2006.07 Insburuck
Chair: J. Burgdoerfer, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, EU
Vice Chair: Y. Yamazaki, Atomic Physics Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako-Shi, Japan
Secretary: P. Hannaford, Sinburne University of Technology, Hawthorne Victoria, Australia
July 27, 2006
MINUTES of the Meeting of the Commission on July 20, 2006, Innsbruck, Austria
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Attended by:
L. Moi (Italy), B. Fricke (Germany), K. Gebbie (USA), Y. K. Ho (Taiwan),
M. Zhan (China), J. Burgdoerfer (Austria, Chair C15),
E. Moessmer (Secretary at Institute for Theoretical Physics, VUT)
D. Mathur (India), A. Dimitriyev (Russia), P. Hannaford (Australia, Secretary C15),
R.Thompson (Canada), Y. Yamazaki (Japan, Vice Chair C15).
Representative of ICAP:
Timo Koerber (Austria)
Welcome and Agenda
The chair welcomes all participants.
New members of the commission for the three year period 2006 - 2008 introduce themselves.
The participants approve the agenda (Appendix 1)
Topic 3:
Report on the General Council and Commission Chairs (GC&CC) meeting 2006 in London.
The chair summarized the report on the introductory meeting for incoming commission chairs
(February 24 and 25, 2006) which was sent out by email.
This email apparently did not reach all of the members due to errors in the email data base.
A copy of the report is therefore attached again. (Appendix 2).
The report summarizes the mission and tasks IUPAP and its commissions should fulfil.
Since some of the commission members did not receive the booklet "General Report" of the General Assembly Meeting 2005,
the chair will ask the IUPAP office to mail additional copies to members of C-15.
Action: request by chair to IUPAP office for additional copies.
Topic 4:
Support and endorsement of conferences
The representative of the ICAP in Innsbruck, Timo Koerber, reports on the distribution of IUPAP funds
by the local organizing committee.
All of travel funds ($ 5.000,--) and a major fraction of the general support ($11.000,--)
was used to sponsor the attendance of scientists from less developed and economically disadvantaged regions.
The preliminary number of grants made available was 23 and a break-down
in terms of the countries of the delegates receiving support was given.
A final report will be submitted to IUPAP later after the bookkeeping of the conference has been completed.
The chair thanks Timo Koerber for the report and expresses his appreciation
for the excellent local organization of the conference and of the C-15 meeting.
The sponsorship of future conferences: The application of ICPEAC 2007 in Freiburg (type A meeting)
has already been pre-approved during the C-15 meeting in 2005.
The level of financial support will only be determined at the next GC&CC meeting in October 2006.
The commission considers two new applications for type B meetings:
ISI-2007 (XVIII Int. conference on Ion-Surface Interaction, Zvenigorod, Russia) and ISC-2007 (2nd International Spectroscopy Conference, Sousse, Tunisia).
After a detailed discussion, the commission agrees on the following ranking:
1. ICPEAC 2007, Freiburg (Germany) - Type A
2. ISI 2007, Zvenigorod (Russia) - Type B
3. ISC 2007, Sousse (Tunisia) - Type B
Action: Presentation of the ranking to IUPAP GC&CC meeting by the chair.
Topic 5:
IUPAP Prize for young researchers in the field of AMO physics
The chair reports on the decision of the General Assembly in 2005
to offer commissions the opportunity to establish an IUPAP prize for young researchers.
The General Assembly has also established general selection guidelines and procedures.
Taking these as well as proposals from other commissions already approved into account,
the chair presents a proposal for the award of the annual IUPAP prize in the field of AMO physics (Appendix 3).
After an extensive discussion the proposal is unanimously approved. During the discussion several points
have been clarified:
In addition of the exec. officers (chair, vice-chair, secretary)
two members (Gebbie (USA) and Fricke (Germany)) are nominated
for the selection committee for the period 2006 - 2008.
In addition the (international) chairs of the ICPEAC and ICAP,
the two conferences involved, will be members of the selection committee.
All commission members will be involved in the selection process.
They will receive the nomination material and they will be given the opportunity
to comment on the merit of all nominations.
Should the proposal passed by the commission be approved in October 2006
by the IUPAP GC&CC meeting we plan to award the first prize in 2007.
Because of the tight schedule for the announcement for this first prize,
the deadline for nomination will be postponed from the regular date Dec. 1, 2006 to February 1, 2007.
All commission members are urged to help the publicizing the call for nominations,
in particular to make sure that the call will appear in electronic and hard copy publications
of the national physics societies (or their AMO divisions).
Letters of references will not be required as part of the nomination package
but will be accepted and considered when available.
1. Submission of the prize proposal to IUPAP by the chair
2. After notification of acceptances publicizing call for nomination by all commission members
3. Posting the call on IUPAP-C15 webpage (vice-chair, secretary)
Topic 6:
Associate membership
The commission C 15 has the opportunity to participate in the work and deliberations
of other commissions by nominating up to 4 associate members for the period 2007 - 2009.
Conversely, other commissions can nominate associate members to our commission.
These nominations will be voted at the IUPAP GC&CC meeting in October 2006.
The discussion at the commission meeting resulted in the following suggestions:
Members of C 15 nominated for associate membership in other commissions:
Dimitriyev (Russia) for C-2 (SUNAMCO)
Ho (Taiwan) for C-12 (Nuclear Physics)
Fricke (Germany) for C-19 (Astrophysics)
If someone is interested, one additional (self-)nomination would be possible
if received by the chair by end of August.
Members of other commissions nominated for associate membership in C-15:
Telmini (Tunisia) (suggested by secretary general)
Unless I hear otherwise, I will present the above slate for a vote at the meeting.
Topic 7:
Recruitment of new IUPAP member countries
The chair reports on efforts by IUPAP to recruit additional countries for membership.
Membership is institutional, i.e. national liaison organizations become members by buying shares.
Vote in the General Assembly (but not in the commission!) are weighted by the number of shares.
New members are sought from both the developing world as well as from emerging countries
that feature a sizable physics community without being represented at IUPAP.
For these countries an "inducement package" will be made available
in order to lower the initial financial hurdles.
The members of the commission are asked to help in this effort.
The contacts to senior members of the physics communities in those countries
could be used to initiate this process.
Members with contacts senior to scientists in non-IUPAP member countries explore the
potential interest in the membership and report their findings to the chair.
Topic 8:
The next IUPAP - C15 meeting
The next IUPAP - C15 meeting will take place during ICPEAC 2007 in Freiburg, July 25 - 31, 2007.
The exact date will be announced later.
J. Burgdorfer (chair)