東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター 鈴木研究室 大竹研究室
Alexander Belyaev先生 講演会
日本でもCG/CAD研究でご活躍された経験をお持ちのAlexander Belyaev先生(Heriot-Watt大学、イギリス)による講演会を下記の様に開催致します。どなたでも聴講出来ますので、お気軽にご参加ください。
講師: Alexander Belyaev (Heriot-Watt大学, UK)
日時: 2013年3月12日(火):14:00-15:00
場所: 東京大学 本郷キャンパス 工学部14号館7階 713会議室
講演言語: 英語
講演タイトル: PDE-based Methods for Smooth Distance Function Approximations
Signed and unsigned distance functions and their smooth approximations are widely used in shape and image analysis, structural mechanics, robotics, biomedical simulations, and many other areas. In this talk, I demonstrate how methods based on Partial Differential Equations (PDE) can be employed for constructing smooth distance function approximations. It is well known that the distance function satisfies an eikonal equation, a simple nonlinear PDE. This leads to PDE-based approaches to build smooth distance functions. Two such approaches are considered. The main idea behind the fist one consists of using the so-called Hopf-Cole transformation which yields an approximation of an eikonal equation by a linear diffusion-like equation. The second approach is based on using generalized double-layer potentials. Links between generalized double-layer potentials and generalized barycentric coordinates are studied. Applications of smooth distance functions to structural mechanics and computer graphics problems are discussed.
- 参考文献:
- A. Belyaev, P.-A. Fayolle, and A. Pasko, "Signed Lp-distance fields", CAD, 45(2): 523-528, 2013 (ACM SPM'12).
- K. Crane, C. Weischedel, and M. Wardetzky, "Geodesics in Heat", CoRR, 2012.
- J. Peng, D. Kristjansson, and D. Zorin, "Interactive Modeling of Topologically Complex Geometric Detail", ACM TOG, 23(3):635-643, 2004 (SIGGRAPH'04).
- K. Gurumoorthy, A. Rangarajan, and A. Banerjee, "The Complex Wave Representation of Distance Transforms", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6819:413-427, 2011.
- M. Freytag, V. Shapiro, and I. Tsukanov, "Finite element analysis in situ", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 47(9):957-972, 2011.
- R. Gasparini, T. Kosta, and I. Tsukanov, "Engineering analysis in imprecise geometric models", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 66:96-109, 2013.
(*): Technicalな詳細よりメインのIdeasに焦点を合わせた講演内容となります。
Alexander Belyaev is currently a Reader in Vision, Image & Signal Processing at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. His main research topics are digital geometry
processing, mathematical image analysis, and applied partial differential equations, on which he published more than one hundred articles in international conferences
and journals. Belyaev co-authored several Best Paper Awards-winning papers at international conferences. Some of his works on surface reconstruction from scattered point data, shape feature extraction, and mesh filtering are widely cited and used by students and scholars worldwide. In 2004-2007 Belyaev worked at Max Planck Institute for Informatics where he led a geometric modeling group. Belyaev's previous employments include Visiting Researcher and Associate Professor at the University of Aizu (1993-2004) and Junior Research Fellow at Moscow State University (1989-1993). Belyaev received his PhD on asymptotic analysis of partial differential equations from Moscow State University in 1990.
モスクワ州立大(ロシア)にて「偏微分方程式の漸近解析」によりPhDを取得(1990)。 同大Junior Research Fellow (1989-1993)、会津大学研究員・助教授 (1993-2004)、マックスプランク・コンピュータ科学研究所(ドイツ)上級研究員:CG部門形状モデリンググループ長(2004-2007)を経て、現在はHeriot-Watt大学(イギリス)ビジョン・画像・信号処理グループの準教授(Reader)です。
(C) 2013 University of Tokyo, Yutaka Ohtake, Japan. All rights reserved.