2007.07 Freiburg
Chair: J. Burgdoerfer, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, EU
Vice Chair: Y. Yamazaki, Atomic Physics Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako-Shi, Japan
Secretary: P. Hannaford, Sinburne University of Technology, Hawthorne Victoria, Australia
August 3, 2007
MINUTES of the Meeting of the Commission C15
on July 27, 2007, Freiburg, Germany
12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Attended by:
C. Cisneros (Mexico), A. Dimitriyev (Russia), B. Fricke (Germany),
K. Gebbie (USA), K. Y. K. Ho (Taiwan), D. Mathur (India), L. Moi (Italy),
R.Thompson (Canada), Y. Yamazaki (Japan, Vice Chair C15),
J. Burgdoerfer (Austria, Chair C15)
M.C. Castex (France), P. Hannaford (Australia, Secretary C15), M. Zhan (China)
Representative of ICPEAP:
Joachim Ullrich
The chair welcomes all members and guests. The agenda (appendix 1) is approved.
Report on General Council and Commission Chair (GC & CC) Meeting.
The chair briefly summarizes the main topics discussed and decided on during in GC & CC meeting in Prague, Oct. 13 to 15, 2006. A full report was sent out to the members of C15.
As associated members to C15 were confirmed:
Zohra Ben Lakhdar (Tunesia), from C13, Physics for Development
Bob Hallock (USA), from C5, Low Temperature Physics
Ari Friberg (Sweden), from Associated Commission 1, Optics
Associate members from C15 to commission C2 SUNAMCO:
A. Dimitriyev (Novosibirsk, Russia)
The chair explains that additional associate members could not be appointed due to the fact that the IUPAP office did not mail the list of our nominees to other commissions early enough.
The members state that they did not receive their copy of the IUPAP 2005 General Report
K. Gebbie will inquire with the IUPAP office and initiate the mailing of the report to the members.
The chair reports on the decisions regarding the conference support.
ICPEAC 2007 in Freiburg received support as type A conference.
HCI 2006 was not supported based on the fact that it took place in Europe 3 times in a row.
The chair pointed out that the latter results from the difficulties
in organizing the conference in Gaithersburg (USA) in 2004,
which led to the move to Vilnius (Lithuania).
IUPAP young scientist prize
The chair reports on the selection of the first IUPAP young scientist prize.
C15 received nominations of 16 highly qualified candidates.
The selection committee agreed on awarding the prize to Robin Santra, Argonne National Lab., USA.
The chair pointed out that the nominations were unevenly distributed among regions with nominations
from Asia and Latin America missing.
Mathur, Ho and Yamazaki state that the call for nominations was widely distributed in India, Taiwan, and Japan.
They expect that more nominations can be expected in future years when the prize is better known.
All members are requested to distribute and circulate the updated call for nominations
for the 2008 prize (new deadline: December 31, 2007) to national and regional physics publications and societies.
The commission agrees that all eligible nominations received for the 2007 prize remain active.
The chair will request from the nominators updated information.
Conference Support
The commission unanimously supports the following ranking of conference applications:
a) ICAP 2008, Storrs, CT. USA - type A
b) HCI 2008, Tokyo, Japan - type B
c) X-08, Paris, France - type B
The commission notes that HCI was incorrectly classified as type C conference
based on an overly pessimistic estimate on attendance.
Yamazaki will suggest to the local organizers to send to IUPAP a letter
correcting the information given on the application.
Yamazaki reports on the status of the C15 webpage.
The webpage should become operational by October 2007.
Yamazaki will send the URL to all members and collects suggestions and improvements.
All members are requested to provide input and additions to the contents of the webpage.
Thompson suggests a visible presence of IUPAP-C15 at national and regional meetings
in the field of C15 such as DAMOP ect.
All members will explore the possibility to institutionalize such a presence at meetings in their region.
Recruitment of new IUPAP member countries
The chair reports on the IUPAP strategy to expand the IUPAP membership base.
This includes discounts and support to attend meetings.
A preliminary list of targeted countries is enclosed in the hand-out.
The members are requested to help to identify suitable countries using their personal contact.
Ho and Mathur raise the issue of difficulties regarding visits of scientists to the USA.
Thompson points out that also foreign scientists working in the USA have difficulties attending meetings abroad.
The commission C15 is concerned about these persistent difficulties
despite improvements and agrees to closely monitor the situation.
Continued IUPAP support of future conferences in the USA will require the accessibility
by all bona fide scientists without undue delay.
All members are urged to report and document to the commission all difficulties encountered by colleagues.
The next commission meeting will take place during ICAP 2008 in Storrs, CT, USA
July 27, 2008 - August 01, 2008 (if access is assured).
Joachim Burgdoerfer (chair)