell Death Dis. 5:e1332. 2014.
*Moriguchi T, Suzuki M, Yu L, Takai J,
Ohneda K, *Yamamoto M.
Progenitor stage-specific activity of a cis-acting double GATA motif
for Gata1 gene expression.
Mol Cell Biol. 35:805 -815. 2015.
*Ohneda K, Moriguchi T, Ohmori S,
Ishijima Y, Satoh H, Philipsen S, Yamamoto M.
Transcription factor GATA1 is dispensable for mast cell differentiation
in adult mice.
Mol Cell Biol. 34:1812-1826. 2014.
Taguchi K, Hirano I, Itoh T, Tanaka M,
Miyajima A, Suzuki A, Motohashi
H, and Yamamoto M*.
Nrf2 enhances cholangiocyte expansion in
Pten-deficient livers.
Mol. Cell. Biol. 34: 900-913, 2014.
Shinohara H, Taniguchi K, Kumazaki M, Yamada N, Ito Y, Otsuki Y, Uno
B, Hayakawa F, Minami
Y, Naoe T, *Akao Y.
Anti-cancer fatty-acid derivative induces
autophagic cell death through modulation of PKM isoforms expression
profile mediated by bcr-abl in chronic myeloid leukemia.
Cancer Letters. in press.
*Hayakawa F, Sakura T, Yujiri T,
Kondo E, Fujimaki K, Sasaki O, Miyatake J, Handa H, Ueda Y, Aoyama Y,
Takada S, Tanaka Y, Usui N, Miyawaki S, Suenobu S, Horibe K, Kiyoi H,
Ohnishi K, Miyazaki Y, Ohtake S, Kobayashi Y, Matsuo K, Naoe T;
Adult Leukemia Study Group (JALSG). Markedly improved outcomes and
acceptable toxicity in adolescents and young adults with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia following treatment with a pediatric protocol: a
phase II study by the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group.
Blood Cancer J. 17;4: e252. 2014
Miyazaki T, Ikeda K, Horie-Inoue K, Kondo T,
Takahashi S, Inoue S*.
EBAG9 modulates host immune defense
against tumor formation and metastasis by regulating cytotoxic activity
of T lymphocytes.
Oncogenesis.3: e126. 2014.
Yagai T, Miyajima A and Tanaka M*.
Semaphorin 3E secreted by damaged hepatocytes regulates the sinusoidal
regeneration and liver fibrosis during liver regeneration.
American J. Pathology 184: 2250-2259, 2014.
Hino K, Saito A, Kido M, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Takai T, Cui M, Cui X,
Hino K, Saito A, Kido M, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Takai T, Cui M, Cui
X,Hino K, Saito A, Kido M, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Takai T, Cui M, Cui X, *Imaizumi K.
Master regulator for chondrogenesis, Sox9, regulates transcriptional
activation of the endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer
BBF2H7/CREB3L2 in chondrocytes.
J Biol Chem. 289:13810-20. 2014. "
Nakano N, Maeyama K, Sakata N, Itoh F, Akatsu R, Nakata M, Katsu Y,
Ikeno S, Togawa Y, Vo Nguyen TT, Watanabe Y, Kato M, *Itoh S.
C18 ORF1, a novel negative regulator of transforming growth factor-β
J. Biol. Chem. 289:12680-12692. 2014 .
Komori T, ,Tanaka M, Semba M, Miyajima A, and Morikawa Y*.
Deficiency of
OSMRβ exacerbates high-fat diet-induced obesity and related metabolic
disorders in mice.
J. Biol. Chem. 289: 13821-13837, 2014.
Master regulator for chondrogenesis, Sox9, regulates transcriptional activation of the endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer BBF2H7/CREB3L2 in chondrocytes.
J Biol Chem. 289:13810-20. 2014.
Ohno Y, Saeki K, Yasunaga S, Kurogi T, Suzuki-Takedachi K, Shirai M,
Mihara K, Yoshida K, Voncken JW, Ohtsubo M, *Takihara
Transcription of the Geminin gene is regulated by a
negative-feedback loop.
Mol. Biol. Cell 25:1374-1383, 2014.
Whibley N, Maccallum DM, Vickers MA, Zafreen S, Waldmann H, Hori S, Gaffen
SL, Gow NA, Barker RN, *Hall AM.
Expansion of Foxp3+ T-cell populations
by Candida albicans enhances both Th17-cell responses and fungal
dissemination after intravenous challenge.
Eur. J. Immunol. 44: 1069-1083. 2014.
Omi A, Enomoto Y*, Kiniwa T, Miyata N and
Miyajima A*.
Mature resting Ly6Chigh natural killer cells can be reactivated by
Eur. J. Immunol. 44:2638-47. 2014.
Nagahama K, Eto N, Sakakibara Y, Matsusita Y, Sugamoto K, Morishita K, *Suiko
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins from rabbiteye blueberry leaves
inhibits the proliferation of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type
1-associated cell lines via apoptosis and cell cycle arrest
Journal of Functional Foods. 6:356_366. 2014.
Miyauchi S, Umekita K, Hidaka T, Umeki K, Aratake Y, Takahashi N,
Sawaguchi A, Nakatake A, Morinaga I, Morishita
K, *Okayama A.
Increased plasma lactoferrin levels in
leucocytapheresis therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 53:1966-72. 2014.
Mizoguchi Y, Tsumura M, Okada S, Hirata O, Minegishi S, Imai K,
Hyakuna N, Muramatsu H, Kojima S, Yasunaga S,
Takihara Y, Bryant
V, Kong X-F, Cypowyj S, Boisson-Dupuis S, Puel A, Casanova J-L, Morio
T, *Kobayashi M. Simple diagnosis of STAT1 gain-of-function alleles in
patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis presenting various
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