Tentative Programme of RIKEN SYMPOSIUM

"Japan-UK Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes"

The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)

31 July - 1 August 1999


Sponsored by

The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)

The British Council, Tokyo

The Society for Atomic Collision Research, Japan


Each talk: 25 min. + 5-min. discussion


[Saturday, 31 July 1999] 9:15 -- 17:00



J. D. Silver (Oxford Univ.)

"How well are the one- and two-electron ions understood?"


J.-P. Connerade (Imperial College) and M.-S. Zhan

"Atoms in crossed electric and magnetic fields"


10:30 -- 11:00 Break


X.-M. Tong(Japan Sci. Tech. Corp.), T. Watanaabe and S. Ohtani

"Application of the linear response theory to photoionization processes: Eu, Eu+, Xe and Xe+"


Y. Azuma (Photon Factory, KEK)

"Triple photoexcitation and triple photoionization of lithium"


12:00 -- 13:30 Lunch


N. J. Mason (Univ. College London)

"Molecular spectroscopy and collision dynamics probed by synchrotron radiation and electron scattering"


P. Hammond (Univ. Manchester)

"New experiments for studying electron-electron correlations"


A. Kheifets (Australian National Univ.)

"Atomic double ionization by photon and electron impact"


15:00 -- 15:30 Break


T.Y. Suzuki(Univ. Electro-communication)

"Asymptotic behaviours of apparent generalized oscillator strengths for optically forbidden transitions in rare gas atoms"


A. C. H. Smith (Univ. College London), M. E. Bannister, Y.-S. Chung, N. Djuric, G. H. Dunn,

B. Wallbank and O. Woitke

"Electron impact excitation of multiply charged ions near threshold"


I. Shimamura (RIKEN)

"Atomic three-body dynamics"


[Sunday, 1 August 1999] 9:15 -- 17:00

K. A. Berrington (Sheffield Hallam Univ.)

"New calculations of inner-shell ionization processes"


E. Kimura (Miyazaki Univ.), S. Nakazaki, K. A. Berrington and P. H. Norrington

"Electron-impact excitation of helium-like ions using the relativistic R-matrix method"


10:15 -- 10:45 Break


H. R. J. Walters (Queen's Univ.)

"On the use of pseudostates in electron, positron and positronium scattering by atoms"


J. W. Humberston (Univ. College London) and P. Van Reeth

"Low-energy positron-atom scattering"


P. Van Reeth (Univ. College London) and J. W. Humberston

"Comparison of positronium formation cross sections for low energy positron collisions with hydrogen and helium"


12:15 -- 13:45 Lunch


T. Nishimura (RIKEN)

"Positron scattering by polyatomic molecules"


M. Kimura (Yamaguchi Univ.)

"Low-energy ion-atom collisions"


S. F. C. O'Rourke (Queen's Univ.), R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich

"Recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy: Ionization in ion-atom collisions"


15:15 -- 15:45 Break


N. Shimakura (Niigata Univ.), S. Suzuki, N. Suzuki, J. F. McCann and A.Dickinson

"Mutual neutralization in low energy collisions of Na+ ions with H ions"


D. Sokolovski (Queen's Univ.)

"Resonance effects in atom-diatom angular scattering"