
  • Yuzu Kobayashi (JRA), "電気化学界面の単分子計測に向けた新規手法開拓:酸化還元反応の追跡と界面分光計測 (Development of new techniques for single-molecule measurements at electrochemical interfaces: redox reaction tracking and interfacial spectroscop)", The University of Tokyo, Sep. 2023.
  • Minhui Lee (JRA), "Mechanistic study of single-molecule surface dynamics - experimental and theoretical approaches(単一分子表面ダイナミクスのメカニズム研究 - 実験的および理論的アプローチ- ", The University of Tokyo, Sep. 2022.
  • Maki Torimoto, "Structural control of supported metals and oxide supports, their evaluation and catalytic applications", Waseda University, Mar. 2022.
  • Takuya Miyazaki(JRA), "双極性回転子の配向およびダイナミクス制御に基づく分子メモリシステムの開発に関する研究", Tokyo Institute of Technology, Mar. 2022.
  • Inhae Zoh (IPA), "Single-molecule studies of a thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter molecule using scanning tunneling microscopy", Seoul National University, Feb. 2022.
  • Kensuke Kimura (JRA), "単一分子の荷電状態操作による励起子の選択的形成 (Selective formation of an exciton by manipulating a charged state of a single molecule)", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2020.
  • Maria Herminia Balgos (IPA), "Spatio-temporal characterization of the electrical and optical properties of low temperature-grown gallium arsenide structures for terahertz applications", University of the Philippines Diliman, Jan. 2020.
  • Miyabi Imai (JRA), "Controlling electronic and optical properties of a single molecule on an ultrathin insulating film", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2019.
  • Bo Yang (IPA), "Development of an electrochemical fabrication method of Au tips for STM studies", Saitama University, Sep. 2018.
  • Chun Ouyang (IPA), "Study of electron transport through rigid and planar single molecular wires", Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jul. 2018.
  • Raymond Wong (IPA), "Elucidating the influence of carbonaceous electrodes and meta/metal oxide promoters in non-aqueous Li-O2 batteries", Tokyo Institute of Technology, Mar. 2017.
  • Holly Walen (Short-term IPA), "Sulfur-induced structural motifs on copper and gold surfaces", Iowa State University, Mar. 2016.
  • Kan Ueji (JRA), "Controlling superstructures of squaric acid and its derivatives by non-covalent interaction", Tokyo University of Science, Mar. 2016.
  • Takuma Omiya (IPA), "Energy conversion between CO and porphyrins on surfaces studied by ultrafast vibrational and scanning tunneling spectroscopies", University of Liverpool, Nov. 2015.
  • Balois Maria Vane Cases (IPA), "Characterization of local physicochemical properties of nano-sized materials by micro and nano-Raman spectroscopy", Tokyo Institute of Technology, Sep. 2015.
  • Hyun Jin Yang (JRA), "Microscopic view of intermolecular interaction for CO chemisorbed on Pt(111)", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2014.
  • Seiji Takemoto (JRA), "ナノカーボンと電極の相互作用と電子状態", University of Tsukuba, Mar. 2013.
  • Liping Zhu (IPA), "Studies on amoeba-based computing for traveling salesman problem: Spatiotemporally correlated search dynamics of physarum polycephalum", Tokyo Institute of Technology, Mar. 2013.
  • Ju-Hyung Kim (IPA), "Controlling interfacial interactions of pi-conjugated molecules on noble metal surfaces", The University of Tokyo, Sep. 2012.
  • Juyeon Park (Short-term IPA), "Electronic structure and self-organization at interface studied by two-photon photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy", Seoul National University, Aug. 2012.
  • Takuya Noguchi (JRA), "Solid-phase and gas-phase oxidation of graphitic carbon thin films", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2012.
  • Jaehoon Jung (IPA), "Controlling chemical reactivity of ultrathin oxide film by interface manipulation", The University of Tokyo, Sep. 2011.
  • Kenta Motobayashi (JSPS), "Quantitative understanding of single molecular motion and reactions through inelastic electron tunneling by STM", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2011. 

