Dynamic Curve Simulator
This interactive program visualizes dynamic properties of planar curves including tangent vectors, normal vectors, curvature normals, osculating circles, evolute, offset curves, families and envelopes, caustics, orthotomic curve, orthotomic normals, family of orthotomic normals (caustics), family of curve evolutions (curvature flow, laplacian flow and contour map), Voronoi diagram, and inner and outer skeletons (medial axis, bi-tangent circle and voronoi).
This research is collaborated with Prof. Dr. A. G. Belyaev. The paper was published in Proc. International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, pp. 469-489, November 13-15, 2000, Nagano, Japan.
Java Software
You can download the Dynamic Curve Simulator which is TAR.GNUZIP file. After applied unzip, please read README.txt and the manual (MMMSoftMan.ps). Questions and Bug report are welcome to my e-mail: shin[_at_]riken.jp.
All rights are reserved by Shin Yoshizawa. This Java program is allowed for only a primary user for research and educational purposes. Don't use
secondary use: copy, distribution, diversion, business purpose, and etc.. In no event shall the author be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
special, incidental, or consequential damage arising out of the use of this
program and source files.
(*): The source codes are available by request.
Commercial and Business Use
If you would like to use this Java program in your commercial software then please contact with me and RIKEN.
July 12: Uploaded on my RIKEN HP.
2002-2006: Program had been on my MPII HP.
2001: Developed in Univ. Aizu.