Master's degree  

  • Ami Iwashima, "SrTiO3(100)-(√13×√13)再構成表面上における水分子の単一分子レベル研究", Saitama University, Mar. 2024.
  • Kaito Kondo, "STMによる単一分子の帯電状態操作と励起子形成機構の解明-KBr薄膜上のフタロシアニン分子-", Yokohama National University, Mar. 2023.
  • Shunichiro Mabuchi, "フォトクロミックジアリールエテンのラマン分光および走査型トンネル顕微鏡測定, Keio University, Mar. 2021.
  • Minhui Lee, "Atomic-level investigation of molecular behaviors on solid surface", University of Ulsan, Aug. 2019.
  • Kensuke Kimura, "走査トンネル顕微鏡を用いた単一分子の三重項励起状態の選択的形成", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2017.
  • Shota Kawahara, "STMを用いた単分子発光分光法の二分子系への展開", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2016.
  • Kan Ueji, "スクアリリウム色素の積層構造に及ぼすアルキル鎖の効果", Tokyo University of Science, Mar. 2013.
  • Miyabi Imai, "孤立吸着フタロシアニンの電子状態 -金属・絶縁体・有機半導体表面において-", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2013.
  • Tetsuya Otani, "金属表面上でのフッ化フラーレンの吸着構造", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2011.
  • Takeshi Takami, "Pt(111)表面上におけるグラフェンの化学修飾 -STMによる物性変化の解析-", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2011.
  • Shinji Doi, "STM/STSとX線内殻分光を用いたCu(110)上に吸着したメタアミノ安息香酸イオンの電子状態研究", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2010.

Bachelor's degree  

  • Risa Ogata, "テラヘルツ電場駆動STMによるC60分子膜の発光測定", Yokohama National University, Mar. 2024.
  • Tamaki Takeuchi, "単原子層 MoS2の合成および構造評価", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2024.
  • Hirotoshi Kodama, "プラズモニック金銀合金表面の作製と微視的-巨視的表面分析手法の評価", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2024.
  • Sota Funaoka, "Ag(100)上における MgO 薄膜成⻑の最適化", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2024.
  • Yuki Fukuzumi, "光STM実験のための局在表面プラズモン共鳴特性の自動制御", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2024.
  • Keishi Yamaguchi, "走査トンネル顕微鏡を用いた柔らかい光機能性分子の吸着構造と電子状態に関する研究", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2024.
  • Kyoka Mochizuki, "走査トンネル顕微鏡による高次アセンの単一分子分光", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2024.
  • Takahide Miyamoto, "フェロセン誘導体膜の帯電に及ぼす鏡像電荷の寄与:電気化学と真空環境による差異", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2023.
  • Hiroki Nanbu, "STMを用いたZnNc単一分子の電子状態測定と発光測定-絶縁薄膜を介した光物性の制御-", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2023.
  • Shoma Tateda, "銅表面に吸着した不飽和アルデヒドの走査トンネル顕微鏡観察", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2023.
  • Toru Okai, "金属表面に吸着したCO2の実空間観測", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2023.
  • Ami Iwashima, "ペロブスカイト型酸化物触媒上における水分解反応の微視的観察と制御", Kitasato University, Mar. 2022.
  • Kazuhiro Sato, "トンネル電子注入によるジアリールエテンの単分子反応", Keio University, Mar. 2022.
  • Minoru Takeda, "STMによるKBr絶縁体超薄膜上でのH2Pc単一分子測定", Yokohama National University, Mar. 2022.
  • Kaito Kondo, "ペンタセン単一分子の電子状態測定と分子操作", Yokohama National University, Mar. 2021.
  • Yuto Fujita, "パルスレーザー堆積法を用いたルテニウム酸ストロンチウム薄膜作製の最適化とその構造評価", Keio University, Mar. 2021.
  • Seiji Kasahara, "陰極還元処理を施したダイヤモンド電極の電気化学特性", Keio University, Mar. 2017.
  • Kensuke Kimura, "Ag(111)および NaCl超薄膜表面上における 超薄膜表面上におけるYPc2分子の単分子分光", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2015.
  • Shota Kawahara, "CVD薄膜作製システムの構築およびAg(100)表面上に形成したMgO薄膜の構造解析", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2014.
  • Miyabi Imai, "Ag(111)表面におけるTCNQ誘導体単分子膜のSTM観察", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2011.
  • Gaku Mizusawa, "MgO/Ag(100)上に吸着した孤立CO分子の拡散及び脱離機構の解明", The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2010. 


Surface and Interface Science Laboratory, RIKEN, Hirosawa 2-1, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 118-8656, Japan